
Aquarius's horoscope for December 2021

Written by Daisy

Aquarius: Astral Climate for December 2021

You have tensions and upheavals to resolve in your family. You need to take a step back from the situation to better manage your emotional life. However, a step towards maturity has been taken, and you have paid the price. This evolution was unavoidable to grow and blossom more authentically. You can now succeed fully, in agreement with yourself.

Aquarius: Mood for December 2021

December is mixed, and you feel torn by conflicting emotions. This could lead to moments of high tension, followed by more serene stretches. The most challenging thing will be to keep your mood stable. Until the 13th, Mercury helps you to express yourself, but Mars puts the brakes on your activities; until the 21st, the Sun adorns you with a sweet charm to be savored. Venus is a little bit in the background all month long, and this sentimental coldness could put you off in certain circumstances. For December and the New Year's Eve celebrations to be peaceful or provocative, it depends a lot on you and the maturity you will show...

Aquarius: Love for December 2021

You want to make changes in your family. You need more freedom and space, but this implies responsibilities to be assumed. A slow transformation is taking place in the shadows. Either you draw a line under a conception of love that no longer suits you, or you understand that it is time to approach the relationship differently and more securely. Until the 29th, Jupiter will accompany you on your journey towards greater happiness and fulfillment. This is the result of an inner quest that is beginning to show on the outside. From the 13th onwards, you can count on your stunning charm and sensuality to strengthen your emotional ties.

Aquarius: Money for December 2021

Beware of Neptune that runs through your financial sector: don't take your dreams for reality and don't trust too many nice words. You are in a position to get ripped off. For the rest, your finances are somewhat protected as Jupiter and Saturn combine to increase them and then stabilize them. This is an excellent month to make a significant investment, provided you get information from reliable people and understand your limits. Under these conditions, you could make a fantastic real estate deal or build up promising capital.

Aquarius: Work for December 2021

Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish from now on. Get ready to welcome Jupiter on the 29th, which will contribute to your good fortune and develop your talents. Saturn brings you back to earth and the essentials: your main task is to restructure yourself from within. Some blockages in your family life may remind you of this in a painful way. Until the 13th, you will count on an offensive Mars to assert your ambitions but avoid making yourself too conspicuous, at the risk of being mistrusted. Give up on promoting fancy financing plans if you want people to really want to follow you.

Aquarius: Leisure for December 2021

Take advantage of the first two weeks to prepare your New Year's Eve celebrations with family or friends. Afterward, your mind will be more focused on your personal interests. In any case, get some fresh air and physical exercise to limit the nervous tension that may be felt from time to time. This is an excellent month to pamper yourself. Don't hesitate to treat yourself, whether it's a massage, a spa day, or a beauty salon. You could also fulfill your attraction for unusual experiences by renting a perched cabin or a yurt in a bucolic setting for a weekend. Whatever your state of mind, entertain yourself. It's often the best remedy to the gloom.

Aquarius: Key dates for December 2021

- On the 6th, rely on your hidden resources to establish your authority without making waves.

- On the 11th, you will move in the right direction by taking a step back from your emotions. The current passes between you and those who support your projects.

- On the 19th, the Full Moon favors love affairs and the expression of your talents.

- On the 26th, take the necessary distance to negotiate to your advantage. Whether it's about talents to be exploited or money, rely on your intuition to guide your initiatives.

- On the 30th, determined to realize your projects, rely on reflection and patience to bring them to fruition.

Aquarius: Advice for December 2021

In December, you are completing a cycle of introspection and strengthening your personality on a more mature basis. Do not rush into anything for the moment. You need to breathe first. Try to put the surrounding pressures into perspective to have the necessary distance to deal with them without stress. Don't let yourself get carried away by the situation. Remain cautious.

Horoscope for December 2021 for all zodiac signs:

Horoscope September 2024

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