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Written by Evie

Astro and News: In order not to miss anything of our news, discover trendy and topical articles as well as our astro articles of the moment here!

Where does Natalie come from?

Natalie comes from the Latin "natalis" which means "birth". With a reserved, even secret, look, Natalie may seem mysterious. Introverted at first, her mind, however, is full of a thousand questions. Hypersensitive, she has to take care of herself and of herself. Her intuition and critical thinking can open doors in the field of psychology, theater, writing or science. Her premonitions are innumerable and she will rely on her flashes when she understands that they are right. In search of a form of wisdom, she could turn to spiritual communities or animated by an elevated or humanitarian ideal. Of great fragility, it is necessary that Natalie live with her parents, during childhood, in symbiosis to acquire stable foundations. Made for studies, she can invest body and soul. Learning comedy could also help her transmute her dreams. Written by David - Names News

Do you know Anna?

Hebrew origin of the name Anna means "grace" and perhaps this is not what gives Anne a sweet and delicate charm. But make no mistake, her sincere and fresh personality does not prevent her mind from being serious, deep and intuitive, which gives her the assets to mold her life and the experiences she wants to know. She has a sense of detail and an aesthetic sensibility that can lead her to an artistic activity. In search of harmony, she usually finds it in her half that will act as a guide and support in the decisive moments. Anne is associated with the astrological sign of Cancer, which generally favors her family because she likes to share her values with her family and also the good times. Anne is recognized for her sense of friendship and generosity, however, she avoids playing with nerves because she has the answer and the ease of words that she lashes. Written by David - Names News

Back to Egyptian astrology!

If you were born between July 29th and August 11th, your Egyptian astrological sign is Sekhmett. Sekhmett is a terrifying goddess whose face shows no pity, no sweetness and seems to condemn the eyes of faulty humans. But it's still fair, equitable and we cannot influence it. She is a strict goddess who sets the boundaries between good and evil, right and wrong. She also has the power to heal. The natives of Sekhmett are honest, of high morality but often uncompromising with the weaknesses of others. They are sensitive and can, under the influence of their emotions, get angry or feed crazy passions. They do not easily trust and never forgive a traitor. It is a very observant sign that nothing escapes, his words are precise and his actions are clever but he lacks flexibility, indulgence. These natives also have a slightly pessimistic side. Written by Zagon - World News

Your guardian angel: Nith-Haiah

If you were born between July 22nd and 26th, your guardian angel is Nith-Haiah. The keyword of his energy is "goodness". You may feel some aggression on the part of the outside world, materializing in the form of people who solicit you from time to time for you to help them; they must be answered by imposing your own limits while showing kindness and openness to them. Finding a balance between the person you are and that you respect and this ability to smile at the hassle of everyday life is your challenge. Your guardian angel invites you to nurture your patience through your indulgence. Do not respond to provocations with anger because you would only feed a consuming energy; on the contrary, ignore negative energies so that they go out on their own. Nith-Haiah opens you to wisdom and to the knowledge of esoteric mysteries. He intervenes in your dreams by communicating images and sensations premonitory. Written by David - Guardian Angels News

Space for the King of the animals!

Happy birthday to the Lion natives! The sun enters your sign today and is in tune with the summer heat. It's your time, your moment to be able to express your feelings, declare your love, appeal to your creativity, give it free rein and know those days and nights when the party is in full swing. Your inner sun shines, you make laugh and unleash the passions. This dynamic climate encourages you to assert yourself, connected to an energy of joy and daring. Thank the sun for sending you good impulses that will bring you festive occasions, exciting meetings and projects that you care about. In short, you will eat Lion a lot, passionately and madly! Written by David - Astrological Signs News

Join the healthy, useful and enjoyable, take a dip!

If you are this summer by the sea like millions of people, do not deprive you of regular baths, not only to refresh or to frolic you by game but specially to benefit from the healing virtues of the sea water. Rich in negative ions, the wave penetrates your skin and your body to evacuate toxins, regenerate muscle cells and even heal wounds, if you have any. 10 to 15 minutes are enough to do you good and clean up or rest your being. In addition to be a good exfoliator for your skin, salt water allows your body to drain and therefore, tone your lymphatic circulation and fight against cellulite or even water retention. And we can never say it enough, it is an amazing antistressor thanks to the trace elements it contains, hence the fact of generally encouraging the sportsmen after a hard session of physical activity to go some lengths. Written by David - Beauty / Fitness News

What Victor are you?

Victor! The Latin origin of his name means "victorious" or "winner". Victor exudes a great strength, friendly, sociable and calm. We appreciate his safety at home and in search of harmony. He is a great sentimentalist who works as a crush, whatever the object of his desire, an affective or professional option, a book, a movie, a garment. Pleasant and generous, Victor likes to share with his friends his passions and his joy for existence. However, he can be influenced by his family, friends or close friends and do things that he does not fully appreciate because of friendship or love. Hard worker, he may experience some falls in his pace, but his professional conscience always makes him take things with his own hands. Eager to please, he uses his charm and always seeks the beauty and harmony of an atmosphere, a person, a universe. He abhors injustice and reacts a quarter of a turn to correct any balance problem in this regard. Written by David - Names News

Disciplined, Leo?

Leo has respect of the hierarchies, provided to be at the top of the scale or able to reach it. He is a good leader and an efficient employee who needs recognition and esteem from his superiors. If he feels valued, he will be dazzling with goodwill. Leo, proud, warm and generous does not support any questioning; he has great difficulty in bowing to any authority and often plays the bully at his hours. If he rebels, his leadership skills may quickly turn an altercation into a revolution. Leo is woven of the stuff of the heroes but it can give the best as the worst.... Written by David - Astrological Signs News

Virgo: Reason in the Service of Emotion

Virgos tend to think long and hard before making decisions, but they also need to learn to trust their emotional intuition.
Stress management is a priority. Virgos can benefit from relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation to release pressure and soothe their emotions.
Lastly, patience with oneself is essential. It's normal not to have everything perfectly under control. Virgos need to learn to tolerate their imperfections and be kind to themselves.
In conclusion, managing emotions as a Virgo involves developing emotional awareness, adopting open communication, finding a balance between reflection and intuition, managing stress, and cultivating patience.
By integrating these skills into their lives, Virgos can maintain a healthy emotional balance. Written by Zagon - Astrological Signs News

Retirement Travel: The Limitless Adventure of Second Life

Retirement marks the beginning of a new adventure, and nothing symbolizes this adventure better than travel. Traveling in retirement offers a unique opportunity to explore the world without the constraints of full-time employment. It's a time to live fully, broaden horizons, and create unforgettable memories.
When you're retired, time becomes a precious resource, and it's time to use it to explore distant destinations or revisit places that have always been on your wish list. Travel allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures, savor exotic flavors, and meet people from all walks of life.
Furthermore, traveling in retirement can foster personal growth. You can learn new languages, develop new skills, or simply immerse yourself in enriching experiences that you might not have had during your professional life.
Finally, traveling in retirement strengthens family and friendship bonds. You can go on vacation with loved ones, create special memories together, and share moments of joy and discovery. Written by Zagon - Leisure News

Who are the Carla?

Carla is of Germanic origin: "karl " means strong, vigorous. Carla is open-minded, sociable and communicates very easily with good humor and joy of life. She has a great need for company and finds peace and serenity in the affection of her family. She is diplomatic and has good working relationships, but if she feels disappointed or deceived, she can become very angry. Carla talks a lot, but talks little about herself and remains very discreet. She is an optimistic and dynamic woman who is not impressed by failures. In love, she is tender and sensual, but also jealous and even exclusive. In the same way, she is a true mother hen with her children! Written by Zagon - Names News

Become a Volunteer!

Educate Yourself: Some organizations may require specific training. Make sure you acquire the necessary skills to contribute effectively.
Engage with Passion: When you start volunteering, fully invest yourself. Be reliable, honor your commitments, and bring a positive energy.
Share Your Experience: Share your experience with others. Your enthusiasm can inspire others to get involved too. Volunteering is a rewarding experience that can not only have a positive impact on society but also bring personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.
Don't hesitate to get involved and make a difference in the world around you. Written by Zagon - Astro Mindset News

Cancer is celebrating!

Cancer prefers to receive rather than to be received. When he is preparing a party, he has no trouble getting organized. It easily creates a warm atmosphere with tasty dishes, comfortable sofas and good music. Thanks to him, nobody gets bored because he always feeds conversations. Cancer rarely comes out of his house to have fun, but when he does, it's all the way through, he lets go, forgets his complexes and makes the most of it. He offers people to sing and toast in his company and he speaks with frankness and simplicity, even to strangers. Written by David - Astrological Signs News

Independent Cancer

If you work for yourself, the atmosphere is often family. You always have a cozy corner to relax with a good coffee or a cupcake! It is not uncommon to meet children, pets or, for some, friends or neighbors. This makes your business sense even more daunting because, despite your taste for a quasi-communal atmosphere, you perfectly discern your personal interests. You can also be capricious in your dealings with your employees. Written by David - Astrological Signs News

The Benefits of Retirement.

Retirement offers a multitude of benefits after your professional career. The privileges of retirement are many and varied; they bring a new dimension to your daily life.
Retirement allows you to savor your freedom above all else. No more rushed early morning wake-ups to commute to work; it's time to relish the freedom of choosing your own pace of life. You have more time for hobbies, passions, and long-neglected pastimes.
Furthermore, retirement offers the opportunity to travel more often. Flexible schedules allow you to explore the world at your own pace, finally realizing your dreams of discovery.
Retirement promotes your mental and physical health. Less stress, more time for exercise, and better time management enable you to maintain a balanced life.
In summary, retirement offers you a new horizon of freedom, leisure, and personal fulfillment. It's a life stage to be fully enjoyed by realizing your dreams and savoring every moment. Written by Zagon - Astro Mindset News

1. Luckiest signs of the month
2. The great spring clean: horoscope exclusive
3. Go Through Spring Gently: Spring is Back!
4. Children and Easter: exclusive horoscope
5. Call up the Sun and dare to laugh!
6. Social network: your star sign on Facebook
7. What to offer for Grandmothers' Day
8. Women's astrological profile at each life stage
9. Valentine's Day: Long-live love
10. Horoscope and ideas for Valentine's Day
11. Mardi Gras: your sign's horoscope
12. Celebrate the Chinese New year 2024!
13. Your special spring 2024 forecast

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