
Aries's horoscope for October 2021

Written by Daisy

Aries: Astral Climate for October 2021

The Sun, Mercury, and Mars oppose your sign for a good part of the month, which means a lot of nervousness and exasperation in your exchanges and activities. Fortunately, Venus brings sweetness to your emotional life and good surprises to your finances. Jupiter and Saturn contribute to install a fulfilling and stable life. For some (3rd decan), Pluto finishes its destructive work to finally make room and allow you to start again soon on a new basis. So it's a mixed month with a rather promising and stabilizing backdrop, but with small daily worries that you'd better not dwell on: look far ahead instead!

Aries: Mood for October 2021

You are developing your talents in a pleasant atmosphere. Your entourage is sensitive to your charm. Your love affairs can console you for many things, but you will need a lot of energy to fight off moments when it seems that you are struggling to find your place without getting good results. Disagreements come and go and cause a lot of tension. Avoid risky activities for a while, as you do not handle your bold impulses very well. Jupiter encourages your projects, supports your health and your love affairs. But do not provoke those in power.

Aries: Love for October 2021

Venus helps you to set up a project you have been thinking about for a long time, but do not be too daring at the risk of cooling your partner. The New Moon on the 6th encourages you to reach out to the other person without putting pressure on them. Raise the level of debate to give your love life a new lease or find that special someone. Saturn is slowly loosening its grip and invites you to build on solid ground. Your well-thought-out projects allow you to open the future with confidence. You open your heart wide, even if, at times, your nervous tension makes communication a little complicated.

Aries: Money for October 2021

If tensions appear in your exchanges and activities, your finances are well protected. On a day-to-day basis, Venus protects you from unpleasant financial incidents and could even bring about some pleasant surprises. In the longer term, Jupiter will bring about events that will lead to gains: a raise, a return on investment, luck in gambling, repayment of a loan... The main thing is to keep your feet on the ground and not take advantage of these clement skies to multiply excessive expenses or launch into reckless financial operations. Your greed or thoughtlessness could block these beneficial waves.

Aries: Work for October 2021

Debates are dragging on, which will exasperate you. Still, if they do not help, your interventions could also put you at the expense of your colleagues or your hierarchy. Constructive exchanges will resume from the 18th. You will then expose what you wish, exchanges will be more diplomatic. Your social life is changing, and you will have difficulty controlling its evolution. But this is no reason to raise your voice or provoke your superiors at the risk of triggering conflicts. Instead, you should rely on your ability to draw your partners into your world to convince them to believe you and follow you.

Aries: Leisure for October 2021

In October, any physical activity will benefit you, as you will often be under pressure. Be careful and don't forget your protective gear (helmet, knee pads), as you may be as impulsive as you are clumsy. Avoid idleness, which does not give you any rest; instead, join friends for everyday activities, whether sports, restaurants, or hiking. These outings will do you a lot of good and will maintain your friendships. With your family, suggest excursions that will bring everyone together and keep you entertained. The key is to get through this tiring month without incident and as pleasantly as possible.

Aries: Key dates for October 2021

- On the 4th, the future opens up wide. Go for it!

- On the 8th, avoid raising your voice. It is better to compose than to oppose.

- On the 15th, your plans will excite everyone; it's time to get your troops involved.

- On the 22nd, your abuses and your demonstrations of authority could attract criticism.

- On the 30th, to make people want to stand in your way, start by reducing your demands.

Aries: Advice for October 2021

Saturn finally allows you to set up your projects, but do not think you are exempt from all precautions. Don't take advantage of this opportunity to demand more and better. Instead, think about harmonizing your responsibilities with your partner or others (family, work environment, friends). You must put into perspective anger that pollutes the debates before the exchanges can resume a regular course.

Horoscope for October 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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