
Gemini's horoscope for July 2020

Written by Daisy

A summer month where you should relax rather than use force. While some see an ideal taking shape, others will have to make concessions and keep the debates open. You can close them by early August without causing open conflict. Cut some slack when your positions lead you to an impasse. Bet on your open-mindedness and your daring ideas to make a difference and win without hurting or targeting anyone. It's up to you to play a tight game!

Gemini: Love horoscope for July 2020

Love: Other Priorities?

Venus strengthens your power of seduction, which you use to mark minds in your social life. You will spend most of your time in various negotiations, Gemini, and you relegate your love affairs to the background of your concerns.

1st decan (May 21st - May 31st): The Least of Your Worries!

You defend your cause and your projects. You effectively argue or manipulate those around you but do not try to dominate the situation. Use your charm to get your messages across. If you're too forceful, you will start hostilities!

2nd decan (June 1st - June 10th): Let Others Have Their Say!

Venus evolves in your decan from the 11th to the 26th. It's an opportunity to exert your charm on those around you, even if you seem mainly concerned about your future prospects. Uranus invites you to use your resources to plead your case, but do not impose your vision of the world on anyone without letting others express themselves.

3rd decan (June 11th - June 20th): Much Else to Do!

Amid an inner transformation, count on Saturn to settle an inheritance or a money deal that has mobilized you for a long time. No question of pouring yourself out lovingly, but of facing up to your material responsibilities to develop your destiny on new bases.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

Your professional and material life runs the risk of removing you from a romantic effervescence, which leaves something to be desired in July. However, it's an important summer month to manage negotiations that prevent you from surrendering to love. So adjust what is lying around to finally unfold your beach towel and talk about something other than money.

Gemini: The thread of the month for July 2020

The First Week,

The 1st, intuitive and lively, you boast your merits and defend your prospects. The 5th, the Full Moon lights up the negotiations and invites you to make a difference. Not by forcing things! The 8th, beware of verbal slip-ups, you risk triggering conflicts and attracting the wrath of those around you! The 12th, the negotiations that dragged on for a while resume and will be concluded by early August next year. Bet on your ability to serve the common cause to win votes.

The Second Week,

The 14th, cash comes in, you mobilize to speed up the process and negotiate in the best interest of your loved ones. The 15th, the transformation becomes clearer. You do not hesitate to stand up for the metamorphosis to be accomplished under your control.

The Third Week,

The 20th, the New Moon promotes negotiation. To get what you deserve, now is the time to claim the reward for your efforts. The 22nd, your arguments based on strong intuition, awareness, and flashes of genius help you score points.

The Fourth Week

The 27th, you can reach your goals. Whether it's fulfilling a mission or embodying a dream, you direct your existence. But do not influence those around you by charming them. This strategy damages your credit. To avoid conflicts, do not ask for too much and do not try to rule everything. The 30th, opportunities to get what you want if you don't ask for too much.

Horoscope for July 2020 for all zodiac signs:

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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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