To take advantage of summer and avoid turbulence. Put oil in the cogs rather than on the fire. You can spend your vacation in the Sun and without incident. If you have trouble controlling latent aggression or rising anger, use humor to make yourself understood rather than provoke your interlocutors.
Aquarius: Love horoscope for August 2020
Love: Cultivate Listening!
Venus has allowed you to evolve in a pleasant emotional environment. Starting August 7th, you serve the community and give back what you have received. Until the 22nd, the Sun invites you to stay in tune with your partner. You should not play it personally,
Aquarius, if you want to flourish in a relationship, a family, or a community.
1st decan (January 21st - January 31st): In Search of Well-Being for You and Others!
Uranus ceases to exert pressure within the family. You enjoy a summer truce in August that you deserve. You are sheltered from the weather. Take advantage of this clear sky to get closer to an entourage that you pamper between the 7th and 18th. It's the ideal time to go on a family vacation or take care of the well-being of those who matter to you.
2nd decan (February 1st - February 10th): Some Concessions to Make!
It gets stuck in the family at the beginning of the month. The current does not pass, and the tone rises. Unfinished business pollutes the atmosphere. However, don't try to get out of it! It's not the right method. Agree to take a step towards the other with goodwill to renew contact, smooth things over, and avoid a clash.
3rd decan (February 11th - February 20th): Hard Times!
Ancient stories obscure this summer. You have to face them before taking out your beach towel. Misunderstandings provoke your entourage. Communication collapses and you collide with a wall. Try a more fruitful dialogue because any struggle ruins your vacation.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
The desire to serve everyone's interests allows you to spend a vacation in the Sun. But if you cultivate the dark side of your relationships, the shadows will tarnish your holiday.
Aquarius: The thread of the month for August 2020
The First Week,
The 1st, you run into invisible enemies. Your initiatives and words risk flopping.
The 2nd, do not stir up family controversy. Maintain the dialogue and smooth things over.
The 3rd, the Full Moon prompts you to play it personally. You risk encountering confusion if the debates end in a deadlock.
The 4th, lower your tone to reach a consensus with your loved ones about an issue linked to the past that is getting stuck.
The Second Week,
The 10th, you find it hard to keep your cool during discussions that involve your loved ones. It puts you on edge.
The 13th, you attack your entourage to clarify debates. This is
not the best approach to change things.
The 16th, it is by taking a step towards the other and by fueling the dialogue that you succeed in expressing your demands and channelling latent aggression.
The Third Week,
The 17th, you have no shortage of arguments to defend your views.
The 18th, your desire to serve the interests of others as much as your own is a magic potion that calms family debates.
The 19th, the New Moon invites you to privilege dialogue, communicate what you feel, and listen to what you are told.
The Fourth Week,
The 24th, watch out for verbal excess that harms you. But, do not reduce it too much, at the risk of blocking exchanges.
The 27th, bet on your open mind and heart to express the wealth of your potential and lead debates in a diplomatic way that pays off.
The 29th, your negotiating skills and your intuition allow you to deploy effective strategies to unblock a deal and break the deadlock.
The 30th, do not cloud the issue by maintaining confusion. This method does not plead in your favor.
Horoscope for August 2020 for all zodiac signs:
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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs: