
Gemini's horoscope for November 2020

Written by Daisy

The month promises to be lively and offers some great opportunities for people to change their work or their lives and chart a new course elsewhere or otherwise. But don't ask for too much. The cosmic state of affairs offers everyone opportunities for expansion and the chance to set an ideal in motion, to pave the way for a more inspiring world view that pulls us upwards. A promise to be honoured by connecting us to our souls and our ability to prosper without plundering the resources of abled world that offers us one last chance to grow in maturity and openness of mind and heart. A gift from heaven and Earth to be received with gratitude.

Gemini: Love horoscope for November 2020

Love: Hang in There!

Venus exalts your seduction, enough to make heads turn, make a wind of passion blow on your loves, and warm the autumn but do not impose on your partner the choices that they do not share. Do not abuse your assets, Gemini, to subject the other to your desires. Starting on the 21st, you manage stewardship and make everyone happy.

1st decan (May 21st - May 31st) Act only in conscience!

If until the 5th, Venus encourages the expression of your desires and makes you want to love, from the 21st to the 29th, then this tender planet invites you to improve the living conditions of your loved ones and work so that everyone can benefit. Avoid short-circuiting your good intentions by unconscious impulses that could disturb the frequency.

2nd decan (June 1st - June 10th) Nuance Your Approach!

Don't impose your projects and don't abuse your power of seduction so that they are accepted without flinching. Rely on your goodwill to work for the good of all, rally the votes, and strengthen your popularity.

3rd decan (June 11th - June 20th) It's Moving!

You approach the month, frustrated by obstacles that stand in the way, but count on a powerful opportunity to completely change your life. Rely on your willingness to change your daily life and your relationship with those around you to make a difference. On the other hand, avoid imposing your desires on anyone. This is not the best way to achieve your goals. Whatever happens, remain at the service of the community.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

You must invest yourself in the common cause. Mobilize yourself and act as a philanthropist because this is how you will achieve your personal goals.

Gemini: The thread of the month for November 2020

The First Week,

The 1st, you do not lack ideas or arguments but modesty to raise awareness of the hesitation among your audience. The 3rd, if stewardship issues have been stuck since mid-October, you now have more leeway to resolve them. The 6th, cut some slack and don't be a martyr, you'll be heard in a lower tone.

The Second Week,

The 9th, don't force those you love to follow you in your projects by betting on your charm, which is not enough to convince. The 10th, it is by serving the community that you will achieve your goals, whether it is to reach an ideal or to fulfill a mission that is close to your heart. The 14th, a project is exposed more freely if it is based on the interest of all. The 15th, success is in sight, and your efforts pay off. Don't put yourself forward too much, because it is by remaining at the service of the community that you will win votes and make a difference to your advantage. The New Moon is a time for dedication that does not prevent you from getting what you want.

The Third Week,

The 16th, you lack neither charm nor talent but keep your tone down, so you don't worry those who feel you are more concerned with defending the common cause than with your interests. The 17th, don't let your unconscious interfere with your initiatives so that you don't get overwhelmed by impulses and nervousness that are bad advice. The 19th, stop trying to attract attention to remove obstacles and blockages.

The Fourth Week,

The 24th, it's by working together and redoubling your goodwill within the group that you'll succeed in making the most of the game. The 27th, transformations and the opportunity to change your relationships or social status? Count on your dedication to the cause to make things happen. The 29th, your initiatives allow you to make a mark. Move forward in solidarity because this approach serves your interests. The 30th, the Full Moon puts you on the front line. But don't forget to invite others to share your glory.

Horoscope for November 2020 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope August 2024

2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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