
Scorpio's horoscope for October 2022

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for October 2022

Before tackling a new cycle of expansion that will begin on your birthday, take the time to settle down a bit, to cogitate to draw lessons from your previous experiences! This month, your priority will be to adjust your aim, fine-tune your angles of action and attack to act wisely when the time comes, and put your future on the right track!

Scorpio: Mood for October 2022

A month that evokes a time of reflection instead, even a cosmic drag rather than a burst of sap? A less intense atmosphere but one that prepares you for what's to come? Venus arrives to boost your radiance from the 23rd. The same goes for the Sun, which inaugurates a new cycle of self-expression on your birthday!

Scorpio: Love for October 2022

Your rather busy daily life at the moment demands all your attention and presses you to meet the demand? However, take the time to reflect on the past. This will allow you to take stock of your emotional life and prepare yourself to start a new expansion cycle on this level from the 23rd, preferably with full knowledge of the facts!

In a Relationship: if the management of daily life and stewardship mobilizes you more than usual (on the 1st, on the 12th), in October, think however of reviewing the modes of functioning which in your sentimental life deserve to be preserved...or not!

Single: do not neglect to look back on your previous experiences and extract yourself from a rather intense daily life. Reflect on what you wish to live from now on in love. Just so you don't repeat the mistakes of the past?

Scorpio: Money for October 2022

Your income has probably increased if you have been promoted, changed your status, or upgraded your rank since May. If not? You have until the 28th to ask for a raise!

Scorpio: Work for October 2022

Jupiter has imposed himself since May 10 as the provider of opportunities to improve the ordinary, make a leap forward, and will move away from your line of sight from the 28th. Take advantage of his influence to open other doors to enrich your perspectives while proving to those around you that you are still willing to serve the common cause!

Scorpio: Leisure for October 2022

Your energy resources have been on the rise since May. Enough to (work done) indulge in activities that keep you in shape and in good spirits! Whether it's a question of letting off steam in a gym or practicing an art!

Scorpio: Key dates for October 2022

- On the 1st, take the time to look back, and take stock of your emotional life without letting yourself get too overwhelmed by a demanding daily routine!
- On the 12th, be careful not to abuse your authority to try to control your partner (your children) at the risk of polluting the atmosphere!
- On the 14th, by taking a step back from your emotions and feelings, you will best succeed in securing your bases or resolving recurring problems!
- On the 19th, beware of misunderstandings you will avoid by managing events with determination, empathy, and a good sense of strategy!
- On the 27th, you will avoid spats and misunderstandings by thinking twice before speaking.

Scorpio: Advice for October 2022

This month, you will have to optimize the celestial instances by reflecting on your sentimental future and improving the ordinary. Come back to the front of the stage as soon as your magnetic anniversary date and on "on"!

Horoscope for October 2022 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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