
Capricorn's horoscope for November 2020

Written by Daisy

The month promises to be lively and offers some great opportunities for people to change their work or their lives and chart a new course elsewhere or otherwise. But don't ask for too much. The cosmic state of affairs offers everyone opportunities for expansion and the chance to set an ideal in motion, to pave the way for a more inspiring world view that pulls us upwards. A promise to be honoured by connecting us to our souls and our ability to prosper without plundering the resources of abled world that offers us one last chance to grow in maturity and openness of mind and heart. A gift from heaven and Earth to be received with gratitude.

Capricorn: Love horoscope for November 2020

Love: Don't Overdo It!

you lack neither charm nor attractions to melt hearts and your entourage. Do not abuse them to get what you are entitled to. You play your trump cards to your advantage, but it turns against you if you abuse them. However, you have excellent cards to launch new projects, Capricorn, if you associate the other with your attractive prospects.

1st decan (December 22nd - January 2nd) Be Polite!

If you are using your charms to rally support for future prospects that are close to your heart, do not impose anything without prior discussion. Your ideas are out of the ordinary, and you aspire to put fantasy into your love affairs. But be mindful of the other person's expectations so that they do not find you demanding, daring, and unwilling to follow you.

2nd decan (January 3rd - January 11th) Make Them Dream!

Don't take a leading role in the family. You reserve your favours for those you meet on the outside. But if you have a project in mind, praise its merits. Pass on your messages to those who will be sensitive to your ideas. Your arguments and your vision of the world will hit the nail on the head.

3rd decan (January 12th - January 20th) The Best is the Enemy of Good!

Lower your voice at the beginning of the month so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. You benefit from a favourable climate that favours a rebirth and a step to take for the better. But don't abuse a power of seduction that you don't need, and that makes some people think that you don't have a modest triumph.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

You have projects that are close to your heart, and you advocate for them. But don't impose anything on anyone. Everything is possible and allowed.

Capricorn: The thread of the month for November 2020

The First Week,

The 1st, it is not by flaunting yourself that you will convince those in charge who will not give in to an argument that irritates more than it seduces. The 3rd, if negotiations dragged on, they will resume more openly today. The 6th, don't knock everyone out with arguments that may irritate some rather than winning them over.

The Second Week,

The 9th, as a family, don't impose anything on anyone by using charm to influence your entourage. The 10th, you have an exceptional capacity to embark with your partner in your dreams, to make them want to believe you and follow you. The 12th, bet on a dynamic situation to put yourself forward without artifice. You don't need it as your chances of being noticed, chosen, loved, or elected are so important. Take advantage of this opportunity to get out of the shadows for good. The 14th, your desire to change things in your family, restructure, and manage the stewardship has hit a wall since September. You now have more room to manoeuvre and more freedom of movement. The 15th, a new path opens up, your projects take shape. Don't jam the frequency by abusing your seduction to influence the crowds. You don't need it, and this initiative is not appreciated. The New Moon invites you to make plans.

The Third Week,

The 16th, avoid outbidding because everything indicates that you are supported and appreciated. The 17th, your desire to get off the beaten track hurts people's feelings. Plead your case and make those around you aware of your vision of the world rather than imposing it on them. The 19th, to break down obstacles, rely on your projects' validity and legitimacy rather than on seduction strategies that backfire on you.

The Fourth Week,

The 24th, you will influence your loved ones who want to support and accompany your projects. The 27th, you know what arguments to use to overcome the resistance of a community that has been blocking your path for a long time. If you feel that your originality does not pass, back up your argument with logic. The 29th, your enthusiasm and eloquence serve your projects and help you open up the future as you wish. The 30th, the Full Moon invites you to serve the common cause, to convince others that your ideas and projects open perspectives for everyone.

Horoscope for November 2020 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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