
Aquarius, your love horoscope for Summer 2024

Written by Daisy

Some, in the midst of personal transformation, must nonetheless make an effort to reach out to others this summer and not impose anything on those they love or seek to conquer if they want to experience fulfilling love! Others, if they approach the summer head-on, must deal with opposing currents from mid-August that could slow their momentum, while some must tread lightly with their surroundings if they want to successfully shake things up (especially within their families) without causing chaos!

Aquarius First decan, your horoscope for for Summer 2024

(21st January to 31st January)

Love: Questioning the core!

Pluto is currently working on you, body and soul, and you may not feel very available for others in July! However, try to keep the dialogue open (on the 3rd, 12th, 23rd) while also managing any latent aggression (on the 26th)! Count on early August (the 8th) for a fiery magnetism and a renewed appetite to charm and seduce those you love or desire! By the end of the month (the 29th),you will aspire to evolve your relationships to meet changing expectations as you shed old skins of the past and access a new version of yourself!

In Relationship

If in July you tend to focus on your own ongoing metamorphosis, try to stay connected with the outside world, which may wonder what\'s happening within you! Make sure to explain to your partner, and others, that the path you\'re on doesn\'t exclude anyone, but you need time for yourself! This summer, it will be essential to give (or give back) meaning to your relationships so they can align with your strong need to shake things up!


More focused on your inner journey than on an external world that will demand your attention. Especially in July, where it would be wise to reach out to others (on the 3rd, 12th, 23rd)! While in August, you can rely on fiery magnetism to make an impact, it\'s not about perpetuating the same stories but rather evaluating how you\'ve changed and considering what you now hope for from a relationship, ensuring it meets your quest for meaning.

Social Life: Stay present!

You might not be entirely focused on your work in July! Try to make an effort to break out of your shell and stay connected (if possible, creatively) with colleagues! However, towards the end of the month, expect a real desire to assert yourself! You won\'t hesitate to speak up to show others that you haven\'t vanished from the scene (on the 26th)! As a skilled negotiator in early August (the 8th),you\'ll have no trouble tipping the scales in your favor and can expect to broaden your horizons at the end of August (the 29th) and early September (the 12th). In September, you won\'t hesitate to go the extra mile to make an impression and gain points!

Well-being: Stay connected!

You might have a tendency to withdraw into yourself, neglect social contacts, and prioritize inner dialogue? While it\'s important to listen to yourself and the upheavals you\'re experiencing, you might be giving less attention to others and could end up suffering from this withdrawal. This inclination could eventually isolate you from the rest of the world! So, this summer, make sure not to let yourself be overwhelmed or consumed by your emotions too much!

Aquarius First decan: your advice for for Summer 2024

If in the past spring and until July 9th, Jupiter favored your love life, creativity, and overall fulfillment, you might appreciate a summer that invites more reflection than entertainment a little less! However, that\'s not a reason to take everything (including yourself) too seriously!

Aquarius Second decan, your horoscope for for Summer 2024

(1st February to 10th February)

Love: With... then without!

In service to your loved ones, concerned about the well-being of the family at the end of June (the 29th) and early July, you invest yourself to improve their daily lives (the 3rd, the 11th) and take advantage of a favorable situation in your love life (around the 21st) to fully experience the present moment, rekindle the flame, and enjoy pleasant encounters (perhaps even more if there\'s a connection)! Similarly, at the beginning of August (the 7th),tender exchanges are on the agenda! However, from mid-August onwards, the cuddling is over. Certain events related to your material life could thwart your desire to be fully happy (the 16th, the 19th)! Do not try to ignore this situation, as it will certainly require you to remain realistic in September!

In Relationship

If summer starts auspiciously with your dedication to your loved ones at the end of June and early July, expect strong moments around July 21st and August 7th! Whether with your partner or your children, you share moments of almost perfect happiness! Enjoy them because from mid-August, the situation becomes complicated. Saturn reminds you of your responsibilities and throws obstacles in your way. The carefree pleasures are over; it\'s time to return to a less amusing reality!


If at the end of June and early July, you are mainly focused on your loved ones, from July 9th, Jupiter enhances your power of seduction. A beautiful encounter is expected around July 21st and August 7th? Make the most of these moments because from mid-August, an autumnal wind blows through your life. Saturn reminds you of what\'s essential, urging you to reduce your expenses and be content with less. In September, you\'ll have to deal with scarcity rather than abundance!

Social Life: Setbacks expected!

A peak in creativity starting from July 9th? Jupiter invites you to explore your potentials, to spread your wings! You shine brightly in July (the 21st) and early August (the 7th)! You have no trouble expressing your talents, and your interlocutors fall under your charm! Bet on this first half of the summer to shine, but without believing that everything is permitted. From mid-August, your expansion could be hindered! Especially around August 19th where despite your efforts, you might encounter obstacles. The same in September where your aspirations could be lowered!

Well-being: Dangers to anticipate?

If you approach the summer with enthusiasm, propelled by Jupiter which boosts your energies and your power of seduction from July 9th, make sure not to think you\'re above the laws of earthly gravity! Otherwise, you could be abruptly reminded of reality from mid-August onwards when Saturn restricts your expansion, especially around August 19th. A cosmic duel that may not turn in your favor!

Aquarius Second decan: your advice for for Summer 2024

A summer divided in two: a first half with joyful moments to share in excellent company, and a second part with a darkened sky and reduced opportunities for expansion. To avoid a sharp fall from mid-August onwards, enjoy plenty in July!

Aquarius Third decan, your horoscope for for Summer 2024

(11th February to 18th February)

Love: Some upheaval ahead?

Are you considering a move, a desire to redistribute roles within the family at the end of June (the 30th) and in July (the 8th, the 18th)? You\'re putting in a lot of effort to make things evolve! However, be careful at the end of July (the 22nd) and in August (the 2nd, the 18th, the 19th) to let others express themselves to avoid tensions! By the end of August (the 27th),a benevolent approach from your side should smooth things over! If around September 15th, the situation meets your romantic aspirations, avoid pressuring anyone in September!

In Relationship

Do you aspire to change things within the family to evolve more freely? You\'re expending a lot of energy to achieve this around June 30th, July 8th, and 18th, but be careful not to impose your point of view too much at the end of July! Aim for subtle actions by the end of August (the 27th) to steer events according to your plans while listening to what others have to say!


Are you eager to change your family situation or establish your own household? You\'re working with determination to achieve this at the end of June (the 30th) and in July (the 8th, the 18th),but you tend to ignore the opinions of your loved ones at the end of July and in August! Watch out for tensions that could arise between you and them! Opt for a strategic approach by the end of August (the 27th) and keep the dialogue open in September! Also, keep an eye and heart open around September 15th where a beautiful encounter is possible!

Social Life: Master of the game?

If you work within your company or family, you\'re very active in July (between the 6th and the 20th) where you\'re setting the pace for everyone! You\'re overflowing with goodwill to serve the interests of the community (and your own) around the 2nd, the 11th, and the 20th! From the end of July and into August, you seem more focused on your family affairs than work, but Jupiter (from September 10th) boosts your ambitions, your desire to please (successfully on the 15th)! However, don\'t take too many liberties (the 12th, the 21st)!

Well-being: Take it easy!

You have a present energy and a desire to steer events your way this summer! Whether it\'s within the family, in love, or on the creative and professional front, you prefer to take matters into your own hands. To avoid tensions, act with tact, prioritize strategy over demonstrations of strength and authority!

Aquarius Third decan: your advice for for Summer 2024

A busy summer where you\'ll have a lot on your plate! Whether it\'s moving, evolving your family ties, or breaking free from oppressive conditioning, you\'re expending a lot of energy! Serve your cause without creating conflicts!

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