Zodiac Signs

The sign of the Pig

Written by Mary

The traits of the Pig sign in Chinese astrology:

The Pig is a pleasure-seeker and hedonism is like a religion for him. This is a sign that likes to enjoy itself and life is all about pleasure. He likes eating, drinking, love, going out, enjoying himselfÂ… He loves making the most out of life and as soon as he has an opportunity to celebrate, he is happy.

Earthly pleasures hold an important place in his life and he cannot stand boredom. He needs to get out and lives life to the full! He loves eating fine food in restaurants and going on wild shopping spreesÂ… Everything goes, as long as it involves pleasure. He is attentive and likes making those around him happy. Just because he likes enjoying himself, this does not mean he is self-centred. In fact, a person born under this sign makes a very good head of the household.

He prefers to have just a few friends, but ones who are reliable. He is honest and always thinks before he acts. He is not an impulsive character and will not just dive in on a mere hunch. Before taking action, he needs to weigh up the pros and cons. This rational side is one of his distinguishing characteristics. The sign's dominant force is Yin.

Horoscopes of the Pig

You will find all the links to consult quickly your different horoscopes for the sign of the Pig:
- 2021 yearly Horoscope of the Pig

Sign Profile of the Pig

Lucky numbers : 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 34, 41 et 48
Compatible signs : Tiger, Goat, Dog
Incompatible sign : The Snake
Lunar Years in Chinese Astrology : 1899, 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043, 2055, 2065, 2079, 2091.

Love of the Pig

The sign of the Pig likes simple relationships. If things are too complicated, he soon gets tired. He is for openness in a partnership and only wants one thing: to be happy. He will prefer to take his time before finding the love of his life. When he loves, he is very attentive and a good listener. If he is sure of himself, he will not hesitate to have children with the one he loves. Family life has no fears for him.

He will feel at ease in a calm and peaceful environment, a home with a warm atmosphere where he can enjoy every moment as it comes. On the other hand, it will require effort for him to do his share of household tasks, as the Pig is a lazy creature.

Strengths of the Pig

People are attracted by the gentle refined outlook of this sign. The Pig is a calm person and his warm nature is appealing. People automatically like and respect him. His angelic and gentle nature is soothing to those around him.

This is one of the best effects of his profound sensitivity, even if he does not easily show his weaknesses.

The Pig is kind by nature and would never hurt anyone. He always manages a smile, even when there are problems. He says nothing, even when feeling unwell. And if anyone was to upset him, he would still remain quiet. He is not a fighter. He only wants one thing: to live happily, without conflict and without violence. He is a pacifist.

Weaknesses of the Pig

He is also very shy. Although generous, gentle and attentive, the Pig is a person of few words and he will conceal all his inner demons. If he comes up against serious difficulties, he is capable of bottling it all up. This refusal to talk about things can eventually weigh him down and he could feel very alone at certain periods of his life, if he is not careful.

It is sometimes a good thing to be able to confide in someone, to be able to overcome ordeals more effectively. To be aware of the Pig's problems, people are forced to ask and not all friends dare to do so. It is therefore very important that those born under this sign surround themselves with sensitive and trustworthy friends. By keeping everything to himself, the Pig can very quickly lose his vital spark and feel overwhelmed by things. There is no shame in asking for help at times. All it needs is courage!

Work of the Pig

At work, the Pig is not lazy in any sense of the word. In fact he gives his all, following directives and undertaking everything without problems and with great determination. In addition, he is a colleague who is mostly very much appreciated.

His jovial manner has the knack of making the atmosphere relaxed immediately. As he is efficient and serious-minded, people can rely on him. He can work in all areas, as long as he is able to develop within a calm and structured environment. If the atmosphere was negative or stressful, he would soon feel ill at ease. He needs to feel good in order to do well.

1. The Rat, a person who is always on the move!
2. The Ox sign in Chinese astrology
3. Tiger sign in Chinese astrology
4. The Rabbit, someone who likes to surprise!
5. The Dragon, someone who likes to feel attractive!
6. Snake sign in Chinese astrology
7. The Horse, born to be noticed and loved!
8. The Goat in Chinese astrology !
9. Monkey sign in Chinese astrology
10. Rooster sign in Chinese astrology
11. The Dog, such a faithful person!
12. The Pig, on the look-out for hedonism!

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