Pluto, the God of Metamorphosis... Pluto is the ruler and master of the sign of Scorpio! This is the planet of the depths of the human soul, inviting us to explore and gain a better understanding of these depths, to try to channel our most basic instincts, age-old fears and endless doubts. Pluto is first and foremost the God of the underworld in Roman mythology, a god that alarms us because he forces us to face our demons. But, although he appears to be indifferent to our prayers and entreaties, he does not inflict any soul-searching that is not actually essential to our development.

Pluto in our charts
When this planet enters a sector of our birth chart, we can thus expect to have our convictions shaken and to be forced to look reality in the face! Under Pluto's guidance, human beings find they are obliged to jettison their points of reference, which are actually binding them to stultifying behaviour patterns. It is therefore time to wave good bye to the past and allow a small part of oneself to die, in order to venture into territory that is unknown but incredibly regenerative. The phoenix that dies and is reborn from the ashes is a good illustration of the plutonian process, which does not spare anything or anybody on its way, but ultimately enables us to develop a new version of ourselves, which is more in line with the essence of our being and in tune in particular with what we have chosen to achieve in this life. The grim planet sweeps away our certainties ... and our lies, but also allows us to discover our as yet unexplored potential and get to the heart of the matter! Pluto is formidable, it is true, but he also promises great and powerful creativity!
Under Pluto's reign, we may tremble at being brought face to face with our shameful urges and our socially inept side, but thanks to his powers of transformation, we also have the possibility of achieving the lucidity of those who know... and who ultimately have access to the Truth beyond all illusions! The place he occupies in each person's birth chart determines the area which will be most propitious for achievement, the area where metamorphosis will take place and the direction that will guide their destiny. Pluto takes around 250 years to orbit the zodiac and it is his passage through each sign that will determine the great upheavals which can be on both the social and individual front!
Pluto today
Pluto has been in Capricorn since January 26, 2008, and will leave this sign for good only on November 20, 2024! Not without having upset our world from top to bottom!
This austere and rigid sign has been under Pluto's wrath for a long time. This summit meeting has already considerably changed the situation on a world scale and in terms of politics, economy, ecology, and our outdated vision of the societies in which we live! A re-evaluation or even destruction of the old schemes is necessary. The crises we are experiencing reveal the urgency of conceiving structures more concerned with the human being and with fundamental values such as respect for our mother Earth and every being inhabiting her!
Our systems must now consider an aspiration (which is rising) of the people to grow, to free themselves from the unworthy pressure they are subjected to!
At its peak, this pressure will not necessarily decrease by the fall of 2024! Especially since Pluto will invest in the sign of Aquarius several times (between March 23 and June 11, 2023, and between January 21 and September 1, 2024) and will undoubtedly make their way!
Pluto in Aquarius:
Attention, attention! Here's an association (sign-planet) that could spark and completely revolutionize our universe!
Science could (for better or worse) take the reins, and our scholars (wise or mad) may determine our fate! If we firmly hold the reins and prevent any kind of drifts (abusive experiments, unrestrained eugenics), we can hope for the best in discoveries that could improve the fate of humanity and our beautiful planet!
However, if we allow certain individuals' thirst for power to run free and fail to say 'No,' beware of losing our core values! Yet, we can (under the influence of the sign's humanistic aspect) choose (not without fighting for our rights) the highest, most inspired version of an announced radical change!
For instance, advocating for a societal model where humanism takes precedence, where concern for everyone's well-being prevails over any other consideration (of profit, profitability, power). Pluto in Aquarius could indeed transition us from one world to another by January 19, 2044 (the date when Pluto will enter the sign of Pisces).
It's up to us to choose whether we want to be the founders of a destructive transhumanism or imbued with love, a spirit of sharing, solidarity, and respect that would then benefit everyone, starting with our marvelous blue planet!
Pluto tomorrow
Let us hope that between the impossibility of maintaining the status quo and the necessary and inevitable overhaul of our values, Pluto and Saturn end up agreeing on the essential: the desirable adaptation of Man to his environment. Pluto is sounding the death knell on our ambition to achieve total power, and encouraging us to re-evaluate our approach completely and without delay, by reallocating the cards as equitably as possible. Before it is too late! It is therefore up to us to play the game and each play our role, as it seems clear that, to continue living alongside each other, we are each going to have to learn to take action from now on ... in full awareness.
If you are a Capricorn
Pluto is currently inviting you to upset a status quo that has become stultifying over the years and make a comprehensive review of your involvement ... not just regarding yourself, but your role in the world, as well. Your Sun is sooner or later going to have to face the shadow of Pluto, to determine new priorities and sort out the essential from the unimportant... It will then be time to let part of yourself die, in order to be reborn in full possession of your faculties. This is what Pluto has to offer, and if you wish to get the most out of this, accept that you need to address challenges and carry out all the essential reviews that will be on the agenda over the course of the years in an honest way...That way you will avoid having your hand forced by a planet that does not compromise over the work to be done, but will show gratitude if you comply courageously. You will avoid neither the jolts nor inevitable changes within yourself or to your lifestyle, but, at the end of the day and long before others, you will be able to discover and make use of the hidden treasures and gifts, which have until now been buried in your very depths. These will very quickly enable you to access the knowledge and enlightened joy of those who no longer fear anything!
If You Are Aquarius
You, who generally crave change, don't sit still and are always one step ahead of everyone, you're in for a treat! By whom? By Pluto, which temporarily enters your sign between March 23 and June 11, 2023, but will reappear between January 21 and September 1, 2024, to definitely squat longer (between November 20, 2024, and January 19, 2044)!
There's no more question of clinging to the past, but rather of jumping feet first into the new. Your existence could be greatly disrupted, completely transformed! If you've been considering a career change, exploring other territories, potentials, changing jobs, or even lives for a while, you should have the opportunity (from spring 2024) to take a sharp turn!
When Uranus (starting in July 2025) makes its first foray into the sign of Gemini, things should definitely turn green and put you on the launching pad (if you haven't taken off earlier)!