December is the last month of an eventful year where the worst has rubbed shoulders with the best. On the one hand, a nasty virus, small dictators, and liberticidal laws. On the other hand, the solidarity of the fragile, so strong in their souls. Saturn induces responsibilities and constraints from the 17th, Jupiter opens different paths to help us reinvent a world more in line with Aquarius's values. We want to free ourselves from an old world that pulls us back. Let's hope that this rebirth does not come up against the immobility of those who cling to the sinking raft in 2021.
Sagittarius: Love horoscope for December 2020
Love: Take Account?
You refuse to go unnoticed. You spread your wings and launch a new cycle of expansion. Venus invites you to take a step back from your emotional life: what have you lived, what have you learned? What do you want to keep or leave behind, to grow or not to grow? From the 15th, this delicious planet invests in your sign. Count on it to strengthen your radiance,
Sagittarius, and your desire to love.
1st decan (November 23rd - December 2nd) A Breath of Fresh Air and Optimism!
The first fortnight signals a new beginning in terms of relationships. Jupiter and Saturn cross paths in your theme, time to reconsider your links with your loved ones and warm up the atmosphere unless an opportunity arises to get involved on a social level, in a field related to communication, transmission, or travel. Events likely to put a smile back on your face, even if the climate remains difficult.
2nd decan (December 3rd - December 12th) Spare Your Entourage!
Until the 7th, Venus invites you to refine your projects concerning family or a life ideal that will guide your choices. You are inspired on the 6th, but then don't slip up by imposing your vision of things and others' future. Around the 9th, 13th, and 30th, you tend to make decisions without listening to others' opinions. Misunderstandings can result from this attitude.
3rd decan (December 13th - December 21st) Make Sure You're Safe First!
Take a step back from your emotional life and channel your emotions to guide you in constructive ways to learn from the past. Reflection will help you tap into your gifts, strengthen your potential and increase your income. You use your emotional world wisely to expand your room for maneuver and your income. Now is the time to learn from the past to move forward and ensure greater material security.
Advice from FREE Horoscope
Romantic love is not included in the program. You reflect so that your outside world will allow you to envisage the future of your private life and your family in confidence. Focus on these priorities. When you are well settled, it will be easier to abandon yourself again to the vertigo of love.
Sagittarius: The thread of the month for December 2020
The First Week,
The 6th, it is by channelling your emotions that you will steer your initiatives in the right direction. Keep up the momentum to reach an ideal of family life or settle down in
better conditions.
The 9th, if you take the reins and don't consult your loved ones on issues that concern them, you will sow doubt and mistrust in people's minds.
The 10th, intuition and feelings help you grow: by acting with hindsight, you will make the most of growth opportunities.
The 11th, a real force to be put at the service of your interests. Nothing is holding you back, and you want to attract attention, but don't abuse this conquering energy to trample on other people's flowerbeds.
The 13th, to achieve unanimity around your private or family projects, ask others for their opinion before they disapprove of your way of managing stewardship, your future, and theirs.
The Second Week,
The 14th, the New Moon invites you to shine and launch a new cycle of expansion by learning from the past. Count on a controlled emotional climate to skillfully push your pawns with every chance of winning the game.
The 15th, you will have enough hindsight on the events that destabilized you in the past to overcome the resistance that prevented you from blossoming. Don't hesitate to deploy your energy to express your creativity and your legitimate right to praise your merits.
The 20th, you know how to put yourself forward and plead your case. Now is the time to put yourself in the spotlight.
The Third Week,
The 21st, the economic situation invites you to seize opportunities, get involved, warm up the atmosphere, and close ranks despite a tense, even dark celestial climate.
The 23rd, don't expect us to follow your instructions without flinching. You risk disappointing those who are willing to support you, but not at any cost.
The 25th, daring, and courage are all you need to break away from a daily routine that ends up boring you. Change things in the most creative way possible.
The Fourth Week,
The 30th, the Full Moon accentuates negotiations related to obtaining a loan and exchanges concerning an inheritance. Play fair with everyone and don't manipulate anyone in the family: you will awaken or confirm doubts about your good intentions.
Horoscope for December 2020 for all zodiac signs:
Horoscope October 2024
2020 horoscope for all zodiac signs: