
Taurus's horoscope for December 2021

Written by Daisy

Taurus: Astral Climate for December 2021

Your ambitions in love are more apparent at the end of the year; you want to develop your current relationships or look for the rare pearl. Venus enhances all your existing relationships, and you could reach an ideal. From the 21st onwards, the Sun highlights your personality and promises you beautiful encounters, sometimes exotic, always interesting. Mercury, from the 13th, structures your thoughts and makes your speeches forceful, and Mars leaves Scorpio on the 13th, leaving you in a well-deserved calm. The December sky is particularly favorable for you in most areas of your life.

Taurus: Mood for December 2021

Until the 13th, you are a little tense and sometimes in a combative, even irascible mood. Still, things calm down afterward. Except for Jupiter, which encourages all excesses, the sky is beneficial to all your undertakings. You have a lot of charm, which helps you build solid relationships, whether private or social, and these successes make your heart happy. You are benevolent with your loved ones. You share your comfort and serenity.

Taurus: Love for December 2021

You are slowly reaching your goal: to live a story that corresponds to your recent criteria, a bond that inspires you and respects your need to free yourself from the brakes preventing you from truly being yourself. The somewhat tense professional climate could take you away from sentimental or family concerns. Still, you will not lose sight of your important projects, the search for meaningful love, which will allow you to broaden your horizons and evolve. Count on Venus to relay these desires and put passion on the agenda. There is nothing lukewarm or ordinary to fear in December but the ability to elevate the debate.

Taurus: Money for December 2021

Venus retrograde lingers in the friendly sign of Capricorn and allows you to put some money aside. You can also invest wisely, especially in anything involving real estate. But beware of Jupiter, which exposes you to excess, unnecessary spending, and greed. Significantly during the first two weeks, nervous tension and physical fatigue may push you to compulsive purchases, go out without your bank card, pay in cash. It can make a difference!

Taurus: Work for December 2021

Saturn stops overloading you with responsibilities. You have proven yourself. From the 29th, you open another door, your horizons widen. You end the year without dragging your feet. You are open to the future. Uranus connects you to the freedom to be and to act. Jupiter exalts your chances to surpass yourself. Avoid these pitfalls to end the year in beauty: do not lead the debates by force (on the 8th) and do not give the impression to others that you want to direct everything by manipulation.

Taurus: Leisure for December 2021

The sky encourages gluttony but also excesses; it is a perfect month to try out new and healthier recipes and, why not, to prepare more daring and lighter Christmas menus. The Internet is full of great ideas that you can use as inspiration. You could even hold family contests to motivate your loved ones. Your evenings can be a lot of fun if you spend them occasionally without a screen, playing board games, or doing crafts to decorate for the holidays. With an excellent musical background, shimmering lights, and endless conversations, you will strengthen the bonds of the family in a relaxed way.

Taurus: Key dates for December 2021

- On the 4th, the New Moon invites you to change things, to use strategy and intuition to make progress.

- On the 8th, lower your voice if you address your superiors who are not in the mood to put up with your manners.

- On the 20th, you are successfully advancing your pawns on the social chessboard. You are getting your messages across in favor of greater freedom of maneuver.

- On the 26th, if a project insight inspires you, this is the moment to praise its merits.

- On the 29th, the future opens up new perspectives that look promising

Taurus: Advice for December 2021

In December, pressures disappear, and doors open, so go for something new. You are in a position to finish the year, carried by the situation in your favor, so it would be a pity to sabotage your chances, so lower your tone, and everything will be fine!

Horoscope for December 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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