
Capricorn's horoscope for October 2021

Written by Daisy

Capricorn: Astral Climate for October 2021

Venus supports you during the first week, but the sky is generally heavy for Capricorns in October. Mercury is retrograde in Libra slows down everything: exchanges, travel, negotiations, and even reflections. Mars in the same sign, light and carefree, makes your actions less decisive, riskier and could even lead to worries in your professional life. Uranus is well placed in the friendly and realistic sign of Taurus. Uranus can bring about sudden changes, but these will generally be in your best interest. Neptune, from Pisces, gives you excellent intuitions to get around obstacles.

Capricorn: Mood for October 2021

Your charm works during the first week, and you may meet some interesting people, so take advantage of it, because after that, the sky darkens and so does your mood. Your pessimism may make you unpopular. It would be good to adapt to situations as best you can, even when they do not satisfy you. It is your flexibility and kindness that can help you get through this somewhat gloomy month. Don't get angry at the delays that affect everyone, be more philosophical, and you'll be doing yourself some good first!

Capricorn: Love for October 2021

Your professional life is at the forefront of your concerns, but don't neglect the more tender ties that need your attention to develop and evolve into a more fulfilling relationship. The first week is under the influence of Venus, which gives you charm and seduction, an excellent time to make a beautiful meeting or strengthen your relationship. Talk about your worries with your partner, don't isolate yourself in your ivory tower, at the risk of finding no one when you come down. The month's challenge is to balance your energy and goodwill between your work and your love life, don't let your social life consume you.

Capricorn: Money for October 2021

You are working hard to maintain your assets and build up your wealth. This is not always easy in October when your activities encounter many obstacles, delays, or misunderstandings. Hang in there and don't be too stingy, as this would make you unpopular and deprive you of support that you otherwise need. If the month is not very favorable for financial luck, it is not catastrophic on the money front either. Just manage your wallet wisely and calmly, without going overboard, and you will at least keep what you hold dear.

Capricorn: Work for October 2021

Your socio-professional situation seems a bit frustrating in October. Your efforts are not bearing the fruit you had hoped for, and Saturn is limiting your material rewards. Moreover, Mercury is in retrograde in your work sector. It does not facilitate exchanges or agreements. You have the feeling of being stuck in a situation of waiting that is not very gratifying. Be patient and prepare for the future rather than wear out in a sterile struggle against the slowness of the sky. You are good at developing strategies. Look for and find partners who are closer to your ideas and methods. Above all, remain vigilant and available for a change that can always happen and will go in the direction of your interests.

Capricorn: Leisure for October 2021

You need relaxation, but you should avoid dangerous activities, as you are not at the top of your game. Give yourself happy moments with family or friends, don't stay alone, brooding in your corner, you only make your bad mood worse. A little lightness, lively outings, a good restaurant, a movie to see in good company, or long walks in nature, will do you a lot of good. It will put you back in good spirits to face the vicissitudes of life and get through October without any significant problem.

Capricorn: Key dates for October 2021

- On the 1st, don't feed sterile polemics. Remain discreet.

- On the 8th, determined and combative, don't overdo it either!

- On the 15th, you will receive well-deserved recognition for your talents.

- On the 22nd, beware of polemics. It is better to lower your voice.

- On the 30th, the end of the month is a bit frustrating...

Capricorn: Advice for October 2021

You can now apply the lessons that have enabled you to know your limits and go beyond them. Substantial stakes mobilize you on the professional front, avoid provoking your hierarchy, defend your rights without overstepping them to win in the long run. October could fulfill your wishes concerning your social and financial expansion, expose your talents rather than your grievances.

Horoscope for October 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

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