
Astrology Today

Written by Alison

In some countries such as India, astrology is still considered a science to this day. The government states it is an "ancient science" which should be allowed to continue unopposed. Furthermore certain educational establishments continue to teach it as a subject, as it is not considered incompatible with their concept of secularism. In the Western world, on the other hand, astrology has become completely separate from astronomy. The former is considered as a leisure pursuit, whilst the latter has scientific status and seeks the respect of physicists and researchers.

And yet, horoscopes have never been as successful as they are now. Those who read their horoscope often do so for pleasure, amusement or a bit of escapism. Reading one's horoscope is part of people's leisure activities or entertainment. However, physics demonstrated that the planets had less influence on Man than everyday objects. Astrology is now considered in scientific circles as a form of superstition.

Nevertheless, a few engineers have tried to establish astrology as a science of the future and those such as Eugène Caslant have shown interest in the scientific bases of astrology. Around 1950, André Barbault, wanting to prove very clear links between astrology and psychology, wrote a "Traité d'Astrologie" (A Treaty on Astrology),where he discussed a possible relationship between these two subject areas. During the 20th century, astrologers gradually earned increasing respect.

Modern Astrology

But the face of modern astrology is more typically represented by names such as Gauquelin and Nicolas. Gauquelin is a past master at working out statistics and has shown astrologically that the following information holds true:

Gauquelin has become a master in calculating statistics. He thus demonstrated, thanks to astrology that:
- Athletes and those in the military tend to have been born when Saturn is close to the Ascendant or the Midheaven. They rarely have the Moon in the same position.
- Scientists and men of the clergy have a tendency to have been born when Saturn is close to the Ascendant or the Midheaven, but hardly ever have Jupiter in this position.
- Politicians, actors and journalists... tend to have been born when Jupiter is close to the Ascendant or Midheaven and rarely have Saturn in this position.

- Artists and writers are born when the Moon is close to the Ascendant or the Midheaven and rarely have Mars in this position.
- Another statistic shows the role played by Venus in the birth charts of musicians and oddly enough, this also applies to criminals!

It is very unlikely that theses statistical results are due to chance (about 1 in 5 million) and they are very much in line with the Law of Large Numbers.

Astrology is a practice which is anchored in our culture and has survived criticism from rationalist, historic upheavals and so forth. And Nostradamus' book is still one of the all-time best-sellers in France today! Astrology still has the power to fascinate.

Astrology in itself has several strands: There is psychological or symbolist astrology (beyond doubt the most widespread today),Humanist or transpersonal, conditionalist, karmic, genethliac, political and global, medical and scientific or legal astrology. All aspects of life can be "analysed" by this ancient knowledge.

Astrology et Psychology

It can, however, be stated that the most striking development in astrology began with the appearance of psychoanalysis. In psychoanalytical terms, astrology can be said to be linked to the Superego. Furthermore, on closer inspection, the stars are situated above our heads. In simpler words, the Superego would seem to represent the subconscious and astrology would seem to help us to understand our thought processes. Astrology can help a person to have a better understanding of his or her journey through life.

It would therefore still have many roles to play in our modern way of life and enlightenment, enabling us to listen to our needs, those of others and our environment. The Ancients knew the rhythm of the seasons, the lunar cycles, and the roles of the planetary cycles with their environmental impact. An astrologer in Egyptian times could predict the climate. Men had absolutely no need of new technologies to read the future. They could foresee earthquakes, rain, drought and so on.

These days, it is different. Man is no longer in tune with biological rhythms and rather than living in harmony with the Earth, he tries to control her. If astrology was again a subject of study, men would maybe learn to live more peacefully with their surroundings. They would respect Mother Earth.

Astrology can also help us to understand an individual's character from birth. It would enable us to define part of his or her identity, and parents would have an idea of their child's needs by relating them to his or her sun sign.

Astrology: part of our culture

Astrology still has a very strong presence today and is much more than a passing trend. We know it is a part of our culture. Whether on the Internet, in the newspaper or on the radio, we cannot get away from our horoscopes. We read them and we hear them! And at the end of the day, whether we believe them or not, we like reading them. If they disappeared overnight, there would be a small element of spice missing from our curiosity about life. Whether you consider astrology as fantasy or a direction to follow, it is a part of our lives.

Sometimes those with the greatest interest take it further and decide to consult an astrologer or draw up their birth chart. It is an accessible means of getting an opinion on when is the best time to act in one's love-life or at work etc. A horoscope is an interpretation of the influences of a planet on an individual and, without astrology, horoscopes would not exist. The place of astrology therefore remains important. Make no mistake about it, astrology is here to stay.

1. Discover The 5 Magical Rituals
2. New Moon Abundance Ritual
3. House associated with your sign
4. Discover the aspects used in astrology
5. Getting to know the astrological patterns
6. The origins of astrology as a science
7. Better understanding of modern Astrology
8. Really addicted to horoscopes?
9. Great astrologers to discover !
10. Sidereal or Tropical Astrology?
11. Astrology and Clairvoyance: difference
12. The origin and customs of each day
13. Astrology: precession of the equinoxes

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