A summer month where you should relax rather than use force. While some see an ideal taking shape, others will have to make concessions and keep the debates open. You can close them by early August without causing open conflict. Cut some slack when your positions lead you to an impasse. Bet on your open-mindedness and your daring ideas to make a difference and win without hurting or targeting anyone. It's up to you to play a tight game!
Taurus: Love horoscope for July 2020
Love: Be (and Stay) Clear!
Use communication to openly express your desires and avoid misunderstandings or confrontations. Your loved ones do not always understand where you are coming from: send clear messages and do not attack anyone so as not to confuse the frequency,
Taurus, or to cast doubt on your good intentions.
1st decan (April 21st - May 1st): Watch Your Communication!
Until the 11th, Venus sharpens your desires and your desire for freedom within the family. Plead your case, but do not try to control those around you. From the 12th, communication resumes more fluidly. Take the opportunity to make others aware of your
aspirations, to convince them without trying to force them.
2nd decan (May 2nd - May 11th): Be Polite!
Venus strengthens your magnetism and increases your desire to please yourself between the 11th and 26th. But Uranus awakens your need for freedom in your exchanges and autonomy in your life. Get the message out without raising an uproar. Beware of misunderstandings if you impose your new conception of the world on others, you will make more than just friends.
3rd decan (May 12th - May 20th): The Realization of Your Dreams Comes First!
Saturn urges you to act to make your ambitions come true. Explain to your loved ones that you are fighting for a personal ideal. You can win votes by exposing projects that arouse enthusiasm. But you have more difficulty winning the support of those around you. Count on a conjuncture of your projects around the 27th: if you don't ask for too much, you can make your dream come true. Present things by including your loved ones in these wonderful perspectives.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
In July, communicate without rushing your interlocutors who do not appreciate having their hand forced. Express your ambitions by uniting those around you rather than bluntly imposing your worldview. Your loved ones are calling you to account.
Taurus: The thread of the month for July 2020
The First Week,
The 1st, the current passes. You convince the others that, if they grant you more freedom, they will not lose.
The 5th, the Full Moon lights up the goals you want to achieve. Explain to those around you what you covet to obtain it without endorsement and without starting hostilities.
The 8th, if you're looking to manipulate others, expect criticism. You may be stuck in your corner.
The 12th, the discussions started at the end of May resume again and conclude at the beginning of August. You make an impression with a unifying vision of the world.
The Second Week,
The 11th, certainly, your ambitions are legitimate, but take the time to communicate on the subject so that your loved ones do not feel excluded.
The 15th, you aspire, to broaden your horizons, and this worries your entourage who you should reassure. Do not leave them in doubt concerning your intentions and include them in your program.
The Third Week,
The 20th, the New Moon invites you to communicate by sending clear messages. Saturn recommends that you educate those around you about the responsibilities you assume to find an ideal soon.
The 22nd, you express your expectations and make others understand that granting you more freedom does not mean that you are going to flee to the end of the world.
The Fourth Week
The 27th, a promising sky invites you to your dreams without going beyond the limits!
The 30th, bet on controlled communication to reach an ideal without going to excessive ambitions.
Horoscope for July 2020 for all zodiac signs:
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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs: