Saturn, the great teacher! Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn and invites us to reflect on the notion of time. Under his tutelage, it is not a question of speeding things up or rushing things...but rather of obeying the instructions to be cautious from this austere planet, which sometimes suffers from a very sombre reputation, given that his main task is to teach us that we do not get anything... for nothing. If we are to have any hope of realising our dreams one day, it will not be about merely hoping or acting on our enthusiasm. Instead, we will need to structure our plans, strengthen our determination and decide on our ambitions, so that we can ultimately realise them.

But whilst Saturn puts us and our powers of endurance to the test, he can, assuming we accept his authority, lead us to the top, enabling us to reach our ideals, whether social, intellectual or even mystical! Whereas Saturn demands discipline and persistence, he also ultimately gives us the immense satisfaction of feeling we have done the right thing and perhaps not least... of being in tune with our inner soul!
Saturn in our charts
Saturn, the Roman God of Time (Chronos to the ancient Greeks) enables us to rein in Uranus' creative flow and give it a definite form! In our charts and whatever its position, the planet will force us to sustain and develop our thoughts and actions over time! Saturn restrains the actions of Jupiter and works in tandem with him regarding our development. He also represents our structure (in physical terms the skeleton and the teeth), which also involves its progressive wear and tear as time progresses! Saturn begins ... and ends things. He digs the foundations and uproots the tree when it has stopped bearing fruit. All the great changes associated with transits of Saturn therefore go in hand with the death (symbolic or real) of an aspect of life, a person or a form of behaviour which has become obsolete! His presence at a given point in our charts often indicates an axis of resistance which the individual will have to confront, to be able to progress towards his or her established aims and eventually unblock the energy that is visibly holding back his or her development!
The feeling of frustration often associated with Saturn's modus operandi therefore forces us to face our shortcomings, doubts and fears, urging us to carry out a continual and thorough analysis of the behaviour patterns (often a hangover from the past, our upbringing or social and cultural background) that hold back our progress! In our charts, Saturn signals an area that plunges us into a feeling of great insecurity, a dimension of ourselves where we are generally very sensitive to social criteria and aspirations. We look for majority approval and Saturn deprives us of this approval we desire so much. It is not until we have reached the end of a long road strewn with obstacles and all kinds of trials that we will eventually manage to remove Saturn's heavy mantle and finally come to appreciate the influence of this implacable teacher!
This essentially cold planet keeps a few good surprises in store for us, if we persevere in our quest for authenticity and discipline. If we respect his rules, not only can we aspire to all we covet (Saturn is prominent in the charts of great politicians and those in general of personalities who have contributed to a greater or lesser extent to drafting the laws that rule this world), but also come out of our shell and break down barriers. This way we can surge ahead in complete awareness along the road to achieving our ideals and excellence, having shed our complexes and fears! Saturn inspires thinkers, historians, philosophers and those who seek to excel! With Saturn, while everything seems difficult in its essence, if we accept being put to the test... we will ultimately achieve the impossible!
Saturn today
Since the beginning of March 2023 (and until February 14, 2026), Saturn enters the sign of Pisces! Between the quest for solidity, rigor, even asceticism, coupled with the thirst to achieve an ideal, let us wager that this phase will favor much more internalization (voluntary or forced), shedding, even a form of asceticism, rather than an unrestrained expression of our passions!
If we willingly embrace the trend, it could allow us to better control our instinctive resources. However, if we were to deal out of necessity with this climate, beware of the frustration that could settle in and give us the feeling of being prisoners of circumstances beyond our control!
In 2024, Saturn is likely to strongly curb our impulses and a certain enthusiasm, which it will dampen by reminding us of order and moderation around August 19 and December 24, 2024! If spring opens doors for us, tends to shift paradigms, and stimulate our boldness, the austere Saturn will quickly remind us that everything comes with a price and demand our dues! An invitation that might not be very fun, but essential to honor all our responsibilities.