
Libra's horoscope for September 2022

Written by Daisy

Libra: Astral Climate for September 2022

You are likely to aspire in September to carry and achieve your ambitions. However, make sure you always take the other person into account and ask for and respect their opinion. To best evaluate the station in which you are evolving, perhaps take a step back from events. This is the time to separate the essential from the superfluous. Make an informed choice about the right path to take so that (from the 23rd onwards) you will start a new cycle of expansion, if possible, in full possession of your means.

Libra: Mood for September 2022

You enter September ready to do anything to convince your collaborators that your ambitions are worth being heard and relayed. Mercury could play the spoilsport from the 10th when the "messenger of the gods" tends to slow down exchanges somewhat. Take your pain in patience and rely on your radiance to convince at the end of the month.

Libra: Love for September 2022

If you start the month with a bang and are determined to bring the other person into your world, Venus invites you to reflect between the 5th and the 13th. This is an opportunity to reflect on your ways of functioning on the sentimental level? From the 23rd, the Sun shines in your decanal and endows you with fantastic charisma.

In a Relationship: Jupiter favors creative exchanges with the one you love! If this trend is confirmed at the end of the month, probe your relationship to determine what needs to be reviewed and corrected!

Single: you have a conqueror's mentality that allows you to hit the nail on the head or commit yourself to a story. However, try to sift through what motivates you if you want to end the month in love!

Libra: Money for September 2022

If you need money to get ahead, you will not hesitate to solicit your business partners. However, it is not certain that your call will be answered immediately. Be prepared for a possible release of funds only next month.

Libra: Work for September 2022

Your energy is phenomenal, and you do not hesitate to defend an ideal at the beginning of the month. If, from the 10th onwards, your arguments are less compelling, wait for your time (next month) to re-launch the debate. The Sun takes over your sign and decan (from the 23rd). This is your opportunity to take back control.

Libra: Leisure for September 2022

Until March 7, you'll have a lot of energy and a desire to push back the boundaries of what's possible. From the 23rd onwards, the Sun tends to boost your momentum. These are two ideal sessions for you to take on significant challenges.

Libra: Key dates for September 2022

- You will score points on the 1st, determined to convince the other person that you are fighting for the right cause.
- On the 16th, try to control your emotions if you don't want them to express themselves violently.
- On the 20th, by drawing lessons from the past, you will succeed in making your emotional life evolve.
- On the 26th, to transform what needs to be converted in your family, don't hesitate to take stock of your emotional life. Start again on a reasonable basis.
- On the 28th, whether in love or with your children, do not hesitate to break down the armor and do everything possible to raise the debate.

Libra: Advice for September 2022

This month will give you an energy that you will probably have to contain a little. This will take time for negotiations to resume (in October). In the meantime, keep going, but not headlong.

Horoscope for September 2022 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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