
Gemini's horoscope for September 2021

Written by Daisy

Gemini: Astral Climate for September 2021

The beginning of the year is tinged with romanticism. Venus gives you charm and allows you to seduce everyone until the 10th. The Sun will restrain you somewhat until the 22nd by confining you to family obligations. Mars in Virgo brings an energy that is difficult to manage. Your activities are marked by routine, boredom, or monotony. You dream of wide-open spaces without getting out of your sometimes heavy daily routine. But Jupiter and Saturn are watching over your development and are giving you certain wisdom. Your situation is relatively stable, and you devote yourself to your loved ones for a good part of the month.

Gemini: Mood for September 2021

Your relationships with others are good, marked by friendship, but communication is slow. Delays, breakdowns, misunderstandings make you bristle and darken your moods at times. Your caustic spirit then takes over, and you must be wary of the jabs you throw, which could earn you lasting enmities. Instead, use your eloquence to expose your plans, find support, or set out to win over an attractive person. Suppose you use your critical mind positively by analyzing situations lucidly rather than making fun of others. In that case, you will make supporters rather than enemies.

Gemini: Love for September 2021

Mercury and Venus in trine during the first two weeks of the month will guarantee you good popularity due to your good mood, sense of communication, and light and naughty sensuality. The sky exalts your desire to be helpful and to take care of everyone's well-being. Still, you also relay your personal ambitions, and your desire to elevate yourself sometimes prevails over your desire to seduce. Your initiatives are not always clearly perceived by your family. Avoid emotional manipulation and express your feelings honestly. Don't be too demanding in your expectations: let the other person have the right to make mistakes or simply to feel differently.

Gemini: Money for September 2021

Until the 10th, your associations and collaborations are profitable. You share your vision of the future without any problem, and you do not lack support for your projects. However, your means remain limited: you must preserve your assets, limit your expenses and invest prudently. At the beginning of the month, you may be tempted to spend a lot of money to please or offer yourself a beautiful object, a luxury product. Keep this tendency in check and think about putting aside a few pennies for a rainy day instead. On the whole, you are not risking much in September: your sky is protective as long as you stay reasonable.

Gemini: Work for September 2021

From September 15th onwards, Mars reinforces your confidence and your ability to ensure quality work up to your personal expectations and those of your hierarchy. Your thoroughness and dedication are appreciated. From the 22nd, the Sun exalts your desire to be valuable and profitable. Venus frees your imagination, and you find it easier to express your talents until the 10th. Jupiter encourages you and participates in your social development. At the same time, Saturn curbs your spontaneous impulses and gently guides you towards maturity. Your convincing arguments are likely to favor your advancement. Still, with the retrograde of Mercury, negotiations will get bogged down a bit from the 29th. They will only really resume from October 18th.

Gemini: Leisure for September 2021

Your creativity is exalted, and this is an excellent time to engage in an artistic activity that should give you great satisfaction and perhaps increase your popularity. Mars encourages you to exercise physically to eliminate the nervous tension that builds up and sometimes leaves you overwhelmed by your unconscious emotions. As a family, plan activities with your loved ones without making it a competition: a bike ride, a treasure hunt, playful activities with the children will distract and relax you.

Gemini: Key dates for September 2021

- On the 2nd, don't offend those around you by exposing a vague ideal or imposing your personal perspectives.

- On the 17th, you will improve your exchanges with those close to you, sensitive situations will evolve, and you will put yourself at the service of the community. However, some barriers seem to hinder your evolution.

- On the 22nd, specific desires, fantasies, or compulsive behaviors interfere with your feelings.

- On the 23rd, you need to control your tension to not be the first victim of your reactions.

- On the 30th, a slight moderation would allow you to spend your energy wisely!

Gemini: Advice for September 2021

You do not lack the charm or goodwill to make your family relationships evolve, even if you have other priorities in September. You are mobilizing to warm up the atmosphere. You need to manage your resources well to get through and finish the month without wasting your energies on controversy or ill-controlled and often useless initiatives.

Horoscope for September 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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