
Taurus's horoscope for February 2020

Written by Daisy

February wakes up our desires, this is not the time to hibernate but to mobilize to accelerate change and pursue and achieve our goals. After a month of January that shook us, the cosmic backdrop solicits our intuition, our inspiration, and exalts our aspiration to reach an ideal. Now is the moment and the month to search for better, a project of the soul.

Taurus: Love horoscope for February 2020

Love: Take Temporary Breaks!

You start the month with your head and your heart full of projects (until the 7th). Then get ready, Taurus, to withdraw into the shelter of the world. Take time for reflection and sort through what works in your emotional life to launch a new emotional cycle next month on a better foundation. At present you are pushing certain limits that prevent you from fully fulfilling yourself. Focus on what you can learn that will enlighten you about the nature of the relationships you have.

1st decan (April 21st - May 1st): We See Things Differently!

Rather than seeking the safety of the home or a stable relationship, you are claiming more space for yourself. An uncommon attitude for Taurus who does not like change, especially on the emotional level. But since Uranus evolves in your sign, it awakens the desire to emancipate yourself. You feel the ball and chain rather than the need to preserve your home base. Do not rely too much on Venus to warm up the mood. This delicious planet pushes you to ask the right questions between the 7th and the 16th to find out where you are on the personal level and in your relationships. In a Relationship, If the other feels that you are moving away, do not try to prove them wrong. Take the necessary distance between the 7th and 16th to think and know what you want: no question of falling back into the routine. Single, Uranus tickles your thirst for independence. Do not worry, nothing prevents you from loving and being loved. But avoid falling into the trap of confused love.

2nd decan (May 2nd - May 11th): Yes!

You aspire to reach an ideal and you do everything to achieve it. Count on the economy to relay your expectations. Jupiter and Neptune offer you a perfect climate to successfully build plans. Think about how you want to open the future and with whom. In a Relationship, Neptune invites you to believe in miracles while Jupiter clears the way and lets you see big. Everything seems possible if you take the time to think about it. Single, you can deploy your wings in February. It's up to you to choose the destination you like but distinguish between dream and fantasy.

3rd decan (May 12th - May 20th): Reflection is Unavoidable!

After the earthquakes of January, Venus invites you to invent and concretize a world in which you can evolve taking into account who you are and the transformations that you are carrying out. Openings on the 2nd, 3rd, and 11th but do not put pressure on your entourage. At the end of the month, caution is recommended. Do not hit a wall, put your resolutions on "pause". In a Relationship, you know what you might like and you are considering how you might achieve it. You build soft projects at the beginning of the month but face reality so you aren't disappointed at the end of the month. Single, February invites you to consider the future according to your desires but do not think that you will change everything easily. Take a fallback position between the 25th of February and the 5th of March to sort out fantasy from projects that hold the road.

Advice from FREE Horoscope:

A month conducive to retreat, which will help you make wise choices and open a constructive and fulfilling future.

Taurus: The thread of the month for February 2020

The First Week,

The 2nd, projects that are close to your heart seems at hand to you? If you want to realize your dreams use reflection and moderation. The 3rd, it is bys taking into account the reality that your plans will bear fruit. The 5th, debates concerning your future begin. You have arguments to defend your interests but on the 17th, you will meet exasperating delays. Stay cool. The 9th, the full Moon invites you to manage your family relationships even if you are busy outside. Do not neglect your loved ones.

The Second Week,

The 11th, charming and seductive, you captivate whoever you want. Do not take advantage of it to demand too much money or power. The 13th, you are animated with good intentions but beware of yourself if your intentions are not disinterested.

The Third Week

The 17th, the negotiations may not resume fluidly until March. In the meantime, wait without letting go. The 20th, an exceptional cosmic situation allows you to believe in your dreams. The 21st, your energy and your originality seduce. You act more autonomously and personally. The 22nd, you defend your projects and influence those who could help you. The 23rd, the new Moon places your ambitions in your viewfinder. It's your turn!

The Fourth Week,

The 25th, nothing stops you! You move quickly and well. You weave between the pitfalls. The 26th, despite delays and blockages in the exchanges, you continue with tenacity and you change things to your advantage. The 28th, clarify areas of shade on the emotional front and consider the past so you can learn the lessons and not make the same mistakes. The 29th, powerful arguments and a dash of audacity and humor to deploy to advance the debates and close them next month.

Horoscope for February 2020 for all zodiac signs:

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2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs:

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