
Leo's horoscope for May 2021

Written by Daisy

Leo: Astral Climate for May 2021

You have just come out of a difficult period, but you can count on Venus to inspire you for the future. This tender planet makes you want to involve others in your dreams and projects. In your social life, you will have more and more connections. You will take great pleasure in entertaining your family, seeing your friends or meeting new people. Some projects could even see the light of day and contribute to tightening the ranks. You look to the future with confidence, from a much more promising angle.

Leo: Mood for May 2021

You're filled with charm, you know it, and you have no trouble attracting attention. Encouraged by this good disposition, you may, however, overdo it, become conceited and lose some of your popularity, especially if you are overbearing or too critical. Your greed could also chill those who are a priori willing to support you but who will recoil from your claims. You can't master everything, you can't control everything, and a bit of humility would play much more in your favour than the most impassioned speeches.

Leo: Love for May 2021

At the beginning of the month, your charm works in society, and you are just as easy to please at home. From the 9th onwards, Venus invites you to develop your emotional projects, whether to consolidate your relationship or start a new one. However, Saturn is still in Aquarius and, in opposition to your sign, it makes things more difficult or slower. Don't be discouraged if your approaches seem to have no effect on your partners. Accept changing and evolving. Vary your habits and your path in love will become easier.

Leo: Money for May 2021

You can influence those with power and money to your advantage. From the 13th onwards, Jupiter favours certain financial receipts, perhaps unexpected, which are likely to help you invest, build, or rebuild. But don't overestimate your means and don't make plans that are too ambitious. Don't think you are God's gift to the world, even if this giant planet of the zodiac gratifies you in this respect. This Jupiterian generosity does not necessarily come from your salary but rather from bonuses, annuities, or returns on investment. But Jupiter also encourages excess, and you tend to spend lavishly, which could end up getting you into trouble.

Leo: Work for May 2021

Your life has changed. You have made significant, even decisive choices for your future, and you can count on Jupiter from the 13th to reap the fruits of your initiatives and decisions. However, the current does not flow well between you and your superiors. You will have to work in the shadows to convince your bosses, partners, or associates of the interest they would have in adhering to your vision of the future, which will bring growth. Rely on your charm and eloquence to bring about changes in the interest of all. But do not put yourself forward ostensibly: act discreetly but effectively.

Leo: Leisure for May 2021

Your energy is a little low, and you tend to do as little as possible physically when you could really use a break. This is the time to challenge yourself, whether it's to enter a competition, take up a new discipline, or make a radical change in activities outside of work. Make discoveries before boredom catches up with you, and you're stuck on the couch. If you're still stuck in your comfort zone, at least use the Internet for something other than social networking. Online concerts and exhibitions are a dime a dozen, so you can open your mind and have more interesting, cultural conversations.

Leo: Key dates for May 2021

- Sunday, May 2nd, you present convincing arguments that attract the attention of those around you, at home and at work.

- Wednesday, May 12th, your well-controlled energy allows you to act effectively and make your difference without offending anyone's feelings.

- Monday, May 17th, you deploy your energy at the service of the community. You transform what needs to be transformed, and you show that you can be counted on.

- Friday, May 21st, be careful not to exceed your means. Your budget does not allow you to throw money out the window.

- Saturday, May 29th, negotiations are stalling, don't get impatient. Debates will relaunch from June 22nd.

Leo: Advice for May 2021

Venus makes you believe that everything is possible, but this will only be the case if you honestly involve your loved ones in your plans for the future. To make the most of May, do your best without abusing your assets, manipulating, or coercing anyone in the emotional or professional field. Use your energies to evolve, not to hold on to what you have.

Horoscope for May 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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