
Virgo's horoscope for May 2021

Written by Daisy

Virgo: Astral Climate for May 2021

A little upset by a heavy daily climate at the beginning of the month, you quickly find your zest and thirst for life. Venus exalts your charisma and brings you some success in your social and private life. This friendly planet reassures you and considerably increases your self-confidence and your positive influence on others. You are determined to get your share of success and pleasure but do not forget your partners' aspirations and do not impose your personal criteria to make sure everyone stays happy.

Virgo: Mood for May 2021

Venus gives you self-confidence and you notice that you make an impression on everyone. You attract the attention of those around you. From the 13th onwards, Jupiter reinforces the tendency by favouring connections, associations, commitments, and sometimes decisive meetings. This generous planet attracts you to others, and you leave your comfort zone to try your luck on new grounds and try new experiences. Some of you will find a job, a better partnership, or think about getting married. In any case, it is your partner and others, who will be at the heart of your preoccupations this month. This is excellent news!

Virgo: Love for May 2021

You aspire to live fulfilling love stories. You are determined to give meaning to your emotional life. From the 9th onwards, Venus will adorn you with a very sensual charm that will allow you to seduce easily and influence situations favourably by charming everyone. You will not go unnoticed. You should have no problem strengthening your ties, even making them official, or building a new emotional relationship on rock-solid and lasting foundations. The sky is your partner in love, and you will have nothing but good surprises in store for you throughout this beautiful month of May.

Virgo: Money for May 2021

Your creativity and your ability to enchant your associates make your partners and interlocutors dream. You make them want to believe in you and support your projects and initiatives. The only pitfall to avoid if you want your business to progress without arousing suspicion about your intentions is your greed. Do not try to monopolize attention or seduce without any other argument than your good faith. People will not follow you at any price, so do your homework before asking for financial support. Only if you are fully aware of the consequences of your choices will you invest or spend in complete security.

Virgo: Work for May 2021

You have the feeling that you have a little more freedom of movement to direct your social destiny. You have changed your ways of working, your methods, or your job. In short, you have broadened your horizons. From the 13th, Jupiter favours this expansion thanks to advantageous associations, juicy contracts, and your talents' enhancement. You have everything to please, succeed, and do what you like in May. However, this is only if you don't abuse these assets and mobilize your energies to get what you want. Your boldness and eloquence reassure your superiors, and you prove that you can be counted on.

Virgo: Leisure for May 2021

With Mars in Cancer, you have a quiet strength that favours relaxation, domestic pleasures, and children's activities. It's a good time to vary the fun and teach the youngest the board games that rocked your own childhood. It's also a time for family walks and bike rides and for great conversations that will bring your household together. Mars in Cancer also suggests fine dining or a passion for online booking classes. Unless you decide to learn Indian cuisine, exotic and fragrant...

Virgo: Key dates for May 2021

- Monday, May 3rd, we find you too talkative, even boastful. Lower your voice!

- Thursday, May 6th, your relationships are evolving. Bet on an incredible emotional intensity to live intense moments.

- Wednesday, May 12th, you have enough strength and willpower to impose your methods, and your audacity pays off. You take on your tasks with a sense of duty that reassures your loved ones.

- Thursday, May 20th, you communicate with diplomacy and quickly get around certain obstacles.

- Wednesday, May 6th, the Full Moon brings you closer to your family and loved ones who were feeling a little neglected in favour of your career plans.

Virgo: Advice for May 2021

In May, you are overflowing with charm thanks to the influence of Venus. But this does not give you all the rights! You need to be aware of the limits you must not exceed and better evaluate what you say, do, or propose. A little modesty will make you popular and even more effective.

Horoscope for May 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope October 2024

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