
Gemini's horoscope for May 2021

Written by Daisy

Gemini: Astral Climate for May 2021

The month of May brings you out of your reserve and gives you the floor from the 4th. Your speeches will sometimes be confused but always powerful because you have the art of the formula. Venus will support your charm and your power of seduction. Between beautiful words and smiles, you will make the most of the assets that the sky of May offers you. In the second half of the month, you will have to keep a sense of reality. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are likely to lead you into the realm of pipe dreams and illusions, which can be harmful. But on the whole, a month full of meetings, exchanges and good feelings should make you evolve quickly and satisfactorily.

Gemini: Mood for May 2021

With Mercury and Venus in your sign for a good part of the month, your mood is upbeat. You take great pleasure in meeting new people, exchanging ideas, getting informed and shining in society. You are putting your energy into your material assets, which in the end gives you a pretty good balance between finances, love affairs and personal development. The socio-professional sector can be more problematic as you tend to be distracted or confused, and misunderstandings are possible. Still, your quick thinking and skill should get you out of any tense situation quite quickly.

Gemini: Love for May 2021

For a few days, you will take a step back from your emotional life to learn from the past and avoid repeating mistakes. But very quickly, your charm will work, and you will return to the race for happiness with success. If you remain lucid, you will harmoniously mix romance and realism to build or consolidate fulfilling relationships for everyone. Your charm is your main asset; all you have to do is use it wisely and keep your critical mind in check. Reduce your standards a little because perfection does not exist, be satisfied with the best.

Gemini: Money for May 2021

Money is second only to love in your priorities this month. Mars is in Cancer and encourages you to work hard to consolidate comfort in your home. This may involve home-related expenses (renovations, remodelling, new furniture) or investments to secure your family life through a real estate purchase or well-thought-out savings. In any case, you are putting your energy into your finances. You have every chance of making a good deal or setting aside a handsome sum for the future. It is also likely that your daily work will earn you a raise or a promotion.

Gemini: Work for May 2021

Jupiter will help you rise socially, but it will not necessarily encourage you to be sober or humble. Be careful not to irritate your superiors and rely on your charm to move up in your position. You ardently defend your interests with a beautiful clarity that allows you to mark the spirits. By courageously assuming your responsibilities, you progress slowly but surely, you push back the obstacles gently, and you gain the confidence of your superiors. Take the time to refine your strategies to achieve your goals and abuse your power to manipulate situations and people to your advantage. This method gives the impression that you are giving yourself all the rights.

Gemini: Leisure for May 2021

You are in great shape, and your energy is increasing as the weeks go by. This is an excellent time to get some exercise in the fresh air, (re)start cycling or go hiking. Your particularly sharp mind also needs intellectual nourishment: this is an excellent month to undertake a course of study or embark on a new subject. Finally, suppose you have the opportunity to engage in group activities, whatever they may be. In that case, you will do yourself good, and you will most likely meet new friends, or even more, if you feel like it..

Gemini: Key dates for May 2021

- Monday, May 3rd, don't set your sights too high, as frustration could get the better of you if you feel stuck at any point.

- Thursday, May 13th, you're sharpening your strategies to reach an ideal. Rely on reflection to refine your plans.

- Saturday, May 15th, nothing will slow you down: enthusiastic and unifying, you manage to surpass yourself and push back the frontiers of the possible!

- Wednesday, May 26th, the Full Moon invites you to collaborate and join forces.

- Saturday, May 29th, the current debates risk dragging on. Be patient and wait until June 22nd to get them going again in a more fluid way.

Gemini: Advice for May 2021

Your ambitions and intention to make them a reality push you to action, but remember to be gentle with people's feelings to convince them without upsetting anyone. Don't spend your energy to take the ascendancy over others. You risk upsetting some people who will not follow you or even put obstacles in your way.

Horoscope for May 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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