
Leo's horoscope for January 2020

Written by Daisy

The first month of the year promises. Indeed, do not expect to start the year quietly. On the program: powerful energies that will put everyone under pressure (around the 12th) and accelerate an inevitable change on the personal, collective, and societal level. You do not risk being bored. Jump on the train of change to make a positive contribution via a more empathic outlook regarding the other, our suffering Earth, and the cosmos that certainly watches us with a dubious eye.

Leo: Love horoscope for January 2020

Love: Be Present in Your Actions!

Listening to your partner and their needs until the 13th, Leo, you open the dialogue to narrow the ranks around a complicity that was found thanks to your goodwill. Count on Venus to boost your desires and your sensuality. Increased appetites and the opportunity to satiate them will warm up this month devoted to improving your everyday life, at home or at work.

1st decan (July 23rd - August 2nd): Tempted to Charm... in Your Interest?

Venus excites your senses but does not distract you from your activities and a desire to evolve socially in January. You aspire to change jobs and there are many opportunities for you to renew yourself professionally. Bet on Venus around the 15th: it exalts your magnetism and nobody resists your attractions. But do not overdo it on the 18th and 23rd: we would not appreciate your attempts to influence your entourage. In a Relationship, you use your charm to serve your interests around the 15th, you have an effect on everyone and your sensuality attracts favors. Take this opportunity to plead your case and change your professional situation. Don't use force, otherwise it's at your own risk (the 18th and 23rd). Single, January is a great start, stay one step ahead, and play your trump cards around the 15th to influence those who might favor you. However, avoid forcing your entourage who does not appreciate that everything revolves around you (the 18th and 23rd): you prefer your ambitions more than your loves.

2nd decan (August 3rd - August 13th): Only Assets... or Almost!

You are getting closer to an ideal? You are inspired and you get some emotional or social success (the 7th and 8th). Then count on Venus to titillate your partner on the 23rd: we do not resist your charm. Enough to stimulate and convince others to yield to your arguments but do not abuse your powers. Your magnetism could worry your partner who wonders how far your appetites lead you. In a Relationship, in January, you have a good time, your charm allows you to impose your desires but does not allow you to submit your partner to your pleasure, on pain of rebellion. Single, you get the attention of whoever you like at the beginning of the month: your sensual radiance serves your desires. Venus reinforces this trend and endows you with an irresistible charisma. Opportunities to seize and confirm on the 25th. However, on the 27th and 28th, you could generate regrettable misunderstandings.

3rd decan (August 14th - August 22nd): Other Priorities!

Situations prevent you from freely managing your time, you must overcome deadlocks and recurring obstacles that hinder your initiatives. You have to face the problems to soon find a freedom of movement. So, you have other things to do than play with love, in January. Some crucial points of your activity or your life will have to be addressed and sometimes radical solutions envisaged. In a Relationship, stuck in your entrenchments and pressed by the events, you seek to release yourself from recurring restraints which hinder your blooming. A month to turn a corner and settle accounts. Single, it's time to remove blockages that keep you under pressure. This clash will help you break with a conditioning that traps you.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

Count on Venus to warm up the atmosphere, even if it will not be enough to get you out of more urgent files. Breaking with habits that slow down your evolution and restore breath to your existence. In January, you want to strengthen your career and meet love.

Leo: The thread of the month for January 2020

The First Week,

The 2nd, opportunities to win a promotion or a job that you like? Take a chance on the flight. The 7th, bet on your intuition to guide your actions with every chance to aim right. The 8th, your arguments help you plead your case favorably. The 10th, the full Moon asks you to take a step back from the day to day to understand what is stuck. The 12th, you are confronted with a reality that weighs on you and responsibilities that imprison you and alter your morale by giving you the impression of being grounded. Make the decisions that are needed to regain greater freedom.

The Second Week,

The 13th, clarify fears and doubts that prevent you from progressing. The 15th, your charm operates and gives you unstoppable strategies to accelerate the change of your destiny, including your career in full redesign. The 18th, do not provoke your interlocutors and partners by believing you are alone in the world and only decided to privilege your interests.

The Third Week,

The 23rd, your exchanges turn to confrontation if you leave no room for maneuver to others. Intense desires and a hypersensitive sensuality can seduce you, you have a good time and seize the chance. The 24th, the new Moon invites you to dialogue, to get closer to each other, to cooperate and not to go it alone. The 25th, your strength helps you convince but keep the right measure to mark minds without abusing your authority.

The Fourth Week,

The 27th, do not exaggerate your rights and do not scream at anyone. We do not appreciate your excesses of zeal or when you force things. The 28th, to avoid any misunderstanding, act in consultation with your entourage rather than on your own. Otherwise, beware of misunderstandings.

Horoscope for January 2020 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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