
Gemini's horoscope for November 2022

Written by Daisy

Gemini: Astral Climate for November 2022

It's on the everyday terrain that you'll work primarily in November. It will be a matter (whether in love or at the office) of doing your best to settle the current affairs and manage the stewardship in the most fluid way possible! If you find it difficult to cope, understand that you must first and foremost put yourself at the service of the community as much (more?) than yourself! this month

Gemini: Mood for November 2022

No disruptive cosmic flow can alter a rather communicative good mood in November! You do not wish to remain in your corner, to be apart, and will not hesitate to go out to connect with others! Your ability to listen and your desire to share with others should lead you to spend moments of beautiful collaboration with those around you who are under your spell!

Gemini: Love for November 2022

Venus expressly invites you (between the 16th and the 24th) to take a step towards the other. A time to listen to those you love and who will appreciate your attentiveness to their needs and requests! The Sun will take over from the 22nd, assuring you of a month dedicated to communication that should go smoothly!

In a Relationship: no question in November of zapping the other! You will redouble your benevolence and prove to those around you that their opinion counts. You are concerned about giving them a voice and forming a close team!

Single: you can rely on your ability to turn to others to engage in a dialogue that will not only win you the appreciation of those close to you but could also draw

Gemini: Money for November 2022

This month, you can turn to others to ask for their help if you need money! You will know what to say and do to make them want to support your cause (financially?)!

Gemini: Work for November 2022

Jupiter has moved away at the end of October, and some of your projects are on hold (until December 20th?). In that case, you can count on your sharp sense of communication this month to maintain creative and productive exchanges with your business partners, colleagues, and boss. Just to keep your future on track!

Gemini: Leisure for November 2022

Any activity that puts you in contact with the world around you and others will satisfy your thirst for exchange in November. So, you won't be turned away, whether it's a bridge tournament or a run!

Gemini: Key dates for November 2022

-On the 7th, you may end the day a little frustrated when you find that your goodwill runs into a wall!
-On the 10th, a more or less unconscious desire to break with the past could push you to give up on the 2nd as you feel trapped in a restrictive daily routine!
-On the 15th, you will serve a cause, an ideal with passion, and could well be rewarded for it!
-On the 19th, keep your voice down when addressing your superiors who will be sensitive to your ideals. A little less to your demonstrations of authority!
-On the 28th, working with application and determination, you will succeed best in realizing your ambitions!

Gemini: Advice for November 2022

You should have a smooth autumn month, supported by the elements. Take advantage of this relatively serene climate to strengthen your alliances (pro, private) and get everyone on your side!

Horoscope for November 2022 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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