The month promises to be lively and offers some great opportunities for people to change their work or their lives and chart a new course elsewhere or otherwise. But don't ask for too much. The cosmic state of affairs offers everyone opportunities for expansion and the chance to set an ideal in motion, to pave the way for a more inspiring world view that pulls us upwards. A promise to be honoured by connecting us to our souls and our ability to prosper without plundering the resources of abled world that offers us one last chance to grow in maturity and openness of mind and heart. A gift from heaven and Earth to be received with gratitude.
Leo: Love horoscope for November 2020
Love: Family First!
You are engaged in your private life. You manage stewardship and improve your life. Until the 21st, Venus invites you to get your messages across smoothly. Rely on dialogue to get your choices adopted and transform your daily life. Move elsewhere or otherwise, and take into account the opinions of others before launching anything.
1st decan (July 23rd - August 2nd) Make Sure You Brief Your Entourage!
Until the 5th, Venus allows you to maintain cordial relationships with your entourage. Thus, the climate remains in good shape. Explain what animates you on the professional level where you boil with impatience in front of heavy constraints. You feel like a change of scenery or even a change of job. Don't neglect dialogue, even if the exchanges are tense. Don't put anyone in front of a done deal. Count on Venus from the 21st onwards to smooth things over, without completely flattening the ground.
2nd decan (August 3rd - August 13th) Transform Your Environment for the Better!
You want to improve your life, take the time to raise awareness, and convince your loved ones without forcing them. You will change things on the 10th and 24th. Your willingness to please everyone and your arguments will finally get unanimous support.
3rd Decan (August 14th - August 22nd) It's Moving!
The beginning of the month finds you grumpy because you're stuck in your entrenchments, but then it evolves to your advantage. Rely on the planets to change your daily family life and define the rules where everyone can blossom. You won't have any trouble setting up these new parameters if you communicate without ambiguity, without exaggerating or underplaying. Otherwise, you risk having people doubt you. November promises ideal conditions to transform your life and your daily routine.
Advice from FREE Horoscope:
Take care of your loved ones, make your life evolve, and whatever your ambitions, take the time to share your projects with those who matter to you and blossom together without raising controversy.
Leo: The thread of the month for November 2020
The First Week,
The 1st, the current doesn't flow. You risk hitting a wall if you don't smooth things out.
The 3rd, exchanges with your entourage launched in September were dragging on, but they are now starting again.
The 6th, if you put bad will into it, you won't make things move forward.
The Second Week,
The 9th, your enormous ambitions are legitimate but don't impose your vision of things on everyone. Communicate in a way that makes your voice heard.
The 10th, you want to improve your life. Count on your lucky star to guide your destiny.
The 12th, a powerful moment, serves your purpose and offers you the opportunity to move forward on all fronts.
The 14th, since September, your desire to push back the frontiers met with delays. Today, newfound freedom of manoeuvre allows you to realize some of your projects.
The 15th, everything works for you. Daily life offers you a springboard to embellish your life. Don't misunderstand by trying to seduce; your chance to be appreciated comes from taking care of your loved ones without exhausting yourself.
The Third Week, The 16th, the best will be the enemy of good. Be content with what happens, that's already enough.
The 17th, if you want to change direction, if you can no longer stand the excessive pressures at work, inform your loved ones so that they understand your issue because if they do not know what is agitating you, they will doubt you.
The 19th, the recurring obstacles that were hindering your development will finally disappear. Take this opportunity to dig into the foundation of your family's happiness by avoiding putting yourself forward, at the risk of disturbing such a beautiful frequency.
The Fourth Week,
The 24th, you rally the votes around a direction you want your home to go in that satisfies everyone.
The 27th, the current is flowing daily, your willingness to serve the common cause is unanimous. But be polite if you feel that your career is unstable or that you intend to change your professional outlook.
The 29th, you are reaping success with your family and investing in improving your living environment.
The 30th, the Full Moon invites you to project yourself into a future that inspires you. The planets currently support you.
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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs: