
Capricorn's horoscope for January 2021

Written by Daisy

This first month of the year invites us to smooth things over and connect to our intuition to make others want to believe us and follow us. Let's take the time to reflect on our deepest motivations to find complete coherence with the person we want to become. A whole personal and societal program to follow to finally free ourselves from a past that has become obsolete and open ourselves to something better. This passage will require commitment, endurance, patience, and perseverance to achieve our goals without doing too much damage.

Capricorn: Love horoscope for January 2021

Love: You Don't Go Unnoticed!

Count on Venus in January to exalt your seduction. Present in your sign until next February 1st. This delicious planet allows you to soften hearts and get your messages across smoothly. It favours communication and pleads your case in love. Capricorn, your charm reinforces recent successes.

1st decan (December 22nd - January 2nd): Pulled in Opposite Directions!

Mars invests in the domain dedicated to love but does not encourage tender exchanges or amicable speeches in January. You are stressed by an agreement that restricts your autonomy. Your desire to spice up your relationships and escape from routine is bumping up against the obligation to keep your promises and commitments. To regulate your emotions, rely on your charm and explain to your partner and children that they must also let you go if you accept your responsibilities.

2nd decan (January 3rd - January 11th): Good Vibes!

You are communicating with those you love, and they return the favour. Use your charm to create a climate of trust and caring in the relationship that will allow you to start the year beautifully and smoothly.

3rd Decan (January 12th - January 20th): You are Reborn from Your Ashes!

You are emerging from metamorphosis, and you continue on this path. Count on the sky to consolidate your progress. You express whom you have become and what you wish to live from now on. You reveal an irresistible magnetism—a new course to be confirmed in power and beauty in January.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

In January, Count on Venus to radiate, smooth things over, communicate smoothly, and express yourself more with grace than force.

Capricorn: The thread of the month for January 2021

The First Week,

The 1st, related to your intuition, you can convince whomever you want to believe you and follow you. The 5th, you express to the world who you have become after successful transformations that have allowed you to get rid of everything that hindered your path. The 8th, you communicate in a quasi-medical mode that allows you to make a mark on people's minds. The 9th, opt for the soft method, which allows you to convince those you wish to follow your ideas and rally to your cause. The 10th, watch out for words that contribute to blocking exchanges. Don't block communication.

The Second Week,

The 11th, recent commitments allow you to develop your potential and express your talents. Build on these promising prospects to move forward on the right track rather than asking for more freedom and running into a wall. The 12th, things get heated between you and the other if you put oil on the fire rather than in the wheels. The 13th, the New Moon puts you in the forefront. It's up to you to play the right role that will bring you closer to the others more than it will take you away from them. The 14th, use your charm to advocate for freedom of movement and originality that doesn't just appeal to people in love or business. The 17th, torn between the promising openings you've recently obtained and your desire to emancipate yourself, you're not comfortable with this constant pressure. Make some concessions to benefit from your advantages.

The Third Week,

The 20th, it might get hot, so it's up to you to calm things down. The 23rd, don't sabotage your recent success by trying to control everything. Your charm is working, and you'll be in the good graces of those around you.

The Fourth Week,

The 26th, still stressed, you are divided between your activity, your love, and the stability that signing agreements at the end of 2020 allow you. The 28th, the Full Moon invites you to manage your money and commitments wisely, mainly if they concern a joint account or a contract with a third party. The 30th, negotiations drag on and won't resume until February 21st. Use this slow time to refine your arguments and sharpen your strategies.

Horoscope for January 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

2021 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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