
Your lunar horoscope for the week of the 09th September 2024

Written by Alison

At the Moon's sextile in Sagittarius, Venus redefines the foundations in the sentimental sector. Relationships are tightening. Trust is resurfacing. Alas, the most profound doubts are still there and can trigger an emotional torrent at any moment. Why is this so? Because Jupiter in Gemini destabilizes projects at the last moment. Therefore, this week is all about contrast. Moments of euphoria and confidence encourage you to look on the bright side of life. And without warning, doubts and pessimism take over with all the unfortunate consequences that follow. So don't let yourself be overwhelmed by your suspicions and pessimism. Don't let your emotions overwhelm you. Practice the "glass half full" policy in all circumstances. Don't focus only on the future. Live the present with joy.

The atmosphere of the moon this week

Monday 9 September 2024, Moon in Scorpio: Don't try to create trouble for others. You could get a nasty surprise with some reactions, that will be completely over the top.

Tuesday 10 September 2024, Moon in Sagittarius: Dreams are fine, but make sure you don't drift too far from reality all the same!

Wednesday 11 September 2024, Moon in Sagittarius: You will need to make a definite decision between tradition and novelty and make radical choices!

Thursday 12 September 2024, Moon in Sagittarius: It's a good day for combining your role in society with your desire for independence, freedom and change.

Friday 13 September 2024, Moon in Capricorn: External circumstances are not favorable to you. You are tired and unmotivated but the sky comes to support you starting in the middle of the day. Straighten your head, open your eyes, you could cross some opportunities.

Saturday 14 September 2024, Moon in Capricorn: The sky insists on the most realistic aspects of existence. Promotes discipline, the ability to excel, reflect, deepen the social, professional and family situation.

Sunday 15 September 2024, Moon in Aquarius: Don't turn down invitations and enjoy yourself first and foremostl! You will need to unwind without asking yourself a thousand questions about the meaning of life!

The moon for the following week

Monday 16 September 2024, Moon in Aquarius: Your obligations will clearly work against your aspirations ... Compartmentalising things is the best way to find a solution!

Tuesday 17 September 2024, Moon in Pisces: It will be time to get your social life moving to seize opportunities in your grasp!

Wednesday 18 September 2024, Moon in Pisces: It will be an excellent day for relaxing at the cinema. You will be very receptive to the producer's ideas and the interplay of the actors.

Thursday 19 September 2024, Moon in Aries: People's behaviour will generally be impatient and selfish. This won't be the time to drag your feet.

Friday 20 September 2024, Moon in Aries: Emotional reactions are skin-deep. Better not to annoy anyone today ...

Saturday 21 September 2024, Moon in Taurus: Anything to do with patience and common-sense will be under good auspices, so tackle your over-stocked cupboards ...

Sunday 22 September 2024, Moon in Taurus: You will feel inspired if you launch into cooking something special, as the emphasis will be on good things!

Don't miss the next Full Moon ou New Moon by discovering our brand new section. The position of the Moon is calculated using Paris time. Therefore, there can be a significant time difference depending on the geographic area where you are located.

Edito: Every week, without exception, Zagon gives us keys to understand the lunar environment we are experiencing and gives us a complete ephemeris weekly. A weekly appointment to know the position of the Moon and signs that we experience in our daily life, at work, home, family, friends .... ! Zagon makes us undestand this magical world of Astrology. Make a great place for her each week in our calendar!

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