
The Planet Mars

Written by Daisy

Preamble :

Mars, the planet of onslaught ... and conquest! With Mars, we embark on the study of the so-called inner planets! These planets, including Mars but also Venus and Mercury (the Moon and Sun being considered luminaries) will define our characteristics and give our charts their distinctive edge, unlike the denser planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto),which tell us how we fit into a given world and a particular generation, focusing primarily on our collective involvement. The individual thus emerges from this chaos in all his or her complexity, even if it is obviously only thanks to the subtle alchemy generated by the entire astral cohort, that we will be able to trace our personal, material and spiritual path through the vast cosmos!

All you need to know about Mars :

Mars rules the sign of Aries and as master of the first sign of the zodiac, invites us to initiate, start and undertake things... take action! The red planet warms our blood and stimulates our warrior instincts. He can lead us down the slippery slope if we do not succeed in channelling his powerful energy. Thanks to his feistiness, we can fight our most victorious battles... but also our least successful ones! It is often at his urging that we decide to embark on new ventures and under his auspices that we occasionally succeed in moving mountains!

Mars was the Roman God of War, endowing us with the courage and strength we need to forge our path in life and persevere towards and against everything... and everyone. The planet gives us the courage and strength to attain our goals, even though it sometimes encourages us to bare our teeth to defend our territory, or possibly annexe territory belonging to others; to conquer the world against all odds, for a bit of glory, for our autonomy and sometimes at the end of the day ... for our salvation! With Mars, we are fearless and go all out to win. Without Mars, we possibly avoid conflicts and power struggles, but when all is said and done... we do not do anything!

Mars in our charts :

The sector of our birth charts touched by the influence of this feisty planet will not go unnoticed. Therefore, if Mars is close to the Ascendant (the chart's First House, determining the individual's personality),he will endow you with combative and leadership qualities... but could lead you to see red... more often than strictly necessary! If Mars is on the Midheaven (sector determining our professional life and way we interact with the world),this will make you a leader of men and women with a tendency to impose your will ... sometimes in an uncompromising manner.

Under Mars' tutelage (as long as it is well aspected in our charts),we rise boldly to life's challenges and have the courage to take risks... without too much hesitation! Conversely, if the planet is afflicted in our charts, we will find it more difficult to take action and assert any kind of authority. This difficulty in self-assertion will then translate into problems integrating and a desire to give up ...rather than fight and risk the humiliation of defeat. Just as we either have a triumphant Mars or an inhibited Mars, and the planet's energy is used either to defend ourselves ... or to attack, it is all about the ego and each person's need to stand out from the rest by their actions, words, presence and the basic manifestation of their own will ... respected ... or otherwise!

In the male chart, Mars defines the way of doing things; the ability to respond quickly or slowly and with more or less aggression, to life's demands; his power... or lack of it! In the female chart, the planet expresses the same qualities (especially in this era, where there is a greater tendency towards equality and a more equal distribution of roles),but also tells us about the type of man the woman is attracted to instinct; what kind of strength ... or fragility is going to arouse her desire! In both cases, Mars represents desire in the broader sense of the word and the initial impulses we act upon in satisfying our desires.

On the physical front, Mars tells us about the healthy state (or otherwise) of our muscular system and blood. As the planet associated with aggression and impulsive behaviour, it represents masculine strength, the male erection and the head. It is associated with iron, a material which, as we know, is frequently used to make weapons! We should also note that with anaemia (red blood cell deficiency) iron is prescribed to the patient to boost and reinvigorate the production of these same cells!

Mars represents enthusiasm and passion, beginning and initiation, which is physical but also spiritual! With his help, we get fired up; we go for a "gung-ho" approach, or we destroy things and fly too close to the sun, having not taken time to reflect before launching into... adventure! Mars is the planet of tribunes, the military, leaders (sometimes little Hitlers),pioneers and those who pave the way someway or other. He will benefit from the good nature of Venus to soften the load and channel his bellicose nature in line with our basic values, and use his fiery temperament creatively for the good of all!

1. Influence of the Moon in Astrology
2. The Sun : source of light and warmth
3. All you need to know about Mercury!
4. Venus: the planet of seduction!
5. All you need to know about Mars!
6. All you need to know about Jupiter!
7. All you need to know about Saturn!
8. All you need to know about Uranus!
9. All you need to know about Neptune!
10. All you need to know about the planet Pluto!
11. Are you moody, a lunatic or moon-faced?
12. Importance of the planets in astrology for your sign
13. Influence of the planets on our behaviour

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