
Pisces's horoscope for October 2021

Written by Daisy

Pisces: Astral Climate for October 2021

The heavens are pretty kind to you in October. However, from the 7th onwards, Venus is likely to push you to greed and, consequently, to dissatisfaction. Be content with what you are given as you go along, and you will find that your situation is steadily improving. For some, sudden but positive changes will spice up daily life. Others will undergo a metamorphosis and completely change direction for all. This month of October promises a beautiful evolution, provided you manage your resources and the situations that arise well. You lack a bit of initiative, but at least you don't make any significant mistakes...

Pisces: Mood for October 2021

You develop excellent ideas that appeal to people and allow you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. You are helped by a beautiful charisma. Until the 7th, you can display your artistic talents in a harmonious atmosphere. Still, after that, you are more capricious, and you are no longer satisfied with much. If you remain vigilant and enterprising, you can enjoy positive changes. You have your head in the clouds, but don't give up out of laziness or demotivation. Certain events make you react with a good sense of organization, and you get rid of what is useless.

Pisces: Love for October 2021

You are absorbed by your social ambitions, and you risk neglecting the sentimental aspects of your daily life. It may displease your partner or prevent you from having a beautiful encounter. To evolve in the right direction, you also need to experience rewarding and fulfilling love affairs. You can trust your powers of seduction. But you also need to develop your sense of initiative because love doesn't just fall from the sky. Existing relationships need to be nurtured to give their best. A little goodwill, a lot of charisma, and the will to be happy will be your best assets.

Pisces: Money for October 2021

Beware of Venus, who, from the 7th, will encourage you to overspend. The best way to avoid problems in this area is to go out without your credit cards: you can better see what you are spending when you pay in cash. On the other hand, this is a good time to invest. Still, you need the advice to avoid getting lost in grandiose but unattainable projects. Your tendency to fantasize could play tricks on you and dent your assets. However, there is no disaster on the horizon, just a few annoyances if you are not sober...

Pisces: Work for October 2021

You will use what you have learned to maintain your excellent reputation and further advance your ambitions. Moreover, you have strong supporters who are discreetly relaying your interests. However, do not take advantage of this to exaggerate your expectations and demands, as this would ruin the good planetary influences: not everything is allowed! On the other hand, you can negotiate skillfully with your hierarchy. From the 18th, you have every chance of being heard and then granted. On the whole, you will remain very discreet. Still, you can be highly efficient, which will undoubtedly impress your colleagues and superiors.

Pisces: Leisure for October 2021

You are a bit lazy, and you risk getting bored by not taking any initiative. It's time to get moving, to get out, to see the world, to get out of your comfort zone to spice up your daily life. If you really don't like physical exercise, turn to more playful activities: cook, play board games, do crafts at home, clean out your drawers... But don't stay immersed in your smartphone or tablet from morning to night. React!

Pisces: Key dates for October 2021

- On the 2nd, to reach a goal that inspires you, rely on your charm.

- On the 8th, if you ask for too much, you risk getting nothing.

- On the 15th, you are putting all the chances on your side. You are in full possession of your means.

- On the 19th, your determination is put at the service of your projects. Everything is moving in the right direction.

- On the 28th, by remaining lucid and strategic, you will increase your chances of opening the future according to your wishes.

Pisces: Advice for October 2021

You have understood specific lessons and are drawing a line under the past to prepare for the future. Don't let yourself be disturbed by inner turmoil that is concerning your evolution. You are at times very (too?) reactive. Show yourself to be more accommodating: this attitude will make you move forward more quickly and without conflict.

Horoscope for October 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

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