
Scorpio's horoscope for July 2022

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for July 2022

You aspire to push back your limits and realize your ambitions. Count on a healthy aggressiveness to approach debates (beware of outbursts) and on a genuine desire to widen your horizons, whether in love or in business. These are the perfect ingredients for success if you don't abuse them to reign supreme over the world around you.

Scorpio: Mood for July 2022

You are ready to go for it, to take advantage of opportunities to blossom daily. Whether on a personal or professional level, Jupiter boosts your energies, ambitions, and thirst to live the present moment to the fullest. Rather enthusiastic, enterprising, and eager to establish new rules and human relationships, you will rally the votes but don't believe that all is allowed at once. Practice listening and do not impose anything on others. Otherwise, beware of the dialogue of the deaf.

Scorpio: Love for July 2022

Intense exchanges! But contain your volubility to keep people united. Venus will raise your standards in love, and if you don't ask too much of those around you, you will end the month in harmony with everyone. You have the opportunity to bring the other person into your world, to make them want to break with a past that ties you down and limits the field of possibilities. On the other hand, do not impose anything on anyone. Focus on a gentle approach to the problems you encounter in your family. Raise the level of debate rather than running into a wall. If you stick to your guns, you could end the month in a stalemate.

Scorpio: Money for July 2022

Jupiter offers you some great opportunities. Your talents and merits are recognized (and rewarded) in high places. Your main objective is to inaugurate a new way of working in your alliances (private or professional). If you have to talk big money, you do not submit your aspirations to the diktat of cash. You want to make your point rather than increase your income. Unless the blockages you encounter are related to financial issues, this area is temporarily relegated to the background.

Scorpio: Work for July 2022

You can count on your strength to convince your partners of the need for change in the company. If your arguments hit their target, avoid upsetting the rules and habits because people will find it difficult to follow you. Suppose your perspectives, proposals, and ambitions require from your business partners that they leave you free of your movements. In that case, they will grant you their confidence but do not abuse your privileges. Your demands would be less well-received. You are active and courageous but belligerent! Don't offend anyone. You must understand and accept that your aspirations do not necessarily meet unanimously. Rely on diplomacy to sensitize those who listen to you but not surrender to your arguments.

Scorpio: Leisure for July 2022

With Jupiter, you approach everyday life more creatively. This is an excellent time to develop your artistic, sporting, or other (culinary?) potential. Do you want to explore new lands, travel far away, push your limits? Are you ready for trekking in Nepal or an Atlantic crossing under sail? Prefer to leave during the first two weeks of the year, which is more favorable to your eccentricities. Rather than trying to convince your friends and family of the legitimacy of your aspirations (without success), think about relaxing. A little walk on the beach or a yoga class?

Scorpio: Key dates for July 2022

-On the 2nd, beware of predictable spats if you act without prior consultation with those around you who do not appreciate it.
-On the 10th, to spice up your relationship, propose to the other person to push back together with the possible frontiers.
-On the 17th, you have the opportunity to touch an ideal in love and creativity with your heart.
-On the 26th, beware of the conflicts you may provoke in high places if you think you can do anything and are willing to attack the other.
-On the 31st, by putting your radiance at the service of a cause that is beyond you, you will best succeed in pulling your weight.

Scorpio: Advice for July 2022

Supported daily by Jupiter, who favors your expansion, don't be afraid to evolve, climb the ladder, and express your potential to optimize a good situation. July invites you to dare, move forward, and try something else, elsewhere or differently? Why not, but you will come up against a blockade from those around you. Hold on and opt for the soft method rather than the tank.

Horoscope for July 2022 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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