
Scorpio's horoscope for July 2021

Written by Daisy

Scorpio: Astral Climate for July 2021

A mixed sky in July! The Sun, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto encourage you to make radical changes, a necessary metamorphosis, and more intense spirituality. On the other hand, Venus and Mars spice up your love life sometimes to the point of excess, inducing family tensions, conflicts or power struggles. Saturn constantly blocks your progress, and Uranus makes you move forward in fits and starts. From good to nasty surprises, life is not the most relaxing. From the 22nd onwards, the sky calms down, and you will find most of your marks, even if a certain feverishness remains.

Scorpio: Mood for July 2021

You feel torn between your love life and your social and professional life. Your habit of putting passion into all your activities does not make your daily life easy. You are often restricted and frustrated in your impulses, desires, and ambitions. You are likely to be constantly in a bad mood. Those close to you will only moderately appreciate these spikes of aggressiveness or sudden plunges into pessimism. Be stoic and patient! Things will get better at the end of the month when Venus enters Virgo and makes your financial and emotional life sweeter, easier, and more gratifying. In the meantime, grit your teeth and don't make any enemies.

Scorpio: Love for July 2021

Venus exalts your love affairs and considerably strengthens your desire to please, whether it be your partner, strangers or your hierarchy. You put much intensity into your relationships, and you will not go unnoticed. Until the 22nd, try to remain measured in your expectations and demands for your passion. At the same time, it may please, may also frighten your partners who would like more peaceful, more serene exchanges. Fortunately, Jupiter will help you maintain your popularity and assure you of inevitable success in your endeavours. Do not take advantage of this to ask for the impossible, but remain open to dialogue and compromise. You will undoubtedly benefit from much support, and you could even, with a stroke of luck, meet that special someone.

Scorpio: Money for July 2021

You don't have any money problems except for those you risk creating for yourself by your behaviour. You feel limited, and your temperament is not good enough, which could lead you to spend extravagantly or invest in ways that don't make sense. Don't let your moods manage your wealth. Take your time, accept advice and don't rush into all the tempting new things at the risk of being quickly disappointed.

Scorpio: Work for July 2021

Your work is at the heart of your preoccupations to the point of sometimes neglecting your loved ones. If you are on vacation, cut the cord and devote yourself to your family or partner. At work, make sure that your goodwill and genius ideas don't create too much disorder in your teams. Your charisma is unavoidable, but it's not always enough to mask irrelevant authoritarianism. But you can get noticed, show off your talents and claim the reward you deserve. Simply remain moderate in your expectations and your methods. You refuse to be manipulated, so don't do the same to others.

Scorpio: Leisure for July 2021

You have a great need to relax, and water is your friend. The seaside, a lake, a river or a pool when possible is really what's best for you in July. Power struggles drain you of your energy. You need calm leisure activities, do not look for competitive sports, prefer walks and aperitifs in the Sun. All the street shows are also welcome, and a few grills with friends will finish to raise your morale and calm your nerves.

Scorpio: Key dates for July 2021

- On the 4th july, if you exaggerate and refuse any collaboration, any concession, you could end the day on a break-up.

- On the 8th july, you will try to influence your loved ones positively, but you will not dissipate the tensions that keep you under pressure.

- On the 13th, july you can use your charm to ease the pressure, calm things down and appease your anger or resentment.

- On the 20th july, you can get your message across by opening up the dialogue and raising the level of debate. This diplomatic approach calms things down.

- On the 25th july, you lack neither confidence nor assurance to lead your troops. Still, you do not impose anything on others who find you too authoritarian.

Scorpio: Advice for July 2021

July allows you to shine but invites you to lower your tone to avoid problems. If you don't go on vacation, your schedule is busy, and you have the opportunity to make an impression at work. But don't make your point too bluntly to make sure you finish the month well.

Horoscope for July 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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