
Aquarius's horoscope for November 2020

Written by Daisy

The month promises to be lively and offers some great opportunities for people to change their work or their lives and chart a new course elsewhere or otherwise. But don't ask for too much. The cosmic state of affairs offers everyone opportunities for expansion and the chance to set an ideal in motion, to pave the way for a more inspiring world view that pulls us upwards. A promise to be honoured by connecting us to our souls and our ability to prosper without plundering the resources of abled world that offers us one last chance to grow in maturity and openness of mind and heart. A gift from heaven and Earth to be received with gratitude.

Aquarius: Love horoscope for November 2020

Love: In search of Height and Meaning!

You are mobilized on the social front to change a fixed situation, and you have emotional ambitions. Venus sharpens your desire to experience inspiring love. As a couple or single, Aquarius, you wish to give meaning to your relationships and raise the debate between you and the other. Don't be arrogant in your demands so as not to hurt those you love.

1st decan (January 21st - January 31st) Wanderlust!

Until the 5th, Venus makes you want to embark with your partner or find that special someone. Afterwards, you are caught up by Uranus, who urges you to change things with your family. A need to distance yourself from the family? Whatever your aspirations, expect to be solicited in this field. You find that you devote more energy to changing your status than to managing stewardship or family problems.

2nd decan (February 1st - February 10th) Other Priorities?

If you aspire to bonds that pull you up, you have difficulty formulating your expectations, and you do not give the other person the desire to satisfy you. You are more comfortable in the business arena where you are arguing your case. You are more eloquent and convincing when you ask for numerical recognition of your merits than when you tell the partner a tale.

3rd decan (February 11th - February 18th) Be Content With A Lot!

A life project is about to blossom, and you are helped by an inner dynamism and supports that capture your attention and keep you away from other concerns. Invest yourself in this field, which will bring you great satisfaction. But you are not in the mood to make concessions in love where your demands offend the sensitivity of some who sulk. Don't ask for too much.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

You have too much to do to flirt or get on board with your partner. This lack of availability does not prevent you from being demanding and expecting a lot from your partner. To end this intense month surrounded rather than alone, get into shape.

Aquarius: The thread of the month for November 2020

The First Week,

The 1st, so you don't get stuck in lurking adversity, keep your voice down and don't impose your demands. The 3rd, if you are having difficulty being heard, you are now debating more openly. The 6th, don't be overly ambitious, or you risk attracting criticism that would blur the frequency.

The Second Week,

The 9th, you aspire to restore meaning to your love or find that special someone. But do not rush the other, stay calm and pass your messages gently. The 10th, you can get what you covet: a promotion, a raise, or a credit. The way is open, and we are willing to give you more. The 12th, an influx of energy and support, helps you prepare for an important project. It's an opportunity to emerge from a slow and challenging period of maturation. The 14th, since September, you find it challenging to share your point of view, you regain more freedom and express your ideas more easily without attacking those around you. The 15th, you are making your mark thanks to precious supports that help you come out of the shadows. The New Moon illuminates you, but don't abuse the flows that carry you which you benefit from to exaggerate.

The Third Week,

The 16th, don't shortchange your chances of finalizing your projects and winning the votes by putting yourself forward. Stay modest to move forward smoothly and to unite without reserve. The 17th, manage the tensions that increase at home as best you can if you defend your personal or professional projects by trying to escape the family stranglehold. The 19th, to overcome the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, show what you are capable of by avoiding ostentatiously praising your merits.

The Fourth Week,

The 24th, you defend your interests, plead your case, and direct the debates to your advantage. This is the time to negotiate a raise or develop your talents to express better potential and pay off big time. The 27th, you know how to convince a community to believe you and support your projects without your family and friends realizing that you're on the social scene and doing what you like on the outside. Try to be discreet. The 29th, the current is flowing between you and some supporters behind the scenes who are helping you grow. You're shifting into high gear. The 30th, the Full Moon invites you to be creative, have your talents recognized, and rely on its influences to rekindle the flame or seek out your soulmate.

Horoscope for November 2020 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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