
Check your horoscope for August 2025

Written by Daisy

The heat settles in thanks to the energies in Leo: the sun from the 1st to the 22nd and Mercury (direct from the 11th) encourage the children of the zodiac to shine, to radiate through their social standing, their ability to love, or their charisma, the atmosphere invites you to savor life from all its good sides! The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are directly favored by this ambiance, while the air signs easily hold their own. However, Mercury in retrograde mode until the 10th does not facilitate conversations but rather complicates them, wait until the 11th to schedule important appointments or resume substantial discussions. Mars in Virgo until the 5th facilitates concrete actions, without fanfare but effective, let the earth and water signs seize them to complete a project started last month because from the 6th, Mars slips into Libra and brings an ambivalent atmosphere searching for balance, the air signs will be the first impacted, the cardinal signs will need to be extra vigilant (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra). Jupiter and Venus in Cancer until the 25th, favor an evolution linked to tradition, family lineage, matters of the heart, investing in a cooperative, sensitive and humanitarian project, initiatives or emotional romances are on the rise! Be aware, however, of a general sensitivity that could derail a serious project due to excess sentimentality. Venus moves into Leo on the 26th, hearts will be burning and passionate, overly emotional souls should refrain! Saturn and Neptune in Aries, in good aspect to Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius, represent a very promising celestial climate in the long term, the air and fire signs could take advantage of these powerful influences to undertake something new, innovative, and completely reformative, in this context perspectives change radically! However, Mars facing the planets in Aries (Saturn and Neptune) could accentuate an already present nervousness, do not play with fire or with others' nerves and watch out for what is blocking, it will be temporary. On the 23rd, the sun rushes into Virgo and gives a serious tone to the coming back-to-school period, inviting everyone to redo their lists of various missions and to pack up their beach stuff, it's time to get back to it!

Horoscope for August 2025 for all zodiac signs:

October 2024 Horoscope

2025 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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