
Sagittarius's horoscope for February 2021

Written by Daisy

February has the best and worst in store for us. For some, the possibility to surpass themselves and spread their wings. For others, the need to make concessions and endure an unpleasant feeling of frustration. But for all, the opportunity to grow and gain maturity by making the most of temporarily thwarted hopes or stepping stones towards a full expression of their abilities. If everyone accepts what is, no one will end the month on edge.

Sagittarius: Love horoscope for February 2021

Love: We Talk to Each Other (or at Least We Try)!

Communication is on the agenda in February. You get your messages across smoothly, but you don't always succeed. Your desire to make yourself understood is not enough to smooth things over day-to-day. You aspire to shake up the codes and break with habits that have served their time. Be polite, Sagittarius, so you don't hurt anyone's feelings. At the end of the month, you restore harmony in the family.

1st decan (November 23rd - December 2nd): Smooth Things Over (at Least a Little)!

You are redefining the way you operate and the way you communicate with your loved ones. Your words are weighed and reflected upon before being transmitted. Count on Venus to manage exchanges harmoniously, but then you want to redistribute the cards of everyday life. Don't try to force others to follow you. Wait until the 25th to make your loved ones aware of your new vision of things with success.

2nd decan (December 3rd - December 12th): Mid Month is ... Jubilant!

On the 1st and 10th, you impose your rhythm and your daily management on others. Make an effort so that your initiatives are not a forceful passage. Fortunately, the economic situation warms the atmosphere on the 11th, 13th, and 14th. Your morale soars. You become a pole of attraction that closes ranks as a family. Rely on this exceptional heavenly support to achieve an ideal: conceive a child or buy the house of your dreams.

3rd decan (December 13th - December 21st): A Little Patience!

You are voluble, and you don't let go of anything. If discussions have been going on since the end of January, you defend your points of view. Still, you don't manipulate the people around you so that they bend to your desires. Otherwise, you risk generating tension. Use your combative energy to improve your daily life. You will have everything right (the 25th).

Advice from FREE Horoscope :

Don't force anyone's hand. Don't impose your codes on those around you who won't let you. Conflicts can be avoided if you stop being stubborn.

Sagittarius: The thread of the month for February 2021

The First Week,

The 1st, you have difficulty communicating without getting angry. You need to learn how to manage your stress. The 6th, you soften your language and approach the other gently. A practical approach to reach the other by being polite. The 7th, if your real intention is to influence the other person, they won't let you tame them, and the exchanges will put your nerves to the test.

The Second Week,

The 8th, discussions have been dragging on since the end of January. You are not giving up and do not lack arguments to keep the debates going. The 10th, avoid forcing anyone's hand so that the day does not end in confrontation. The 11th, your influence attracts attention. You have the opportunity to make inspiring encounters, contact influential personalities, or enrich your address book. Express your feelings if you feel like it. Today has everything to fill you up. The New Moon invites you to communicate. The 13th, the current passes in love or business. Bet on your charm and your eloquence to mark minds and hearts and score points. The 14th, always charismatic. Use your strength to direct your family life towards improving your living conditions.

The Third Week,

The 17th, don't impose your ideas and methods on everyone. Keep a low profile or else bear the consequences of your choices. The 19th, if you pass your messages smoothly, you'll be fine. But if you force someone's hand, you'll jam the frequency. The 21st, if the discussions have been stalled since January, they will finally resume.

The Fourth Week,

The 25th, beautiful energy to exploit your potential. You must invest in yourself because you will receive the reward. The 27th, the Full Moon asks you to invest in yourself and work but don't forsake your relationships with your family and friends.

Horoscope for February 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

2021 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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