
Sagittarius's horoscope for October 2021

Written by Daisy

Sagittarius: Astral Climate for October 2021

The October sky is particularly favorable for you. The Sun until the 22nd and Venus from the 7th highlight your best qualities, further enhanced by the eloquence induced by Mercury and conquering energy distilled by Mars. On the side of the slower and more powerful planets, Jupiter and Saturn combine to contribute to your expansion while protecting your assets, whatever they may be. Only Neptune could sometimes confuse your ideas and distort your intuitions. But this is a small thing compared to the tremendous influences affecting you and that you absolutely must take advantage of.

Sagittarius: Mood for October 2021

Although you may be a bit reserved until the 7th, your mood is stable throughout the month. You are brimming with charm and energy, you have every chance to fly from success to success, and these victories, whether sentimental, professional, or sporting, put joy in your heart. The delays and hindrances induced by Mercury's retrograde do not disturb you so much. You can take the time to get to know your surroundings better, deepen your arguments, and think in peace. Mars gives you a great deal of energy which pushes you towards your circle of friends to develop beautiful projects. Everything is going well!

Sagittarius: Love for October 2021

You have no difficulty explaining your vision of life to your partner and getting them interested in your projects. Venus will adorn you with an indisputable charm. You will attract attention, your eloquence will please, and you will develop beautiful cooperation with your loved ones. The only possible pitfall is your greed. Your love for life and good things should not push you to demand more and more from the other person. Your partner may not be in the same excellent mood, so show understanding and conciliation. If you are in a relationship, your duo will become stronger. Your situation will become more stable, perhaps to the point of considering marriage or a baby. Single people have every chance of not staying single in October.

Sagittarius: Money for October 2021

Your budget is relatively balanced, and luck is smiling on you, especially from the 7th. You are in a position to receive a bonus, gratuity, payment of a debt, or even a gambling win (but don't squander your wealth on it!). You could also invest wisely, provided you take professional advice first to limit the risks. If your financial equilibrium seems to have been achieved, this does not exempt you from remaining reasonable, as you naturally tend to see (and do) too much. Set limits from the outset on any significant expenditure.

Sagittarius: Work for October 2021

You have no problem expressing your ideas and getting your methods understood. You may feel a certain impatience with the delays and slowness that are piling up. Still, from the 18th onwards, fluidity returns to all exchanges. You will then have carte blanche to establish your situation and put forward your projects to your hierarchy or your colleagues or associates. Your indisputable charm helps you be brilliant and convincing. Your popularity is constantly increasing. The coming months are auspicious on the professional level.

Sagittarius: Leisure for October 2021

Your Olympic form and your good mood do not escape anyone. You have only the choice of partners for any leisure activity that takes your fancy. Naturally attracted by competition, you can join a sports club or an association that deals with subjects close to your heart. You could also do some volunteer work. There is no shortage of needs, and your benevolence would do as much good as your action and dedication to good causes. You can have a great time in a restaurant or on a walk, with family or friends, anything goes!

Sagittarius: Key dates for October 2021

- On the 2nd, use strategy and subtlety to get what you want.

- On the 6th, the New Moon invites you to make plans.

- On the 17th, the current is flowing, and your plans are gaining momentum, but don't overdo it.

- On the 20th, the Full Moon exalts your seduction and your talents. Take advantage of it!

- On the 27th, do not overdo your charm at the risk of generating misunderstandings in your family.

Sagittarius: Advice for October 2021

You are the unanimous choice of those around you, but do not abuse your charisma to demand more and more. Saturn has helped strengthen your mind, and it reinforces the idea that you need to grow up in your head to mature a little. All you have to do is enjoy life without worrying too much about your future. Carpe Diem.

Horoscope for October 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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