Based on your date of birth, you fall into the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd decan. Discovering your decan helps you uncover the unique traits that set you apart and provides deeper insight into the core characteristics of your zodiac sign!

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Depending on your date of birth, you will belong to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decan of your birth sign. Knowing your decan enables you to know your own character traits and the way in which they can modify the essential characteristics of your sign of the zodiac! Find out yours now from this module!

Were you born in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decan?

Please Note: If you were born on a pivotal date of change (for example, if you are an Aries born on April 1st or 2nd), depending on whether you were born in the morning or in the evening, the date may not be accurate for you. In this case it is best to contact our administrators at this address [email protected] and they will give you the exact position of your sun and, therefore, your decan.

Depending on your date of birth, you belong to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd decan. Knowing your decan makes it possible to qualify your character traits and the essential characteristics of your zodiac sign!

1st decan: This refers to the cardinal mode, it equips you with a sense of initiative and the ability to achieve your goals. The 1st decan is also related to the physical world and gives you a realistic personality. However, there is a risk of being less well armed on the emotional level. In your personality you mix the features of your sign with the features of the sign that precedes you.

2nd decan: This refers to the fixed mode, it makes you stable, even unshakeable and with great loyalty. The 2nd decan is linked to a world of ideas and gives you a good potential for reflection and an excellent sense of analysis. You represent the powerful and very classic expression of your sign, as it is commonly known.

3rd decan: This refers to the mutable mode, it makes you versatile, flexible, and adaptable. The 3rd decan is related to the spiritual world and makes you idealistic. But you may encounter material problems. You question yourself and you are already dealing with the characteristic issues of the sign following yours.

Depending on your date of birth, you will have born during one of the three decans of a particular sign (see the chart below). The decans are associated with traits which reinforce or modify the essential characteristics of your zodiac sign.

For example, a Geminian born during the first decan will be more intuitive; one born in the second decan will be more energetic; and one born in the third will be more inclined towards the intellect and reasoning.

However, over the course of time, you are subject to the influence of planets transiting your sign. This influence will vary according to the decan of the sign under which you were born.

If the position of the planet Venus is at 16 degrees in the sign Sagittarius, this planet will have an influence on the Sagittarians born in the second decan, but not those born in the first and third decans. One can therefore imagine this magnificent Archer born in the second decan going through a charismatic and artistic period under Venus' influence - which will not necessarily be experienced by those born in the first and third decans.

Be careful, all the same! While it is easy to understand what a decan is, it is harder, though, to interpret the impact of the decans on a particular sign! It will involve making a precise and judicious analysis of your chart, paying attention to the position of the planets, their flow and influences, plus their surrounding astrological elements. This is how an experienced astrologer will really be able to determine the influences of these areas of the zodiac on your birth chart and tell you to what extent these will have an impact on you and when.

Aries1 21/03 - 01/04
2 02/04 - 11/04
3 12/04 - 20/04
Taurus1 21/04 - 01/05
2 02/05 - 11/05
3 12/05 - 20/05
Gemini1 21/05 - 31/05
2 01/06 - 10/06
3 11/06 - 20/06
Cancer1 21/06 - 01/07
2 02/07 - 12/07
3 13/07 - 22/07
Leo1 23/07 - 02/08
2 03/08 - 13/08
3 14/08 - 22/08
Virgo1 23/08 - 03/09
2 04/09 - 13/09
3 14/09 - 22/09
Libra1 23/09 - 03/10
2 04/10 - 14/10
3 15/10 - 23/10
Scorpio1 24/10 - 03/11
2 04/11 - 13/11
3 14/11 - 22/11
Sagittarius1 23/11 - 02/12
2 03/12 - 12/12
3 13/12 - 21/12
Capricorn1 22/12 - 02/01
2 03/01 - 11/01
3 12/01 - 20/01
Aquarius1 21/01 - 31/01
2 01/02 - 10/02
3 11/02 - 18/02
Pisces1 19/02 - 28/02
2 01/03 - 10/03
3 11/03 - 20/03