This winter, some will have to deal with external events that might disrupt their fate and will need to mobilize to initiate changes to their advantage. Others will not hesitate to roll up their sleeves to overcome obstacles that are hindering their social success and personal growth. Still others will try to balance the desire to explore new horizons with the need to stay connected with others.

Virgo First decan, your horoscope for Winter 2025
Love: Other Priorities?
In January (between the 3rd and the 12th), you won't hesitate to take a step toward others, putting yourself and staying attentive to them. You might find yourself discussing a different direction in life with those who matter to you. Under Pluto's influence, you'll need to adapt to a constantly evolving daily routine and explore other facets of yourself (on the 21st and 29th). You’ll appreciate support in February (around the 7th) and in March (the 5th and 11th), where your efforts should bear fruit and undeniable magnetism might draw attention to you.
In Relationship
You are exposed to events that invite you to reassess your methods and daily behavior, which could surprise or disorient those close to you. Fortunately, you'll manage to engage in a loving and constructive dialogue in January (between the 3rd and the 12th) to help them understand that you need to go with the flow. Rely on your ability to initiate change smoothly in February (on the 7th) and in March (the 5th and 11th) to reassure them and handle the ongoing transformation with skill.
More focused this winter on climbing aboard the train of changes in your social, professional, or personal life, you may have little time to devote to your surroundings. However, you'll know what to say and how to give them your full attention in January (between the 3rd and the 12th), while hoping to form attractive connections. In February (around the 7th) and March (the 5th and 11th), you’ll handle new situations smoothly without making waves, thanks to top-notch magnetism.
Social Life: Assets in Hand
You currently need to adapt to significant changes in how you manage your daily life. Whether this transformation involves your schedule, work methods, or company policies, these upheavals will make you question your place in society in January (the 21st and 29th). Regardless, you won’t be easily discouraged and will manage challenges with diplomacy and strategy. In February (the 7th) and March (the 5th and 11th), you could excel in these challenges and stand out with talent and grace.
Well-being: Adapt Rather Than Resist
If Pluto has been shaking things up a bit since 2023, be careful not to be too destabilized by these external events beyond your control that disrupt your daily life. Try to approach these situations with detachment, determining the best strategy to navigate possible turbulent zones without losing control, and use these transformations to your advantage.
Virgo First decan: your advice for Winter 2025
This season asks you to adapt and act with finesse and tact to make the most of the events. Rely on your charm, intuition, and listening skills this winter to navigate obstacles and successfully ride through the rapids.

Virgo Second decan, your horoscope for Winter 2025
Love: The cloud cover is clearing
If late December sees events not unfolding as hoped and you enter the season under a rather cloudy sky around the 24th, you can count on your personal charisma being at its peak on January 4 and 19 to engage in constructive dialogue with those around you. You'll then excel at making your loved ones see your perspective on the world and should be able to reconnect with success by the end of the month, on the 30th. The same applies in February on the 3rd and 23rd, and in March on the 8th, when you should have no trouble convincing those you care about to support your projects.
In Relationship
Admittedly, the start of the season doesn’t look promising at the end of December. You face a professional setback that somewhat dampens your spirits. Fortunately, by January, you're determined to use your irresistible charm to enchant your partner, who was previously a bit resistant, and make them eager to follow you anywhere. The same goes for February 3rd, 9th, and 23rd, as well as in March, when, while remaining attentive to your partner, you'll be able to persuade them that your plans are the right ones to follow.
Is the start of the season not going as you’d hoped? Any possible setbacks will soon be forgotten, as by January, you'll know exactly how to rekindle the conversation with those who interest you. Rely on your top-notch charm on January 4 and 19 to build connections. Your horizons will brighten again at the end of January, on the 30th, when some professional success will bring back your smile. Keep that smile in February on the 3rd, and you'll know how to approach things on the 9th and 23rd, as well as in March on the 8th, to rally support for a project you passionately advocate.
Social Life: You take the reins
If you’ve recently felt like you’ve been facing setbacks and constantly having to lower your ambitions, you have the chance this winter to turn things around. After a grumpy start to the season, you bounce back in January and know how to break the ice with previously reserved partners on the 4th and 19th. The result? You’ll have every reason to commend your efforts to strengthen the business on the 30th. The same applies in February on the 3rd, 9th, and 23rd, where you’ll be able to motivate your team, and in March on the 8th, when people should follow you without reluctance or resistance.
Well-being: You recharge your batteries
Feeling a bit tired at the end of December, worn out by dashed ambitions? By January, you'll be able to rekindle more constructive and rewarding connections with the world around you. This will lift your spirits and boost your defenses, immunity, and morale, which may have been weakened by a challenging year. So, count on winter to help you bounce back and regain your vitality.
Virgo Second decan: your advice for Winter 2025
Are you dreaming of expansion but constantly facing frustrating obstacles? This winter, focus on your personal radiance and your determination to consolidate your efforts to wrap up the season on a positive note and achieve your goals.

Virgo Third decan, your horoscope for Winter 2025
Love: End of the season with a partner
By the end of December, you'll need to balance your desire to meet others' expectations with your need to break free from burdensome constraints (on the 28th). Rely on your top-notch charm in January and an unshakable will to bring some excitement into the air, your love life, and your existence to innovate and open doors to a more enjoyable version of life. The same goes for February (the 1st, the 27th), as long as you take others' opinions into account before shaking up the rules (the 10th, the 11th). Don't hesitate to make a move towards others in March as well (the 12th, the 14th) to wrap up winter in love (the 20th).
In Relationship
Feeling a bit caught between wanting to please your loved ones and needing some space at the end of December? In January, your personal radiance should help you influence your partner to your advantage, and your determination to shape the future as you wish should bear fruit. In February, you’ll easily bring your partner into your world (the 1st, the 27th), but don’t forget to consult them about your plans to avoid creating discord (the 10th, the 11th). This way, you should be able to finish winter on a high note (the 2nd, the 20th of March).
At the end of December, you might be tempted to please those around you but also desire more freedom to live and love as you wish. In January, you can count on irresistible charm and strong authority to broaden your horizons. If you want to shape the future according to your own vision, why not do so this winter, provided you make sure not to upset your loved ones too much in February (the 10th, the 11th), as they may not share all your expectations. However, if you handle sensitivities carefully, you might end winter on a fulfilling note (the 20th of March).
Social Life: Winning support
Be cautious at the very beginning of winter (around December 28) not to exploit your popularity too much by pushing your colleagues into initiatives they might find overly bold and personal. Instead, let your charm work and your convincing energy persuade your various interlocutors to follow you in January, when it will be hard to resist your moves (the 12th, the 23rd, the 25th, the 26th). Just avoid attempts to force things around February 10, which may not gain unanimous support if you want to end winter on a positive note and in agreement with your team on the essentials (the 2nd, the 20th of March).
Well-being: On the right track
Count on a dynamic Mars, even a bit assertive (until February 2), to deploy formidable energy and leverage a persuasive power that should allow you to make an impact and maintain your motivation and morale throughout winter. You won't fear pushing your own limits or leading others along with you this winter, and a touch of moderation will ensure you end the season on the right path.
Virgo Third decan: your advice for Winter 2025
You should lack neither audacity nor the drive needed to achieve your ambitions this winter, moving forward, daring, and uniting. The only caution is to temper your approach to continue convincing and even seducing without being tempted to impose your will.
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