
Your seasonal horoscope for Summer 2024

Written by Daisy

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPiscesFireEarthAirWaterFireEarthAirWaterFireEarthAirWaterClickon yourSign

This summer seems a bit unsettled by elements and events! Should we fear? A confirmed downturn (especially around mid-August),budgetary restrictions looming, and a climate of frustration settling in and becoming widespread. Not much fun in sight? Rather than lamenting, let's seek the necessary resources to no longer depend too much on depleted systems. Perhaps then we can hope to bounce back. In the meantime, let's prepare to navigate a summer full of opportunities to innovate, both personally and collectively, while managing this period as best as possible to dispel the current clouds.

Whether you reside in the northern hemisphere (Europe, United States...) or in the southern hemisphere (Latin America, South Africa...),the earthly sky and the astrological predictions are the same for the whole world because we all live on the same planet.

This summer, Pluto continues to retrograde at the very beginning of Aquarius and will be joined in this "immobilization" by Saturn on June 30, by Neptune on July 3 and by Uranus on September 4. If the slow planets form beautiful harmonies at the beginning of the summer, things get a little worse around August 19 with Jupiter in square to Saturn (freedom, expansion vs. control, discipline). At the beginning of September, Pluto will make its final incursion into Capricorn, the conclusion of a year and a half of work on a fundamental metamorphosis of our societies and their structures. Pluto will enter Aquarius definitively on November 19 and a new era can really begin.

Jupiter has entered Gemini and favors this summer walks, escapades, exchanges and meetings rather than big trips or high studies. It brings lightness, a bit of superficiality and lots and lots of chatter. So let's get ready for a summer of fantasy and fun!

Saturn retrograde from June 30 in Pisces. The energies are more internalized and we must, this summer, reconsider our demands, our limits, our frustrations, our prohibitions, our inner rigidities in order to adapt to what the world is becoming. Saturn, in trine to Mars, will certainly help us to make a better distinction and to work in a useful, rigorous and realistic way.

From September 4, Uranus begins to retrograde at the very end of Taurus. This is a somewhat difficult period for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius who are likely to encounter sudden changes in their personal plans, due to unforeseen causes. For all of them, stability is undermined, the need for freedom becomes overwhelming. New ideas may also be put to practical use.

Neptune retrogrades on July 3 and allows us to revisit our relationships with the outside world. This moment gives us the opportunity to reconcile all the elements that make up us. Some illusory goals, dreams or ideals that are too far from reality can be abandoned so that we can approach our aspirations in a more realistic way. Uranus and Neptune in sextile indicate that these bold aspirations are likely to result in major changes, bringing hope to everyone.

Pluto will be in good aspect to Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. This quartet of shocks promises us huge advances in many fields: technology, humanism, ideals, metamorphosis, everything contributes to a better world, the one we've been waiting for. This summer, we have a thousand reasons to hope, to remain positive, optimistic and above all, of good will

Let's discover our free app to understand your astrological sign : Mercury represents the way you communicate : Calculate the position of Mercury and Venus reveals how you behave: Calculate the position of Venus

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