
Scorpio's horoscope for May 2021

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for May 2021

Far from the turmoil of the beginning of the year, the situation in May offers you a break. Exalted Venus gives you naughty or greedy ideas and encourages you to put them into practice. You can also count on Jupiter to favour your emotional and financial fulfillment. This giant planet warms up the atmosphere and puts an end to a certain solitude. These are pleasant prospects, but they must be qualified. Even if you think you are acting in the interest of all, you sometimes neglect to consult your loved ones before making important decisions. Saturn is still a bit of a downer. Still, you will convince those around you of your actions' legitimacy and your strategies' relevance.

Scorpio: Mood for May 2021

You make yourself easily understood, and you reinforce the collaboration and solidarity between you and others. Your enthusiasm and desire to contribute to your family's blooming incite you to make choices that people may find a little too optimistic or costly. Don't disappoint anyone by systematically putting your desires before others to escape a family dispute that would put you in a bad mood. Don't be too unrealistic in your negotiations. You risk sowing doubt in people's minds, but you have a special striking force, likely to help you reach an ideal.

Scorpio: Love for May 2021

Venus invites you to take a step towards the other person and listen to them. From the 9th, this delightful planet helps you develop your relationships by intensifying your feelings. It is time to question certain habits or behaviours in which your love lives are stuck. Your emotions and desires are exacerbated. You are looking to change things so that the bonds are tightened around more vital collaboration as a couple or family. Count on Venus to gently but effectively influence the course of things in your family.

Scorpio: Money for May 2021

At the beginning of the month, your situation seems to be a bit stagnant and heavy. Still, Mars is stirring up your desire to progress, realize your ambitions, secure your assets, and be a good manager. Your proposals may upset your business partners, but they will come to like them. Rely on Venus to negotiate in your best interests, mainly if your initiatives concern a family business or a job you are doing at home.

Scorpio: Work for May 2021

Your sensitivity is at its peak, so take advantage of this to hone your skills. Jupiter will help highlight your talents and get them recognized. You will have opportunities to get good rewards, but don't ask for too much because if you raise the stakes, some people will find you too greedy. Mars reinforces your desire to progress, and your proposals. If they upset your partners, they could also please them. Rely on Venus to negotiate in your best interests, primarily if your initiatives concern a family business or a home-based job. You can convince your interlocutors (even the most reluctant) that your ideas are the best.

Scorpio: Leisure for May 2021

From the 13th, Jupiter boosts your morale and creativity. On the other hand, Mars puts you in shape and gives you a lot of determination. This is an excellent cocktail for you to take up painting or sports! You have a thirst for discovery and achievement. This is a beautiful time to engage in sustained physical activity and interest in the arts in general. Many "home" concerts and virtual exhibitions are on the Internet. It's the opportunity to cultivate yourself, make new experiences, and get out of your comfort zone. It will be perfect for your morale and health: the two are linked!

Scorpio: Key dates for May 2021

- Thursday, May 6th, you express your feelings with honesty and manage to touch the heart of someone who matters to you.

- Thursday, May 13th, you exchange tenderly with your partner and achieve a real moment of shared happiness thanks to the dialogue, which puts you in good spirits.

- Friday, May 21st, do not overestimate your possibilities. If you want to start a family or expand it, take the time to talk about it and channel your enthusiasm a little.

- Wednesday, May 26th, the Full Moon invites you to express your talents to the fullest and to claim its fair reward.

-Saturday, May 29th, negotiations are behind schedule and will not resume until June 22nd.

Scorpio: Advice for May 2021

Dialogue and moderation in your aspirations will open many doors for you, provided you know how far you can go without confusing the month's good influences. Love, family, and emotional fulfillment are at the center of your concerns in May. Talk about them, communicate about all the projects that cross your mind and heart before putting them into action.

Horoscope for May 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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