
Aquarius's horoscope for December 2020

Written by Daisy

December is the last month of an eventful year where the worst has rubbed shoulders with the best. On the one hand, a nasty virus, small dictators, and liberticidal laws. On the other hand, the solidarity of the fragile, so strong in their souls. Saturn induces responsibilities and constraints from the 17th, Jupiter opens different paths to help us reinvent a world more in line with Aquarius's values. We want to free ourselves from an old world that pulls us back. Let's hope that this rebirth does not come up against the immobility of those who cling to the sinking raft in 2021.

Aquarius: Love horoscope for December 2020

Love: You Search for Meaning!

You need to give meaning to your existence. Venus endows you with charm and connects you to your inner world by making you want to exploit potentials and talents related to a spiritual quest and the need to do what you like. Your love life is not at the top of your priorities at the end of the year because a more global life project mobilizes you. Starting on the 15th, Venus invites you to make projects, Aquarius, and to rally the votes around personal perspectives that you want to realize.

1st decan (January 21st - January 31st) The Way is Clear and Open!

The first fortnight protects you from any palpable turmoil, giving you time to prepare. Saturn, from the 17th, invests in your sign, followed closely by Jupiter. Around the 21st, the two planets intersect and open up new possibilities. If you want to change direction at work or in life, this duo offers you the opportunity to do so, even if this chance to take a step forward comes in a difficult context. Nothing hinders your impulses, and your commitments have an immediate effect on your life. Take the necessary time to think about how to make this shift smoothly.

2nd decan (February 1st - February 10th) Stay Cautious!

You want to develop your untapped talents. Bet on your charm on the 6th to make yourself loved by all and make everyone want to believe you and follow you. But don't launch yourself into grandiose projects that are beyond your means and discourage your allies. It is by keeping a sense of reality that you will be unanimous and reassure your entourage. This is not the time to fantasize, but rather to wait wisely for your time, which should ring out in 2021.

3rd decan (February 11th - February 18th) Guided from the Inside!

Rely on your charm, your ability to unite, and on a strong bond with your inner world to glimpse the road that will open up when you are rid of the weight of the past. An arduous but promising path during which you will lighten up and begin a new, more serene life cycle where you will blossom according to your codes. But don't attack your loved ones. Rather continue to examine yourself.

Advice from FREE Horoscope

You step out of the shadows and shed the weights that hindered your evolution: continue, persevere and take nothing lightly to build on solid ground.

Aquarius: The thread of the month for December 2020

The First Week,

The 6th, you put your charm at the service of expressing your talents and potential to reinforce your popularity. The 9th, don't take advantage of the circumstances by making grand plans. Keep your head on your shoulders and your feet on the ground. The 10th, tap into your inner world to fuel your work and break down the obstacles that hinder your creativity. The 11th, don't hesitate to raise your voice to put pressure on those who help you reach your goals but don't go overboard. The 13th, beware of misunderstandings if you demand that your projects be funded without looking at the expense because, make no mistake about it, others will look at the bill and present you with it.

The Second Week,

The 14th, the New Moon invites you to make plans and project yourself into the future but not exceed your means to realize your fantasies. You can make a lasting impression with your charm and resources that captivate the crowds. The 15th, you don't spare your strength, and you show yourself convincing to make others want to believe you, follow you, and support your projects. The 20th, you defend your vision of the future with the talent to win the vote.

The Third Week,

The 21st, you benefit from an economic climate that helps you take a step forward despite a tense social and economic environment. You launch a promising new cycle of expansion. The 23rd, channel a latent aggressiveness that pushes you to attack everyone and deprives you of support. The 25th, take a step back from your emotions to transform things in your family and change mentalities so that you are left to manage your life freely.

The Fourth Week,

The 30th, the Full Moon invites you to serve the common cause as much as your own. This is an excellent time to do a little check-up and get involved in your daily life without excess.

Horoscope for December 2020 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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