It's that time of the year again... the breeze is blowing, the leaves are falling, you're walking quietly down the street when you feel the gaze of someone peering through the trees. You press on until you reach your car, it takes you what seems like an eternity to find your keys, and just when you think you're safe, the engine fails. After several attempts, you are finally on your way home and it is a relief when you lock the door from the inside. However, you hear a noise coming from the back door, and... what?! That only happens in movies?! So, how about taking a look at the horror movies that best suit each sign in case you want to swap Halloween parties for a gruesome night on the couch?

Aries is a determined, courageous and impulsive sign who loves action. They cannot stand still and are able to go to great lengths to get what he wants, demonstrating assertiveness and passion in an impulsive mix. In everyday life, whether at work or in their private life, they always look for ways to achieve his goals, laziness and procrastination are not for them. The A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise might be a good match for an Aries, as Freddy Krueger doesn't rest until he has finished his work - even if he must resort to the dreams of his victims to do so. Another suggestion is the exploitation movie classic, Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, an action-packed movie with a protagonist who might as well be an Aries!
Taurus is a calm sign, who likes to take their time and have a quiet life. They idealize living surrounded by people they love in a safe environment. Taurus loves nature and appreciates the good things in life. People of this sign are a little prone to laziness and the dolce far niente. It wouldn't be surprising if some of you traded in the Halloween costume parties for a night on the couch! With your pragmatic personality, survival movies like A Quiet Place are great company. The modern classic It Follows is also a good choice for Halloween night. Could the practical side of Taurus find a way to break the chain?
The sign of Gemini is inclined to communication and knowledge. Their curious side leads them to try to understand and explain aspects of diverse and varied sectors of life. For this reason, they are seen as someone who has a lot of knowledge. It is a sign that is in eternal motion, looking for new things. They are also gifted at communication, and they know how to express their ideas with excellence. Their astuteness makes them enjoy strategy and word games.
Surely, the Gemini would have a pleasant time with The Silence of the Lambs, after all, Hannibal Lecter enchants with his excellent and seductive oratory. Gemini’s reasoning would also go a long way in trying to unravel the mysteries of the Cube and create strategies to escape that unknown space.
The sign of Cancer has an extremely sensitive personality and is very attached to his past and his family. They need routine to feel good and secure in their daily lives and hate change. Cancerians are intuitive, have a great memory and are observant, but find it very difficult to express their opinions and views. There is a tendency to internalize and escape into the world of fantasy to escape conflicts, which they avoid with all their might because they are unable to manage them. Fantasy films with a touch of mystery like Pan's Labyrinth are ideal for Cancerians. The Scream franchise, which satirizes slasher films, can also provide a lot of fun following the footsteps of the masked killer who terrorizes the quiet town of Woodsboro.
The Sun-ruled sign of Leo has a personality that shines on its own. Proud and flamboyant, it exudes self-confidence and determination, which can often be mistaken for arrogance and authority. It is a sign that likes to impose, express its ideas and remain in the lead. Not at all mediocre and very vain, everything that is aesthetically beautiful has the power to draw their attention. Dario Argento's classic, with its dazzling colors and sounds, Suspiria, certainly has what it takes to get Leo's attention. The French movie Eyes Without a Face, which features a surgeon obsessed with restoring his daughter's beautiful face that was deformed in an accident, is also a bet for Leo. Will Leo people identify with the protagonist?
Virgo is a very organized and methodical sign, who spends a lot of time thinking about what needs to be done so that no detail is left behind. Virgo people are very thorough and spare no effort to achieve their goals in an orchestrated way, without improvisation, and therefore it is considered a serious sign. Psychological horror movies can have their effect on the Virgo sign, as usually the victims of these movies fall prey to someone who takes their time so that the end result comes out as expected.
Psycho or Rosemary's Baby can bring tense yet entertaining moments to the Virgo's Halloween night.
Libra is a sign that seeks harmony in all aspects of their life. Libras are captivating, sociable and run away from conflict. It is a serene and calm sign, which seeks to have stability. Libra is also very indecisive, takes a long time weighing the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision, and often expects others to do it for him. Libra is also sensitive to beauty, the arts and has a great sense of justice. This can cause him to double down on the Friday the 13th franchise, whose protagonist Jason Vorhees goes on a rampage killing spree wearing his hockey mask. Many believe that this attitude was driven by the immoral actions of his victims and his tragic childhood, which can cause empathy in Libras.
Scorpio is a sign of transformation, which knows how to rise from the ashes. It also has a power of seduction and radiates a mysterious air that captures the admiration and curiosity of those who cross its path. It is an intuitive, determined and magnetic sign, which knows how to use these characteristics to reach its goals. They cannot stand being betrayed or humiliated and can hold many grudges for a long period of time. They can get satisfaction from watching revenge movies like Carrie and understand the motivation behind Michael Myers, the Halloween killer. The sign's sensual side may also make them appreciate vampire movies, the sexiest creatures of the underworld. Bram Stoker's Dracula and Interview with the Vampire are great examples.
Sagittarius is an adventurous sign that values its freedom above all else. Optimistic and full of energy, Sagittarius needs frequent changes of scenery. Trips to distant places, yet to be discovered, are great allies of this sign that is always willing to try new things.
Hostel, Midsommar, Chernobyl Diaries and The Hills Have Eyes are some examples of movies whose characters, just like our dear Sagittarian, were looking for new experiences in unknown places, but their journeys ended terribly badly. Would this fire centaur have made different choices to positively change the outcome of his well-deserved vacation?
Capricorn's fault-free sense of duty and rigidity are characteristics that help him get where he wants to go. Extremely correct, the most arduous tasks can be entrusted to them, whether in the professional or private sphere. Their ambitious and responsible nature makes them not run away from work, as what matters to them is to achieve their goals in a well-done manner. They are so stubborn that they can identify very well with Patrick Bateman, the protagonist of American Psycho, who fulfills very well both his roles as a banker and a psychopathic killer. The Devil's Advocate would also be great fun for Capricorn, as the ambitious lawyer shows great commitment to defending his clients no matter how bad their crimes are.
Full of innovative ideas and adept at new technologies, Aquarius seems to live ahead of their time. Their nature is rebellious and humanistic, freedom and equality are values they cherish in human existence, and they are helpful. Aquarius is a sign that appreciates original things, and other people may find it difficult to keep up with their unique and singular thinking. This sign would be interested in creative movies with a sci-fi twist. Infinity Pool, Crimes of the Future and The Fly are movies that seek to investigate what happens when the boundaries between human and machine are crossed. What remains? Does humanity still prevail? These are movies that can make an Aquarian reflect deeply on human nature.
Pisces is the dreamiest sign of the zodiac. Despite their personality full of dualities, the natives of this sign are kind and considerate towards others. They have a little difficulty dealing with reality and, not very rarely, they take refuge in dreams, creating a world of fantasy. Extremely sensitive, they let their emotions take over and they need to confide in others to feel safe. Their biggest risk is to confuse dream and reality, blurring the line between one and the other. With this description, it wouldn't be a surprise if we were talking about the protagonist in Pearl, who lives in fantasy land and loses track of what is real and what is not.