
Sagittarius's horoscope for February 2020

Written by Daisy

February wakes up our desires, this is not the time to hibernate but to mobilize to accelerate change and pursue and achieve our goals. After a month of January that shook us, the cosmic backdrop solicits our intuition, our inspiration, and exalts our aspiration to reach an ideal. Now is the moment and the month to search for better, a project of the soul.

Sagittarius: Love horoscope for February 2020

Love: Radiant!

Focused on your family relationships, you will move onto love from the 7th. Venus reinforces your seduction and sensuality to give color to your love life, Sagittarius. It helps you forget your financial and social responsibilities a little, which prevented you from giving yourself up to the vertigo of love.

1st decan (November 23rd - December 2nd): Play on All Fields!

Take advantage of Venus between the 7th and 16th to spice up your private life. This delicious planet helps you take down your concerns focused on important exchanges with a family circle whose life conditions you wish to improve. You defend your interests and make things move in the right direction. But, from the 17th, delays slow down your race. Determined to get what you want, you rely on your drive to get the attention you want. In a Relationship, even if you work to transform your daily life throughout the month and discuss with your loved ones on how to achieve it, you do not lack charm or assets to mark hearts between the 7th and the 16th. You will be irresistible in getting your messages across and relighting the flame. Single, , if you are mobilized by family stories, Venus will help you between the 7th and the 16th. Take advantage of this ally to put on a show. This does not prevent you from going about your business and transforming what needs to be changed on a daily basis.

2nd decan (December 3rd - December 12th): Direct Access to Happiness!

You benefit from buoyant currents that promote your development. You receive enough to improve your environment and reach a form of family ideal around the 20th. Venus gives you a crazy charm between the 16th and the 25th and pushes you forward. You are riding a wave that carries you high and gives you the means to fully develop yourself. In a Relationship, an exceptional state of affairs allows you to realize your dreams and Venus exalts your radiance between the 16th and the 25th. Enough to please your partner, who is reassured by your measures, so that everything goes well at home. Single, , a winter month is an opportunity to experience exceptional moments with your family, invest in the acquisition of a cozy cocoon and be seductive. And if you take the opportunity to find that special someone?

3rd decan (December 13th - December 21st): We Stay on Track (At Least Most of the Time)

Until the 7th, bet on Venus to send your messages smoothly as a family: recurring issues invite you to question yourself. You know what to say and what to do on the 2nd and 3rd, to reassure your loved ones and ensure their safety. Between February 25th and March 5th, count on Venus to awaken your senses. You want everything around the 28th and you tend to spend your money to please yourself. Keep your attitude in check to keep your budget in balance. In a Relationship, after a month of January with choices or decisions to make, you start the month with Venus who watches over the family circle. Between February 25th and March 5th, count on this energy to relight the flame. Your love of luxury makes you lose your sense of measure. Single, , you approach February willing to improve your living conditions. on the 2nd and 3rd. Venus takes care of your well-being and between February 25th and March 5th, exalts your power of seduction which you use without reserve. Avoid (around the 28th) unnecessary expenses and excesses that you may regret.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

You spend a lot of energy to improve your lifestyle. Venus invites you to shine but not to go beyond reasonable limits. It's up to you to balance the game, enjoy life without going overboard.

Sagittarius: The thread of the month for February 2020

The First Week,

The 2nd, you use your resources to improve the ordinary and settle in at your ease. This is your priority. The 3rd, aware of your limits, you plan constructively, taking into account your budget. The 5th, discussions were started about stewardship. Don't expect to wrap them up quickly and be prepared to go the distance. The 9th, the full Moon invites you to broaden your horizons and surpass yourself. Know how far you can go without putting yourself in danger.

The Second Week,

The 11th, you make an impression at work if you do not impose anything on anyone and keep the debates open. The 13th, withdraw far from the noise of the world to think deeply and sort out the essentials from the superfluous rather than launching yourself into initiatives that are not unanimous and worry those who hold the reins.

The Third Week

The 17th, the discussions that started at the beginning of the month went in circles. Don't get impatient, cultivate your arguments and defend your interests without worrying about the passage of time. The 20th, you benefit from an inspiring sky. This is the ideal time to realize a project that is close to your heart. The 21st, you fight to make things happen at work or at home. You never give up. The 22nd, you want to change your private life and you use your resources to achieve it. The 23rd, the new Moon invites you to watch over the happiness of your family. You thrive and improve the well-being of those you love.

The Fourth Week,

The 25th, you continue to change what needs to be changed and do not hesitate to flaunt your talents and merits to get things done. The 26th, you discuss money with your family and you don't let your guard down, determined to reach your goals. The 28th, do not abuse the graces of the sky to do anything, at the risk of being slapped on the fingers. The 29th, you are ready to debate and plead your case while waiting for the resistance to drop.

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