
Astro News

Written by Alison

In astrology, David takes you to the 4 corners of this complex discipline. He is interested in the signs of the zodiac, the influence of planets, the rhythm of the seasons, the many symbols that mark this exciting adventure.

In simple terms, he explains the sky and its light or secret influences, with humor, poetry, but above all excellent sources, he walks you along the celestial waves, takes you into ancient mythologies or avant-garde concepts.
Always at the forefront of the news, David constantly revisits the planetary notions, signs of the zodiac and inventories the methods that exist to better interpret this ancient science as the world...

House 7 in your sky chart

The House 7 in your birth chart is analogous to the sign of Libra. Check if you have planets in this area as this will impact the relationship-related life in general and therefore any type of collaboration, association or partnership; this includes of course the marriage, the intimate duo but also the spouse as such. By extension, this sector concerns the social life, the quality of the main personal relationships. If for example you have the moon in your house 7, it means that you are dependent on others and that you need them to live. It can also refer to your instinctive way of coming into contact with them with great sensitivity. You can also live the relationship question according to your mood, your emotions or your feelings. The more planets you have in House 7, the more your life in this regard will be lived under the influence of partners. Written by David

The astrological houses of your sky chart!

House II in your sky chart is in analogy with the sign of Taurus and it represents your relationship to material goods, your acquisition abilities, the money earned by your profitability, your earnings opportunities but not only: House II is also related to your gifts or achievements, in other words, the value you have of yourself, and as this value is most often rewarded in our hard cash way, you are rewarded for your specific talents. If you have planets in this house, money does not necessarily count (even if it's a high probability); it may be a desire for material security. On the other hand, since this Earth House evokes the energy of Taurus, we often find people who like to recharge their batteries in contact with nature. If you do not have planets in this House, it means that the material aspects are not a major subject of concern. Written by David

All about House VIII

House VIII in your birth chart is analogous to the sign of Scorpio. Check if you have planets in this area as these influences this area of life, related to finding a form of emotional or spiritual security. House VIII refers more traditionally to transformations, challenges, heritages or legacies but also to pleasure. House VIII is also about the occult area, the hidden things, the mysteries of power or money, the backstage, psychology, underground quests, and so on. Generally, if you have planets in this area, you need to commune or merge with others. Indeed, this search for security of the soul indicated above leads this native to live a deep peace in areas sometimes tortuous, troublesome, finding them in political activities, occult or related to confidential financial investments. Written by David

The History of Astrology

Ancient astrology has deep roots in human history and is a fascinating saga of understanding the cosmos and the influence of celestial bodies on our destiny. Ancient astrology dates back thousands of years, with traces found in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Astronomers of the time believed that the movements of planets and stars had an impact on earthly affairs.
Astrology also thrived in ancient Greece, where philosophers like Pythagoras and Plato contributed to its development. Later, it was influenced by Roman culture and the traditions of India and China.
Over the centuries, astrology evolved into different branches, including horary astrology, medical astrology, esoteric astrology, and psychological astrology. It was a central element of the European Renaissance and influenced many thinkers, artists, and leaders.
Today, astrology continues to exist in the modern world, where many people consider it a valuable tool for better self-understanding and making informed decisions.
The history of astrology attests to humanity's enduring fascination with the stars and planets and our desire to find meaning in the universe around us. It remains a discipline that inspires enthusiasm and exploration, bridging the past to the present for a deeper understanding of our existence. Written by Zagon

House 5 in your sky chart

The House 5 in your sky chart is in analogy with the sign of Leo: it symbolizes the sentimental domain, the relations in the field of love and all that belongs to the field of the creation, the leonine spontaneity. Children, hobbies, games, parties, shows, luck and artistic activities can be an important part of the life of the native. Planets in this astrological sector emphasize a passionate existence, a need to assert oneself or to inflate one's ego, even if it is difficult; a desire to shine and succeed in order to be satisfied or rewarded. The most striking aspect of this House is related to determining who you are through your creations and finding the reflection of your identity in your love, your relationship or the pleasure you pull in the love field. Written by David

The envelope: talent to take advantage of life's opportunities!

The envelope is based on a large mystical rectangle, completed by a minor triangle. In this configuration, the sextiles energize the theme and make it easier to identify opportunities. The envelope encourages exchange, communication, solidarity, self-expression, travel, and social life. Written by David

The anvil: the opportunity to transform!

The anvil is made up of four planets that form a trigon, each planet, in turn, creates a square. The two square planets of the trigon form a sextile between them. With this configuration, the problems (the squares) must be transformed into assets symbolized by the trigon and the sextile. This figure increases the capacities of concentration and transcendence. The problems expressed by the two squares must be converted into energy. Written by David

Mundane Astrology: Future Predictions

World astrology is a branch of astrology that examines the movements of planets and their implications on a global scale. It allows for the prediction of global trends and significant events. Here are some of the major astrological forecasts and events to come:

- Significant Planetary Transits: The transits of Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus in certain signs can influence global affairs. For instance, Jupiter's entry into Pisces favors spirituality and humanitarianism.
- Solar and Lunar Eclipses: Eclipses often have a significant impact on governments, economies, and international relations. They can herald major changes.
- Planetary Conjunctions: Rare conjunctions of planets like Jupiter and Saturn, which occurred in December 2020 in Aquarius, often mark the beginning of new eras or significant transformations.
- Planetary Retrogrades: Retrogrades of influential planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars can lead to challenges and major revisions in various areas.
- Key Global Events: World astrology can also help anticipate major geopolitical, social, or environmental events.
World astrology doesn't predict individual events precisely, but it offers a perspective on the planetary energies at work in the world. For accurate and detailed forecasts, it's recommended to consult an experienced astrologer. By understanding these influences, we can better prepare for the transformations in our world. Written by Zagon

How to Use Synastry to Assess Love Compatibility

When two people enter into a romantic relationship, they bring a unique combination of personality traits, desires, and aspirations. Astrology offers a powerful tool for understanding the dynamics between two individuals: synastry. Synastry is an astrological analysis that examines the positions of planets in the natal charts of each partner and their interactions.

To assess romantic compatibility using synastry, here are some key steps:
- Identify Sun Signs: Start by comparing the sun signs of the partners to get a general idea of basic compatibility.
- Examine Planetary Aspects: Look at how personal planets (such as the Moon, Venus, and Mars) interact. Harmonious aspects, like sextiles and trines, indicate natural compatibility, while challenging aspects, like squares, may signal potential challenges.
- Analyze Planetary Houses: Examine in which houses the partners' planets are located. This can reveal the life areas that will be particularly significant in the relationship.
- Consult an Astrologer: Synastry can be complex, and an experienced astrologer can provide a thorough and nuanced analysis.
Synastry doesn't determine the fate of a relationship, but it offers valuable insights into the forces and challenges at play. It can help couples better understand each other and work together to strengthen their connection. Written by Zagon

All about the house 3

The House 3 of your birth chart is in analogy with the sign of Gemini, so if you have planets in this area, your mental activity, your studies, the exchange of information, your writings and travel occupy an important place. You are favored in activities related to the media, commercial transits, advice, and communication. Native people also have a deep need to communicate with those around them and they usually do so with great naturalness and ease. Through this often-awakening intellectual curiosity, they establish relationships with people from very different backgrounds and this is manifested according to the planets present in the House 3. The planets influence the way of thinking of the natives; if the planet Uranus is there, it reinforces their mental and nervous activity, their originality in their way of thinking and an inventiveness that could be expressed in new technologies or the media. Written by David

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7. All about planets of the solar system
8. All about my astrological sign!
9. Divinatory Arts news in question
10. Understand and decrypt Astrological News
11. Numerology: numbers that characterize you
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