
Libra's horoscope for December 2023

Written by Daisy

Libra: Astral Climate for December 2023

You're looking for ways to develop your relationships. Whether it's on a relational, sentimental, professional or social level, rely on wise communication to achieve this and steer discussions in the right direction. On the other hand, as far as possible, avoid taking everything for granted, whether in your family or in the expression of your desires, which must be channeled so as not to encroach on the prerogatives of others.

Libra: Mood for December 2023

Determined to do what you please, to assert your desires and ambitions, you overdo it and ask too much of your superior, your bank or the one you love. Don't forget that your desires are not orders.

Libra: Love for December 2023

Craving everything, preferably right away. Venus increases your appetites, which manifest themselves excessively. You need to contain them so that your unbridled quest for the best doesn't turn into an enemy of the good.

In couple: desires drive you to excess. Whether it's spending too much money to please yourself or disturbing the relationship by expressing desires that surprise your partner , calm down.

Single: Venus exalts your senses and your sweet tooth, but takes you too far , your banker will call you to order and you'll be pleased with your reason.

Libra: Money for December 2023

Avoid over-soliciting those who feel you're overstepping the mark and that your requirements don't match their predictions for the profitability of your plans. Some overestimations of your potential end up annoying.

Libra: Work for December 2023

You will defend your ideas and projects with pugnacity and authority. You're not lacking in creativity or audacity to propose plans that go off the beaten track and worry those who are supposed to finance them. Moderate your expectations and appetites.

Libra: Leisure for December 2023

A persistent desire to let yourself go a little, a lot. But if you want to treat yourself, don't lose sight of the fact that your budget has its limits.

Libra: Key dates for December 2023

-The 5th: You put your talents, potential and resources to good use. You have the opportunity to improve the ordinary. If you're feeling stuck, use this tendency to relax the rules.
-The 17th: beware of shooting errors and other misunderstandings arising from poorly controlled communication. To maintain peace of mind and fluid exchanges, think before you act and, above all, before you speak.
-The 18th: exchanges likely to change things for the better in the family. You'll rally support and get everyone to agree on the changes that need to be made, so that everyone benefits.
-On the 21st: don't worry those around you by throwing money away or engaging in speculation that won't reassure those who find you whimsical.
-28th: you risk stirring up trouble if you put pressure on people who don't appreciate your manners. Avoid misunderstandings by communicating unambiguously about your intentions and plans.

Libra: Advice for December 2023

You'll get through the last month of the year without a hitch if you agree to calm down a desire to do as you please without regard for the rules. Beware of excesses that could get you into trouble.

Horoscope for December 2023 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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