
Leo's horoscope for August 2021

Written by Daisy

Leo: Astral Climate for August 2021

Summer often works for you, but this time you have to deal with Jupiter and Saturn in your opposite sign: Aquarius. Opportunities and annoyances follow one another and, for some people, Uranus could induce peaks of nervous tension or nasty surprises. In August, you will have to adapt yourself to navigate between the beautiful influences of the Sun and Mercury that will bring you value and those of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus that will put obstacles in your way, provoke sudden changes, or multiply constraints and responsibilities. This is a busy month to be approached with wisdom, moderation, and patience.

Leo: Mood for August 2021

You are very much in touch with others for many reasons. Whether it is a matter of association or constraints, your loved ones, your partners have a lot of influence on your daily life and induce various moods. From the 16th, Venus entering the friendly sign of Libra will considerably improve all your relationships, which will become more accessible, more natural, and more fulfilling. However, you still have to bravely endure delays, obstacles, and perhaps heavy responsibilities, which, at times, can dampen the mood a bit. But you will remain radiant and seductive all month long even if, internally, there are ups and downs.

Leo: Love for August 2021

Venus will exalt your desires until the 16th. You want the best out of life through good times, greed, and sensuality. This is a lovely month if you are not too greedy or demanding. Your power of attraction is irresistible, and you make yourself positively noticed without any effort. It is an excellent climate for encounters, which will improve even more after the 16th, when Venus will come to insist on commitment, tenderness, and promises. You can expect beautiful harmony in your relationship and family.

Leo: Money for August 2021

Fortune smiles on you in August! You manage your assets discreetly but efficiently, you invest wisely, and you have luck on your side. Your only enemy is you and your tendency to overbuy, to splurge on expensive things, to have a taste for luxury and prestige. Don't let your generosity or vanity plague your budget, and think carefully before making any major purchase. Worries may arise in your professional life, and it is best to be forward-thinking.

Leo: Work for August 2021

Beware of differences of opinion or irreconcilable positions. Do not upset your colleagues, associates, or hierarchy. Your interlocutors will only close themselves off to your proposals. You ardently defend your freedom and your autonomy, but these claims are not unanimously accepted. It is time to soften your positions. However, if you are polite, you will have a great force of conviction to plead your cause with absolute effectiveness. You show your talents, you indicate your potential, and you can express your expectations with a good chance of being heard and understood. Valorize your assets without imposing your rules or your ambitions on everyone.

Leo: Leisure for August 2021

In August, you have a great need to move and interact. This is an excellent time to join a sports team, play with family or friends, and organize barbecues. You take the time to live, to have a good time, to relax, and to enjoy your leisure time or your vacation if you are lucky. You can leave to discover your local heritage or reside far from home, it is always the meetings and the good tables which make you the most good. You'll have to watch out for excessive gluttony that could spoil your figure and force you to restrict yourself, which you wouldn't like at all. A little sobriety, a lot of physical exercises, and you will not be bored. You will spend the month radiant and in great shape.

Leo: Key dates for August 2021

- On the 1st, you can attract attention, but don't play provocatively with your partners (social or private) by imposing your points of view.

- On the 6th, do not abuse your charm to escape the rules and impose your own. Your quest for freedom will offend people's sensibilities. Your hierarchy does not appreciate your manners.

- On the 20th, you develop your autonomy at work. You are up to the task and ready to commit yourself.

- On the 23rd, you can change your daily habits to improve the ordinary by raising the level of debate.

- On the 25th, if your desires seem legitimate, take the time to confront them with reality and the possibilities that are currently offered to you. Just to channel them so that you are not too tempted to pull on the string.

Leo: Advice for August 2021

You want to have a good time, but you have questions about what needs to change in your relationship. Don't dodge the tough questions. Answer them honestly, calmly, and straightforwardly. This month of August brings out the best in you but doesn't allow you to indulge in every fantasy. So to preserve your energy and finish the month in beauty, don't be too greedy.

Horoscope for August 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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