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Written by Evie

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Planning for Retirement

Retirement is a crucial stage in life that requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. To successfully plan for retirement, it's essential to consider various aspects.
Evaluate your financial needs. Calculate how much money you will need to maintain the lifestyle you desire. This includes managing your savings, building a strong retirement fund, and reviewing potential investments.
Think about your personal retirement goals. Do you want to travel, get involved in volunteering, explore new passions, or simply relax? Having a clear vision of what you want will help you plan your schedule and activities.
Health is another important factor. Ensure you have adequate medical coverage and consider long-term care plans if necessary. A healthy and active lifestyle is also essential for a happy and fulfilling retirement.
Finally, consider how you want to stay socially connected. Join clubs, community groups, or stay in touch with friends to maintain a rich social life.
In conclusion, planning for retirement is a holistic process, and with thoughtful approaches, you'll be better prepared to enjoy a fulfilling and balanced retirement. Written by Zagon - Work News

Cultivate gratitude

We can think that gratitude would only be a feeling of passage in our lives, on the occasion of a gift that would please us, for example. But it can become the basis of a philosophy of life by actively practicing this recognition and very serious scientific research has shown that this recognition could change everything if we maintain it on a daily basis; it contributes to feeling happy, healthy and positive. The investment in your gratitude capital will bring you every time more things because you will know how to recognize all that you live or possess as a benefit; in other words, if the riches (not necessarily material) represent such a coefficient of fulfillment in your existence it will become more obvious and more rewarding. Let's put Murphy's law in the locker room and enjoy the small moments of beauty of everyday life, learn to spot them and see them to appreciate them, always. Written by David - Astro Mindset News

Your Egyptian astrological sign: Isis

If you were born between October 18 and 29, your Egyptian astrological sign is Isis. Isis personifies patience and gives the natives a great openness, humanistic impulses. If you are betrayed, you will be no less idealistic and will always have faith in human nature. Of a conciliatory temperament, you always consider the positive and you settle in a blooming vibration. You always work in a way that will please your friends and your entourage and your magical good mood accomplishes this goal with ease. Moreover, when you go away, a big void is created in your loved ones. Solidarity, as well as intimate a life united to a partner, is essential to your eyes. The human sciences, psychology, sociology, community life represent areas where you could invest without problem. Determination is also one of your qualities to lead any project fighting against pettiness and hypocrisy. Written by David - World News

Self-portrait of Libra

In order to evolve as I see fit and as harmoniously as possible, I always manage to maintain beneficial relationships. To succeed, I rely more on others and my collaboration with them than on luck itself. For me, luck is dependent on the people I meet, the people I encounter and the people I interact with on a daily basis. Reasonable and lucid, I am not the type to commit excesses. In order not to plunge into delicate or inextricable situations, I trust my balanced mind. Written by David - Astrological Signs News

Know your House 10

A map of the sky is divided into twelve houses including four "angles ": the Ascendant or house 1 to the east, the bottom of the sky or house 4 to the north, the descendant or house 7 to the west and the middle from the sky or house 10 to the south, to the zenith. House 10 symbolizes social and professional life, ambitions and relationships with all authorities. It is by examining your middle of the sky that you will understand the best for what activity you are doing and what you can expect from your work. Every planet that is there is marked by this theme, for example, Venus in House 10 indicates that you are popular, loved in your work, Saturn, that you are able to shoulder great responsibilities... Even if no planet there, the sign where the house 10 begins gives you a "social portrait ": medical trades with the middle of the sky in Pisces or artistic career with the middle of the sky in Leo. Do not wait, discover your potential pro! Written by David - AstrologY News

Stop thinking conditional

We have become so addicted to thinking that we often think of ideas leading nowhere. The worst can be the everlasting "I should" which is only wind. "I should do sports" will only bring, in all logic, resentment and frustration. Do you think that because they told you? Because a sports fan recommended it to you? Or because you are complexed by your figure? Or simply because you are aiming for a more dynamic health? The reason that leads you to this idea is very important because a goal can be healthy as harmful, it is just the train of thought that led you to want to achieve it. The most important thing in this regard is to set goals that make sense and value to yourself and not listen to your neighbor who will have certified that it makes sense and is good for you. A word to the wise... Written by David - Astro Mindset News

Your guardian angel: Hahahel

If you were born between October 14th and 18th, your guardian angel is Hahahel. His keyword is "repair". The people born under his protection will be able to live some great successes in the ecclesiastical domain. If they harbor some doubts, a form of negative mysticism and agitated with troubles, they can appeal to their angel to protect themselves from disturbing thoughts and harmful environments. The natives tend to turn away from the social events and gatherings that make them uncomfortable. Their spiritual nobility is however there: they naturally help others, give unconditionally and their benevolence is greatly appreciated. They will also realize how their hands are endowed with healing magnetism. If they appeal to their angel, they will be able to further develop peace of mind, spirituality and fervent altruism. These natives are also endowed with a spirit of leadership and bravery. If you want to know more, come calculate your guardian angel . Written by David - Guardian Angels News

Libra in Search of Balance

Individuals born under the sign of Libra, between September 23 and October 22, are known for their keen sense of justice, inner harmony, and need to maintain balance. However, this quest for harmony can sometimes make managing emotions a challenge. Here are some tips to help them maintain emotional equilibrium.
First and foremost, recognizing and accepting one's emotions is crucial. Libras should learn not to judge their feelings but to welcome them with kindness. This will allow them to better understand and manage their emotional reactions.
Communication is a key skill. Libras should strive to express their emotions in a balanced and non-confrontational manner. Seeking compromises in relationships can help maintain harmony. Written by Zagon - Astrological Signs News

The virtues of cashews

Although it is less rich in calcium and fiber than almonds, cashews get a good reputation among nutritionists thanks to its mono-unsaturated fats, that is to say, beneficial for health. Clinical studies encourage a point consumption of these oleaginous fruits which are in good place to reduce the cardiovascular risks and of type 2 diabetes. It is of course necessary to obtain them in an organic grocer preferably, without salt and dry roasted and to turn away from those that are mixed with palm oil. Note that their copper, phosphorus and iron content is a very good antioxidant to protect and defend the body and thus fight against the effects of aging. Their magnesium is perfect for fighting mood swings or barbells. So, do not miss out on it: in the morning in a yoghurt or a muesli, at the four o'clock break with your apple! Written by David - Gastronomy News

Your Aztec astrological sign: House

If your home is a big part of your life, it could make you a House in Aztec astrology. What stimulates you is not so much in the sentimental field, to be an important hunting table but to engage with the soul mate for life. You are aiming for a harmonious duet within the ideal home, and the family is the most expensive in the world. Your caring and conformist character remains very welcoming as long as you have found your balance with yours. You prefer quality over quantity, so you pick your friends by handpicking them so you do not dissipate your energy. The stability of your lifestyle inevitably affects your professional life, which is why you will occupy a position with steady and secure income. You move slowly on your way and climb the ladder of the hierarchy without making waves. Written by David - World News

Stone-paper-scissors-well or the Shifumi

If you are bored with your colleagues or want to have a little fun with your children, the stone-paper-scissors-well does not cost a round because it is played with the hands and created good slices of fun. It can also help make decisions in a flip-flop way, but in a more playful way. The rule is very simple: 2 players use their hand to give it one of four possible forms. The strongest wins the game when he reaches 5 points. Count backwards and three, have the intuitive hand! If you play the stone, you will have closed your fist: the stone beats the scissors but loses against the well or the paper. If you play the paper, it covers the stone and the well but loses against the scissors that cut it. To imitate a pair of scissors, close the fist and extend the forefinger and middle finger away: the scissors cut the paper but fall into the well or break against the stone. To designate a well, the index finger and the thumb will form an O. So, are you ready? Written by David - Leisure News

The sign of the Amerindian zodiac of the month

The Amerindian culture attributes an animal to your birth, and if you were born today until October 22, your animal totem is the Raven. It corresponds to the beginning of autumn as the Libra in Western Astrology. Its ideal partners are the Otter and the Deer. The Raven is a charmer whose grace is innate and he is widely solicited for his advice and counsel. He is very sociable but can become quarrelsome and revengeful if he feels neglected or abandoned. However, he is cunning, intuitive and diplomatic. He adapts very well to different contexts and can have a credulous side that makes him see the things of life in beautiful colors. Note that if the symbolism of the Raven has bad press in the West, it is not the same in the Amerindian culture that sees it as an indispensable entity to the structure and organization of the universe. In ancient Greece, he was also the messenger of Apollo and delivered prophetic messages. Written by David - World News

Emotional Balance of Libra

Meditation and reflection are useful tools. Taking time to meditate, reflect, and find peaceful solutions to internal conflicts can help Libras maintain their emotional balance.
Stress management is essential. Libras can benefit from relaxation techniques like yoga or deep breathing to calm their emotions during tense moments.
Lastly, building self-confidence is important. Libras need to learn to trust their own emotional decisions and have faith in their ability to handle emotional challenges.
In conclusion, managing emotions as a Libra requires emotional recognition, balanced communication, mediation, stress management, and self-confidence strengthening.
By incorporating these skills into their lives, Libras can maintain their emotional balance and create harmonious relationships. Written by Zagon - Astrological Signs News

Feng-Shui cuisine

It must be assumed that any food prepared in a kitchen will be invested with the energy that prevails, so always make sure that your food room is always clean. Get rid of all your outdated products lying in the bottom of your closets or your fridge because the freshness of the dishes they contain will be an important vector for the health of your home. Another important point is that the sink and your cooking plates must not cohabit next to each other because the energies of water and fire are very opposite and can create disharmony in your home: you can always arrange a separation with wood (e.g. utensils) or a green plant. Also avoid leaving sharp material because Feng-Shui is not very customer of all these forms angular or sharp. On the other hand, if the worktop is facing the door, turning the back on visitors does not propagate a climate of invitation, so you can place a mirror to cancel this effect or a sparkling casserole. Finally, a good light is a sign of good health and good mood, so be sure to make it clear and relaxing. Written by David - Gastronomy News

The 11 in numerology

Calculate your destiny figure by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 21/08/1980 = 2 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 29, 2 + 9 = 11). The 11th is a master-number supposed to connect the divine dimension and the human personality, the spirit and the body. But the 11 is also a 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2), before exploiting the assets of this master-number, it is necessary to develop first of all the qualities of the 2: the tenacity, the diplomacy and the spirit of solidarity. The 11 is an exceptional number, it confers an outsized personality: idealistic and yet realistic, visionary and sensitive. His ambitions are high but he does not hesitate to face the obstacles and his excellent intuition allows him to approach situations in an original way. However, the 11 also tends, sometimes, to overdo it, to be arrogant when his relatives are not up to his expectations... Written by David - Numerology News

1. Your 2025 Astrological Forecasts
2. 2025 challenges for the 12 zodiac signs
3. 2025: this is the year of change
4. Tips for living serenely in 2025
5. Everything You Need to Know for 2026
6. Luckiest signs of the month
7. The great spring clean: horoscope exclusive
8. Go Through Spring Gently: Spring is Back!
9. Children and Easter: exclusive horoscope
10. Call up the Sun and dare to laugh!
11. Social network: your star sign on Facebook
12. What to offer for Grandmothers' Day
13. Women's astrological profile at each life stage

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