
Libra's horoscope for September 2021

Written by Daisy

Libra: Astral Climate for September 2021

You are brimming with charm throughout the month and have many opportunities for growth in various fields. The Sun highlights your personality from the 22nd. Mercury remains in your sign all month but will retrograde from September 26th to October 19th. Of course, Mercury in retrograde will bring delays, misunderstandings, and blockages. But, in your sign, things will go more smoothly and serenely. Venus will stay with you until the 10th, and Mars will arrive on the 15th. You should be in great shape, attractive, busy, and full of projects.

Libra: Mood for September 2021

You are somewhat limited by the discipline of Saturn. At the same time, Jupiter encourages you to excess, and Mercury in retrograde may slow down your progress. Still, overall, this is a very gratifying month where you will have no trouble putting yourself forward. You will find fulfilling activities that will contribute to your popularity and thus support your beautiful moods. Under these easy influences, you tend to use your charm in any situation. Still, you risk annoying your relatives or superiors. They will look at you with suspicion. Stay sober and serious in all your endeavors, and your abilities will be recognized by all.

Libra: Love for September 2021

Saturn will force you to calm down and take a closer look at your emotional relationships, to put them through the sieve of reason. Your desires will sometimes clash with the need to step back from your emotions. Still, you will freely express an overflowing sensuality. Count on Venus to reinforce and satisfy your desires, provided you don't get too greedy, reckless, or greedy. By playing on your charm, you can improve your family relationships where you are expected to be good at management, serious, and rigorous. But your love affairs will be full of fantasy and spice, so take advantage of this!

Libra: Money for September 2021

Don't ask too much of your banker or those who have the financial means to support you. They may find you too greedy and refuse you what you ask for. Financial luck should smile on you until the 10th, and from the 15th, your work will give you complete satisfaction and could bring you an increase in your status or salary. Invest wisely, without projecting yourself into ideas of grandeur that could harm your assets. Don't give in too quickly to your sudden desire for luxury or fashionable items. In short, don't squander your fortune on frivolous things.

Libra: Work for September 2021

The planets are pushing you to fulfill your duties, not to express unbridled creativity. Humility, diligence, and a sense of responsibility are expected of you. You hope for more autonomy in your work and observe your situation from a position of retreat, working away from the noise of the world to implement the changes you long for. However, if you are faced with questionable circumstances, refrain from acting. By emphasizing your desire to serve the common cause, you'll make an impression. But don't overdo it.

Libra: Leisure for September 2021

Saturn is weighing down your creativity, spontaneity, and love life. Instead of moping around, relax and enjoy yourself. Plan a variety of activities with your friends, get closer to your family, and leave the screens aside. Instead, choose board games, good-natured competitions, crafts with the little ones, and arts and crafts with the grown-ups. Keeping your hands and mind busy will do you a world of good.

Libra: Key dates for September 2021

- On the 2nd, mistakes and misunderstandings are possible, so don't interfere if you want to avoid trouble.

- On the 7th, the New Moon invites you to take a step back and approach the future without rushing. It is by reflecting that you will transform things constructively.

- On the 14th, avoid defying fate. You are not safe from a complex situation. Because of too much impatience, you could be wrong (or be wrong).

- On the 20th, you have no shortage of arguments to bewitch the other. The Full Moon invites you to serve the community rather than your own interests.

- On the 27th, all your exchanges are exposed to delays. The debates will only resume from October 18th.

Libra: Advice for September 2021

Venus exalts your sensuality and increases your desires. It's up to you to temper between too much and not enough to overcome frustration without falling into excess. You need to find a delicate balance to take advantage of your charm and desire to love. Before launching a new cycle of expansion (from the 22nd), prepare the ground by sharpening the strategies that will allow you to build on a solid foundation and evolve.

Horoscope for September 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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