
Taurus's horoscope for July 2022

Written by Daisy

Taurus: Astral Climate for July 2022

Your appetites (sensual, material, and others) are multiplied tenfold. You have the opportunity to communicate your ideas, projects, and proportions that you strive to "bring about" by putting the forms to it. Take time to reflect before expressing what is important to you. Your words can influence the world around you, mainly those close to you who listen but do not necessarily take all your plans and arguments at face value.

Taurus: Mood for July 2022

If you communicate, you'd better think carefully before speaking and acting. Do not hesitate to involve your family and close friends in your perspectives without worrying them by deploying ambitious projects in their eyes. Rather skillful in expressing what you have in mind and making others aware of your moods around the 10th and 14th. Your originality of tone seduces you. You have more difficulty uniting people around your desire to change things in the family where criticisms fly (the 26th, the 28th). Don't brood at the risk of alienating those around you who are waiting for you to slip up. Rely on your ability to rally your troops around a common ideal. Put your energies at the service of your projects.

Taurus: Love for July 2022

It is vital to measure the scope of your interventions (on the 5th and 9th) to get your messages across without ambiguity, without hurting anyone. Count on Venus between the 18th and the 27th to bring you closer to those you love. Don't hide anything from your loved ones so that you can end the month with a top rating in the family (31st). You communicate your need for freedom, your thirst for more room to maneuver. Whether within the couple or the home, you find the right words. You are more adept at communicating an idea. This project is close to your heart but does not forsake your own for the sake of your personal aspirations.

Taurus: Money for July 2022

If you are actively preparing, albeit in the shadows, for what is to come and take shape next year, you will see things in a big way. Why not, if you know (usually, a Taurus knows). More than just getting rich, you are eager to free yourself from a straitjacket of obligations, rules, and habits that end up locking you in, even if it means making some small sacrifice. If, at the beginning of the month, more or less hidden animosities are hindering your ambitions, rely on a controlled approach to your aspirations to achieve your goals rather than putting everyone in a corner.

Taurus: Work for July 2022

You have no lack of energy or determination (between the 5th and 19th) to convince colleagues and superiors that you are ready to move mountains. If you find the right words (on the 9th) to score points, keep to yourself what you are working on in secret and which will come to light in 2023. You lack neither inventiveness nor a genuine desire to break with the past and a way of working that no longer corresponds to your evolution. Suppose you succeed in convincing people that your aspirations are legitimate and serve the common cause. In that case, your exchanges will be more animated. Avoid playing against your own side by awakening an ambush of adversity that pushes you into a corner. Rely on communication so that people will want to follow you and adhere to your proposals.

Taurus: Leisure for July 2022

Jupiter brings forth powerful energies that you should channel through activities that will allow you to curb your ardor and wait for your time (in 2023) without feeling frustrated. Take advantage of the first fortnight to involve your loved ones in an adventure. Share an activity out of the ordinary (hot air balloon flight, first flight) since Uranus invites you to spread your wings. However, you are not immune to minor mishaps due to recurrent fatigue and a feeling of frustration that pushes you off course.

Taurus: Key dates for July 2022

-On the 2nd, be careful not to let frustration or latent anger dictate your behavior at the risk of paying the price.
-On the 10th, your originality of tone, your thirst for space and freedom is heard.
-On the 17th, you will communicate on a project that motivates you, and you will win over the votes.
-On the 26th, don't play at being a little boss. Your loved ones appreciate the exercise in different ways and let you know it.
-On the 31st, a life project is being prepared in the shadows and is moving in the right direction.

Taurus: Advice for July 2022

Jupiter's power pushes you to commit excesses. Try to communicate the essentials to win over the votes. Boldness during a first fortnight when the current passes between you and your close relations, followed by a more abrupt second half? Try to put oil on the wheels rather than on the fire. A summer month to be approached and developed without forcing the movement or taking unconsidered risks. Be content to nurture a dream that you will realize later (in 2023) and keep your cool.

Horoscope for July 2022 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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