
Scorpio's horoscope for April 2020

Written by Daisy

You will have opportunities to express your personality and creativity or launch a new cycle of expansion after a challenge. You want to discover yourself, but you do not necessarily know how to do so. This month is rich in events and celestial movements. It is in your interest to calmly approach this month to take advantage of the state of affairs without abusing it. Otherwise, you risk paying the price.

Scorpio: Love horoscope for April 2020

Love: Make Sure You're Well Understood!

Venus exalts your thirst for sensual gratifications and makes you want to express your desires. Whether it's changing your life as a couple, spicing it up, or going in search of strong emotions, you will have to count on a climate that invites you to communicate. It's up to you to make yourself understood, Scorpio, and be polite.

1st decan (October 24th - November 3rd): A Little Stuck!

Uranus invites you to redefine the roles in your relationship. You aspire to a freer relationship, but Saturn puts pressure on you as a family. Responsibilities and extra work are stuck in your corner. Take advantage of the beginning of the month to smooth things over with your family. But do not impose anything on those around you so as not to trigger a crisis. In a Relationship, you are looking to break chains that restrict your freedom. Still, family events bring you back to your duties. It's difficult to reconcile these trends. Avoid being bossy so as not to end the month frustrated. Single, between your desire to live free love and the obligation to be accountable as a family, you have trouble finding the balance when you want to take off.

2nd decan (November 4th - November 13th): Sheltered from the Storm!

Openly express your desires, spice up a daily sensuality that allows you to develop the relationship. This relaxed lifestyle does not prevent you from managing your family life with a firm hand. In a Relationship, you finish each other's sentences, and together you cultivate an art of living that contributes to your bliss. Single, you have no trouble attracting attention. Your hypersensitive sensuality seduces whoever you want. When it comes to your family, you want to keep your hands on stewardship.

3rd decan (November 14th - November 22nd): Opportunities to Seize!

You reconnect with an energy that allows you to break the deadlock and relaunch the debates on a more constructive bases. But avoid short-circuiting these possibilities by acting or speaking out of the blue. You risk confusing the discussion. In a Relationship, you have a sky favorable to the clarification of complicated relationships with those around you. Aim for productive debates if you don't want to stagnate. Single, an event can encourage closeness. A date is not excluded but do not relaunch old debates on the wrong track.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

A month to spend serenely so as not to engulf yourself in your emotional outbursts.

Scorpio: The thread of the month for April 2020

The First Week,

The 4th, you communicate what you feel with talent, and you creatively orient your activities. Use your sensitivity to address your family problems. The 5th, a powerful state of affairs helps you rebound. Don't miss any opportunity to express yourself and draw attention to your ideas and proposals. The 7th, beware of a family crisis if you get rid of guardianship without making concessions. A little goodwill clarifies the exchanges. The 8th, grand openings in terms of communication, but the Full Moon recommends that you take a step back so as not to make the same mistakes. The 11th, calmly tackle what is stuck with your family. Clarify the situation and find answers to problems.

The Second Week,

The 14th, misunderstandings disrupt your exchanges, be honest so that we do the same with you. The 15th, do not sabotage your chances by sending contradictory messages to those around you. You have to be clear with others and yourself. The 18th, sensitive communication helps you evolve your everyday life. The 19th, you direct operations with an iron fist in a velvet glove to manage the stewardship.

The Third Week,

The 21st, do not lead the debates to an impasse and keep the dialogue open as a family. The 23rd, the new Moon invites you to join forces so as not to end the month alone and frustrated. The 25th, misunderstandings pollute your exchanges if you react emotionally. Be clear about your intentions. The 26th, try to communicate soberly, even if you want to get noticed.

The Fourth Week,

The 28th, the end of the month compromises the fluidity of your exchanges. Do not pose as a victim; take a step towards the other.

Horoscope for April 2020 for all zodiac signs:

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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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