Your desire to lead can find exciting opportunities. If you manage to be convincing without overdoing it, you could form a great team to build an important project. You've got something to keep you busy all week, and you're not complaining. Success is within your grasp because you are determined.

This week in love for Pisces
You take yourself for a knight of the sky, an astronaut, or an original seducer, and you are also in love with a shooting star, a lion tamer or an alien. You are attracted to the new, but perhaps the original will crown your expectations... Flirting and banter are not appropriate, so you must be serious in your relationships if you want to keep the agreement cordial.

Pisces, your finances this week
You won't think for very long if you have an essential purchase to make. Financially everything is fine. Why wait? You are right, the time is right, don't refuse anything. This week all temptations are possible. You have the means. You could even give in to impulse buying on the spur of the moment. So it's a week of luck, the context is favourable, you can try anything.

This week in shape, Pisces
Concentrate on your professional goals and the satisfaction that your love life can bring you, but avoid focusing on what is not going well. Otherwise, you'll be constantly on edge and have better things to do. Use your reserves to develop your entrepreneurial spirit and creativity and forget about excessive demands for a while.

Pisces, this week at work
Heaven weighs on your daily life by increasing your workload and imposing on you more and more responsibilities. But you're not in the mood to let yourself be pushed around. You don't give in to discouragement and are supported by exceptional energy. You manage your work with panache and courage!

Pisces: your advice for next week
You are capable of making inordinate efforts to achieve your desires, and this is an excellent thing. But you must also think about maintaining your physical condition so that you feel comfortable and have maximum energy. Optimism is your best asset at the moment. It allows you to look at everything with beautiful serenity.
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